Binge-drink women may lose right to claim rape




Women who are raped while drunk face losing the chance to bring their attackers to justice after a legal ruling on the eve of new licensing laws.

A High Court judge yesterday threw out the case of a student who claimed that she was raped while drunk and unconscious on the basis that “drunken consent is still consent”.

All I can say is "it's about time!"


There is a difference between unconscious and drunk. If she is passed out then it is rape, if she is drunk and says yes, then it is not rape. JMO.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

I don't think a woman is fair game for rape if she gets drunk and passes out. If she got all skeezy while hammered and offered herself up, that's a different story and I agree with Camily - that's not rape.

However, I also think that this ruling might make women think twice about getting so drunk in the first place, so this might be a good thing.


New Member
If she's unconscious , I think it should be rape. She didn't have the opportunity to say no.

But as Vrai says, if she's in the process of pulling her own clothes off & passes out, maybe it's not rape. But who wants to do an unconscious chick?? :confused:
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vraiblonde said:

I don't think a woman is fair game for rape if she gets drunk and passes out. If she got all skeezy while hammered and offered herself up, that's a different story and I agree with Camily - that's not rape.

However, I also think that this ruling might make women think twice about getting so drunk in the first place, so this might be a good thing.

My thoughts exactly. Its about responsibility. She should be held accountable for her action drunk or not drunk. She choose to drink, she should live with the consequences of getting hammered and then CONSENTING to sex. I also think the guy should show a little discretion too (Kazz I just do)...but I guess that's a different topic. :smile:


This Space for Rent
The prosecution in the rape case had said it could not go on after the woman admitted that she could not remember whether she gave consent or not or whether sex had taken place. The jury at Swansea Crown Court was told: “Drunken consent is still consent.”

That is the crux of the problem right there. The only reason she claimed rape is because she said she would have never had sex with that man, but she can't validate that she didn't agree. There are many people who have had sex with people they would have never had sex with if they weren't drunk off their ass.


Football addict
I wonder what Sean's thoughts are on this...


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I think the situation should be treated in the same way that drunk driving is handled. No one is forced to go out drinking, no one is forced to drive a car, and no one is forced to allow themself to get picked up, taken home, and laid. It should be no surprise to anyone these days that drinking alcohol impairs the judgement of men just as much as it does women, and there's no reason why women should be able to claim a defense of impairment while a man can't.

I don't know of too many people who get all dressed up or dolled up and go clubbing for the purpose of having a few drinks and going home alone. They go out to meet someone, and if you drink too much and screw up I think the responsibility for the outcome should be shared. A woman can't pass out and be raped if she doesn't get smashed in the first place. If she can say no to sex she can say no to those extra drinks.


Working for the weekend
I don't know of too many people who get all dressed up or dolled up and go clubbing for the purpose of having a few drinks and going home alone.

Sorry, I cannot agree with that one. Maybe they are looking to meet someone, if it happens it happens. Not every women wants to take someone home. The bottom line is this, if a woman says no, drunk or not, and a man still proceeds that is rape. If she wakes up in the morning and cannot remember who is laying next to her, that is just being stupid, not rape.


Active Member
I think if she isn’t conscious its rape... but I agree, if maybe sleazy if she’s drunk and the guy isn’t but hell, wake up next to a girl and say "sh#t I need to get her outa here before my friends see this" you cant claim rape...

Even with alcohol impairing you, it is still you making the decision...


FromTexas said:
The only reason she claimed rape is because she said she would have never of had sex with me, but she can't validate that she didn't agree. There are many people who have had sex with me, but they would have never had sex with me if they weren't drunk off their ass.

Thank you for sharing. :whistle:
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harleygirl said:
Sorry, I cannot agree with that one. Maybe they are looking to meet someone, if it happens it happens. Not every women wants to take someone home. The bottom line is this, if a woman says no, drunk or not, and a man still proceeds that is rape. If she wakes up in the morning and cannot remember who is laying next to her, that is just being stupid, not rape.

Ok... so I'm thinking we can agree with the concept that she's getting dolled up and headed to the bar to find some company, and "if it happens, it happens." But then the woman makes a concious decision to drink, which she knows will impair her judgement, BUT she's not to be held accountable for that???

I think that most of us are being selectively naive in this matter. For you ladies, we guys do not go to bars to look for women to take home to meet mom. We're there looking for a quick score, and if things evolve from there great, and if not that's great too. We aren't out there looking for long-term commitments or marriages. So I have to wonder if a woman is not going out to a bar looking for the same thing, then what are they going out there for? Do they really think they're going to find Mr. Right hanging over a Captain & Coke at the Dew Drop Inn?

I think the reality is that you'all get dolled up so that you'll catch some guy's attention. I mean what other point is there? And if you know that you're going to be laying out the bait, why then take actions (drinking) that you know will impair your judgement?

Lastly, since most everybody who goes to a bar is out drinking, why is it that only the woman's judgement is impaired? The guy is likely equally impaired, yet he's expected to be the judge of when a woman is tipsy and saying no, impaired and saying maybe, faced and begging, etc. Sorry ladies, but you've been crying for equality, and that means taking the good with the bad. If you go out and get smashed and bang some smashed guy, you've both messed up equally.


Working for the weekend
[ So I have to wonder if a woman is not going out to a bar looking for the same thing, then what are they going out there for? Do they really think they're going to find Mr. Right hanging over a Captain & Coke at the Dew Drop Inn? quote

I think the reality is that you'all get dolled up so that you'll catch some guy's attention. I mean what other point is there? And if you know that you're going to be laying out the bait, why then take actions (drinking) that you know will impair your judgement?

I always get "dolled up" no matter where I go, it is called taking pride in yourself and trying to look your best. I also go out to clubs on occasion with friends, because hubby works nights. I do not go out to troll, just to unwind with other girlfriends who want to relax and have a drink.

You kind of remind me of my dear old father years ago. He was a D.C. police undercover, working in the sex squad. He went to speak to an all female audience about rape prevention and told them that maybe they needed to dress more conservatively and not walk around thier apartments wearing little baby doll pajamas. Well, that landed him on the cover of Washingtonian Magazine as the ten top male chauvanists of the year. Nixon was #1.

Yestersday at dinner my 20 something barbie doll niece came for dinner dressed in her usual tight little attire. She saw an older relative their and whispered to me and my dad maybe she should have dressed in more conservative clothing. My father told her she looked great, alot of women would love to be able to look and dress like her. I was so proud, years of raising me, a hard headed strong willed female finally broke him down!!


New Member
harleygirl said:
I always get "dolled up" no matter where I go, it is called taking pride in yourself and trying to look your best. I also go out to clubs on occasion with friends, because hubby works nights. I do not go out to troll, just to unwind with other girlfriends who want to relax and have a drink.
Lets keep things in context here.... a group of middleaged women out for a drink or two, who sit together, stay together, leave together etc... are a far cry from a young hottie who decides to bop out alone or with a girlfriend, drinks like a sailor then leaves with a young man.

Bruzilla said:
So I have to wonder if a woman is not going out to a bar looking for the same thing, then what are they going out there for? Do they really think they're going to find Mr. Right hanging over a Captain & Coke at the Dew Drop Inn?

I think the reality is that you'all get dolled up so that you'll catch some guy's attention. I mean what other point is there? And if you know that you're going to be laying out the bait, why then take actions (drinking) that you know will impair your judgement?
Bruz. is right on target!! If women want things equal, then they have to accept equal responsibility when they choose to wake up next to a guy after a night of partying.


Working for the weekend
Mikeinsmd said:
Lets keep things in context here.... a group of middleaged women out for a drink or two, who sit together, stay together, leave together etc... are a far cry from a young hottie who decides to bop out alone or with a girlfriend, drinks like a sailor then leaves with a young man.

Bruz. is right on target!! If women want things equal, then they have to accept equal responsibility when they choose to wake up next to a guy after a night of partying.

You called me middle-aged!! You just popped my ego like a ballon!! :bawl:


Well-Known Member
harleygirl said:
You called me middle-aged!! You just popped my ego like a ballon!! :bawl:

My father told her she looked great, alot of women would love to be able to look and dress like her. I was so proud, years of raising me, a hard headed strong willed female finally broke him down!!

Do you think it's possible that your father has mellowed only because he doesn't see the results of a chick flashing her azz on a daily basis anymore?


curiouser and curiouser
harleygirl said:
I always get "dolled up" no matter where I go
:yeahthat: and I have absolutely no intention of hooking up with someone or bringing someone home. First of all, I'm married. Second, before I was married, before I met my husband, I still had no intention of going home with someone. Some people do just go out to have a few drinks, dance, etc. Not everyone goes out with the intention of having sex. To presume that every woman in a bar is looking to get banged is ridiculous.


Nickel said:
:yeahthat: and I have absolutely no intention of hooking up with someone or bringing someone home. First of all, I'm married. Second, before I was married, before I met my husband, I still had no intention of going home with someone. Some people do just go out to have a few drinks, dance, etc. Not everyone goes out with the intention of having sex. To presume that every woman in a bar is looking to get banged is ridiculous.

Why does it have to be all or nothing? Sometimes folks go out looking for some action and sometimes they feel like just going out to hang out. :shrug: