Bin Laden Plot Fizzed...Unfortunately?


Super Genius
New on Drudge...
Osama bin Laden tried to buy a massive amount of cocaine, spike it with poison and sell it in the United States, hoping to kill thousands of Americans one year after the 9/11 attacks, the NEW YORK POST reported on Tuesday.

The evil plot failed when the Colombian drug lords bin Laden approached decided it would be bad for their business - and, possibly, for their own health, according to law-enforcement sources familiar with the Drug Enforcement Administration's probe of the aborted transaction.

The feds were told of the scheme earlier this year, but its existence had never been made public.

The Post has reviewed a document detailing the DEA's findings in the matter, in addition to interviewing sources familiar with the case.
Strangely, it could have been a good thing if he was able to pull it off...wipe out some coke heads and possibly wipe out the market for cocain market and drug lords in the process. IMHO, It could have been a good thing for the US.


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
IMHO, It could have been a good thing for the US.
Yeah, this one would have hurt. We'd better watch out; he may next go after our child molesters! It's too bad those drug lords had to suddenly turn "moral"... as if they're trying to guard cocaine's clean, healthy image.



New Member
huntr1 said:
I have to admit, I am torn as to wether or not this would have been a bad thing.

He could have been hailed as a national hero! Imagine that it could have save the US billions of dollars spent on drug war and scare the living sh*t of the cokeheads that may have survive.