I'm not a lawyer either (though I was accepted by Cornell Law School, just couldn't cover the nut or figure a way to keep my family fed by giving up employment).
As to the will and way, they have already been slapped for trying to remove him from the ballot. Their only chance now is "good old fashioned cheating".
You know, in sports or especially contests of wits - I detest the very idea of cheating, on my own behalf. WINNING is knowing that on a fair field, YOU were the best. It's just not satisfying to cheat, not knowing if you could have won.
It's why I like so much Trump's attitude that "revenge" will be measured - in actual success. That is, if he gets elected, and is able to bring prosperity and success to the country - then it doesn't matter - the results will prove that he was right.
Of course - it's politics and the rewards for many are the acquisition and maintaining of power. So by that measure - it wouldn't matter if you cheat, so long as you're in office, and the other guy is NOT.
But I would think ANY reasonable voter would want to know - why does any party want to make SURE you can't vote for the guy?
If he is THAT BAD - why can't you just let the voters reject him?