Binge drinking a serious problem for women


New Member
I gave up diet coke as of the end of last year. I'm thinking I need to take up vodka.

I can assure you vodka will be a whole lot better for you!
Diet Soda Linked to Depression in NIH Study - US News and World Report

Not to mention the possible long term side effects of aspartame/
"The Strange Reason Diet Soda Makes You Fat"
How Soda Is Making You Fat | Men's Health News

Diet soda makes you fat by wrecking metabolism and appetite, say studies - National diets |


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They say a glass of red wine every night is good for you. What's the big deal if you save up and have them all at once?


They say a glass of red wine every night is good for you. What's the big deal if you save up and have them all at once?

I don't know but if that means a binge, then it sounds like you are safer off doing 4 or more everynight to avoide the "binge" drinking syndrom if you ask me :shrug:
I don't know but if that means a binge, then it sounds like you are safer off doing 4 or more everynight to avoide the "binge" drinking syndrom if you ask me :shrug:

The definition of "binge" is to do more at one time than is considered healthy. What they are trying to explain to you is having 1 drink a night for for nights is healthier than 4 or more in one night. In a nutshell, alcohol is a poison and drinking it puts an immediate strain on your pancreas and liver. They body can handle it safer in small amounts than it can when you overload it all at once.


Binge drinking is waking up the next morning in the yard of some place you have no idea where it is with a dog pissing in your face.


PREMO Member
admittedly this was a guy,

but I have this friend in the 90's he was a case of Budweiser a day drinker


took him that much to get a buzz ......