birth experience at St. Mary's Hospital


New Member
I had a terrible birth experience last September at St. Mary's Hospital and I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same. My doc was Dr. Davis. The epidural didn't work, and I was pushing for almost 3 hours. When I finally asked for help, he used forceps and no episiotomy. I tore significantly. One of the nurses was so unfriendly and insensitive the entire day. I should have asked for a different one that day. I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer to discuss medical malpractice. Anyone have any input?


I bowl overhand
I had a terrible birth experience last September at St. Mary's Hospital and I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same. My doc was Dr. Davis. The epidural didn't work, and I was pushing for almost 3 hours. When I finally asked for help, he used forceps and no episiotomy. I tore significantly. One of the nurses was so unfriendly and insensitive the entire day. I should have asked for a different one that day. I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer to discuss medical malpractice. Anyone have any input?

What malpractice?
What malpractice?
:yeahthat: And they title of your thread makes it sound like you have an issue with the hospital when what you are complaining about has nothing to do with the hospital at all...:confused: And for the record, not all epidurals work so that isn't malpractice. Why are you considering a lawsuit almost a full year later... I don't get it?


I am so very blessed
I had a positively wonderful birth experience at St. Mary's Hospital. The doctors were proactive, the nursing staff was knowledgeable, friendly and helpful, and the room was very comfortable. There isn't a thing that I would have changed.


New Member
:yeahthat: And they title of your thread makes it sound like you have an issue with the hospital when what you are complaining about has nothing to do with the hospital at all...:confused: And for the record, not all epidurals work so that isn't malpractice. Why are you considering a lawsuit almost a full year later... I don't get it?

She experienced pain during childbirth :whistle:


New Member
I gave birth to my daughter 3 years ago at St. Mary's Hospital. I think the doctors and staff were great! Even with the epidural only numbing my right side and the emergency c-section!

People today are way to sue happy! That's why it's hard to find an OBGYN these days. Insurance for deliverying a baby is so high for them, they drop the OB part.

As far as the episiotomy, some doctors do not do this. They feel you will heal faster and could have less complications if you tear naturally. Read this: All about episiotomy | BabyCenter

Is your child happy & healthy? Then be grateful!


Dr. Davis does not do the epidural so don't be mad at him for that. If you can't handle pain of child birth, don't have a baby. Is it suppose to be pleasurable to push a baby out of your vagina? Grow up.


New Member
I am really sorry you had a bad birth experience. It is such a life-altering experience for all mothers and to feel like yours didn't go the way you wanted 9 months later is a bummer. I had a negative experience with my first birth and when we found ourselves pregnant with our second we chose to go with a midwifery practice which provided us with more control over our birth plan and hired a doula. It was a healing birth experience and changed my personal view of birth.

There aren't very many midwives in MD and unless something has changed recently, I don't think there are any that deliver at St Mary's Hospital. For our 3rd and 4th here in Maryland we chose to have homebirths attended by midwives from Virginia -- WONDERFUL experiences and I would do it again if we were to have more (we are done). Home births aren't for everyone, but you may want to consider hiring a doula next time you get pregnant, she can help whether you use pain medication or not and sort of act a buffer between you an the hospital staff.

Please find a way to come to terms with your birth other than suing. It is difficult enough to find a GYN in Maryland as it stands. Unless you or your child's health was in danger I don't see any point in suing.

Take Care


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You think that hurt, wait till he stuffs the kid back in there. That'll teach you to complain.


I bowl overhand
I gave birth to my daughter 3 years ago at St. Mary's Hospital. I think the doctors and staff were great! Even with the epidural only numbing my right side and the emergency c-section!

People today are way to sue happy! That's why it's hard to find an OBGYN these days. Insurance for deliverying a baby is so high for them, they drop the OB part.

As far as the episiotomy, some doctors do not do this. They feel you will heal faster and could have less complications if you tear naturally. Read this: All about episiotomy | BabyCenter

Is your child happy & healthy? Then be grateful!

I've known two women (now three) that gave birth at St Mary's, and they ALL had "emergency" C-Sections. Makes you go .."hmmmmmmm"


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I had a terrible birth experience last September at St. Mary's Hospital and I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same. My doc was Dr. Davis. The epidural didn't work, and I was pushing for almost 3 hours. When I finally asked for help, he used forceps and no episiotomy. I tore significantly. One of the nurses was so unfriendly and insensitive the entire day. I should have asked for a different one that day. I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer to discuss medical malpractice. Anyone have any input?

P.S. Child birth is not a walk in the park.



Luvin Life !!!
Did you deliver a healthy child? If so then you need to let this go and focus on being the best mom you can be. Unless your child has a physical disabilty due to the conditions of the birth you have no cause of action for a lawsuit. In the future if you do not desire to be in pain then use birth control to avoid future pain.


New Member
I've known two women (now three) that gave birth at St Mary's, and they ALL had "emergency" C-Sections. Makes you go .."hmmmmmmm"

Had nothing to do with the Hospital, my daughter had wrapped the umbilical cord around her neck twice...every contraction was choking her, so they rushed me into the OR to get her out ASAP.