birth experience at St. Mary's Hospital


I bowl overhand
3 out of how many hundreds of women that give birth there every year?

100% of the women that I personally know that have given birth there.. at night.

WOuld have to see the stat for % born by C - Section between the hours of say 6 PM to midnight or 2AM
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I bowl overhand
I gave birth c-section....:love:

My mommy is a nurse nice buster....:lol:

Trust me, we have NOTHING but great things to say about the nurses..

They did a GREAT job for all involved.

And I think it was a nurse that whispered in our ears.. "if she doesn't have this baby soon, it's getting late.... "


Anyone have any input?

The way I understand it, labor is usually unpleasant.

If your kid has 10 fingers, 10 toes and is breathing, eating, sleeping properly, forget about the hospital and enjoy being a new mom.



Dream Stealer
This is exactly why I never wanted to work in OB and avoided it at all costs when they had a need for a tech, I volunteered to go to the pysch ward..and would pick it over OB any day of the week.. Annoying ass new mothers who are mad that they are in pain. Suck it up. Women used to go work in the fields..go sit on a stool to give birth wrap the damn thing up and then go hoe some more corn. that sounds like a "terrible birth experience" And the nurse probably seemed unfriendly because you sound like a "demanding" (read:pain in the ass) patient. Perhaps you are suffering from post partum depression andare looking for something to blame your feelings on..try seeing a doc or support may make you feel all seriousness..often women who deal with depression look for a "reason" why they are feeling the way they do..blaming the birth or complications, or the doc is common. Do yourself and your child a favor and get some help if you aren't feeling "right"

As for why there are more c-sections thesedays..duh. ambulance chasers are now joined by stroller chasers. Docs are afraid of taking any risk anymore and opt for the c-section if things even get remotely hairy.

Couldn't pay me to work in OB. I will take the crazies any day.


This is exactly why I never wanted to work in OB and avoided it at all costs when they had a need for a tech, I volunteered to go to the pysch ward..and would pick it over OB any day of the week.. Annoying ass new mothers who are mad that they are in pain. Suck it up. Women used to go work in the fields..go sit on a stool to give birth wrap the damn thing up and then go hoe some more corn. that sounds like a "terrible birth experience" And the nurse probably seemed unfriendly because you sound like a "demanding" (read:pain in the ass) patient. Perhaps you are suffering from post partum depression andare looking for something to blame your feelings on..try seeing a doc or support may make you feel all seriousness..often women who deal with depression look for a "reason" why they are feeling the way they do..blaming the birth or complications, or the doc is common. Do yourself and your child a favor and get some help if you aren't feeling "right"

As for why there are more c-sections thesedays..duh. ambulance chasers are now joined by stroller chasers. Docs are afraid of taking any risk anymore and opt for the c-section if things even get remotely hairy.

Couldn't pay me to work in OB. I will take the crazies any day.



New Member
I had a terrible birth experience last September at St. Mary's Hospital and I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same. My doc was Dr. Davis. The epidural didn't work, and I was pushing for almost 3 hours. When I finally asked for help, he used forceps and no episiotomy. I tore significantly. One of the nurses was so unfriendly and insensitive the entire day. I should have asked for a different one that day. I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer to discuss medical malpractice. Anyone have any input?

What exactly would you sue for?? Have you any idea what a hard labor is? Because if you think that was it, I surely hope you don't plan to have any more children!!

For one, the use of forceps does not allow for tearing! And for another, most doctors don't do episiotomies anymore! Think of a piece of paper - it's more likely to tear if there's already a rip in it. I delivered my first child without forceps and I tore 3 different directions (and she was only a 6 pounder!). Of yeah - and I had to have 3 episiotomies and still felt pain. Just like most people, there are different tolerances, and different labors. My daughter was back labor and the anesthesiologist wasn't sure an epi would work at all.

Like others have said, if your child was born healthy you've no rights to complain!!!


I had a terrible birth experience last September at St. Mary's Hospital and I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same. My doc was Dr. Davis. The epidural didn't work, and I was pushing for almost 3 hours. When I finally asked for help, he used forceps and no episiotomy. I tore significantly. One of the nurses was so unfriendly and insensitive the entire day. I should have asked for a different one that day. I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer to discuss medical malpractice. Anyone have any input?

What malpractice? Nothing you describe is medical malpractice. Sorry you didn't enjoy your childbirthing experience. You should be ecstatic that you gave birth to a healthy baby. My wife just gave birth there last month and their actions and treatment were nothing but exemplary and I have nothing but the best to say about the hospital and staff.