Birth Plan


Well-Known Member
Did anyone have one of these? If so what did you have on there? Did your Dr. follow your request?

I have never had one before w/ the other kids, but someone was mentioning they were getting together a birthing plan and they had some really good ideas in there... and since this is the last one I figured why not right :lol:


I am so very blessed
I don't see any need for one.

Women have been having babies for centuries without needing one. Why start now?

Any if your doctor doesn't know how to birth a baby by now, you don't need a birthing plan, you need a new doctor. :yay:
Since this is the 50th baby you'd be birthing, and the last one is still a little tot. I would simply assume you and yours would go on auto-pilot... no plan needed. :baby:


Well-Known Member
I didn't have one, but my doctor did just fine without one. :lol:

I don't see any need for one.

Women have been having babies for centuries without needing one. Why start now?

Any if your doctor doesn't know how to birth a baby by now, you don't need a birthing plan, you need a new doctor. :yay:


I was just reminded about the monitors they keep you hooked up too, you know the ones that if you move a milimeter the alarms go off and everyone rushes in to readjust you... I hated that! I was wondering if you could have it your birth plan to not be hooked up to that the whole time :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Since this is the 50th baby you'd be birthing, and the last one is still a little tot. I would simply assume you and yours would go on auto-pilot... no plan needed. :baby:

No my deliveries are never easy. I have had to be induced every single time :bawl:


Well-Known Member
Did anyone have one of these? If so what did you have on there? Did your Dr. follow your request?

I have never had one before w/ the other kids, but someone was mentioning they were getting together a birthing plan and they had some really good ideas in there... and since this is the last one I figured why not right :lol:

I had one for both my kids. My doctor basically had a questionaire of our preferences in different situations. whether or not we intended to go natural or with an epideral, when and how often we wanted the monitors on, yes or no on an episiotomy, that kind of stuff.

we found it very helpful to be able to give our preferences on everything while we were still clear headed and not in the middle of labor.

our doctor followed everything we put in our plan.


Well-Known Member
my birth plan for the last one was a scheduled c-section. NOPE, not even that worked as planed, she came two days ahead of the scheduled c-section. :killingme
For my first born, I planned on having an 8-week maternity leave vacation. I ordered my very first PC and had it loaded with C++, Basic and a couple other programming languages. I figured I could use the 8 weeks off from work to learn some new stuff while my newborn was sleeping. :smile:

17 years later and I still don't know C++...:bawl:


Loving My Life...
My plan was to make it to 40 weeks this time and then have him asap.. That plan worked out.. 2 days after my 40 week I was induced...


New Member
I had one for both my kids. My doctor basically had a questionaire of our preferences in different situations. whether or not we intended to go natural or with an epideral, when and how often we wanted the monitors on, yes or no on an episiotomy, that kind of stuff.

we found it very helpful to be able to give our preferences on everything while we were still clear headed and not in the middle of labor.

our doctor followed everything we put in our plan.

ditto - I caved on mine for the first, I was a big pussy and couldn't handle the pain :howdy: LOL For the second one, I knew a little bit more of what I was getting into and stipulated that I did NOT want an epidural - unless medically necessary (emergency section or something) and boy my doctor held me to that! I whined a bit but in the end I am really glad that I didn't do the epi (I had some complications from it the first time)

I found it more handy for nurses and stuff when you are sort of 'loopy' after the baby is born... if you don't want a bottle given, if you don't want any vaccinations right away, that sort of thing - it's all there on paper and they know your wishes without you having to ponder that stuff while not of sound mind... LOL

If there really isn't anything you feel strongly on and trust your doctor, then I think you really don't *need* one - but if there are things you really want to make sure happen or not, then by all means, write it down and go over it with your doctor.


Well-Known Member
If there really isn't anything you feel strongly on and trust your doctor, then I think you really don't *need* one - but if there are things you really want to make sure happen or not, then by all means, write it down and go over it with your doctor.

Before it wasnt a big deal because it was only my obgyn... now there are 2 other obgyn's in the practice 1 of which I really dont care for. My main thing is being hooked to that monitoring machine the whole time, I'd prefer not to have that done.
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Active Member
In my child birth class they did a little test to see who thought they would use what drugs during delivery...

They had signs all around the room for different drug options...From epidural to No Drugs...

Everyone (but me) went to the No Drugs sign (with twins I was pretty sure I'd have a c-section and with the bottom baby transverse I was right)

I wonder how many of them actually went drug free the whole way?


I did! When I started going into labor, my plan was to birth that baby as soon as possible! 23 hours later and she arrived with a lot of dark, beautiful hair! :bawl:

I don't see any need for one.

Women have been having babies for centuries without needing one. Why start now?

Any if your doctor doesn't know how to birth a baby by now, you don't need a birthing plan, you need a new doctor. :yay:
It's really for the mother, things she wants and doesn't want if all things go as planned and there are no complications. It has nothing to do with the Doctor and his or her competence unless, again, there are complications and the Doctor says it has to be done this way or the baby will be in harm's way.

No my deliveries are never easy. I have had to be induced every single time :bawl:
Maybey this time you can put in your birth plan that you do not wish to be induced unless there is a threat to you or the baby's life :shrug:

Before it wasnt a big deal because it was only my obgyn... now there are 2 other obgyn's in the practice 1 of which I really dont care for. My main thing is being hooked to that monitoring machine the whole time, I'd prefer not to have that done.
That's the thing, you want EVERYBODY in the office that is going to attend your birth to be in the know. You also want to make a copy for all the nurses that will be attending to you in the hospital as well.

Like I said, it's all the things that are important to you, things that make you comfortable. You can ask to labor in the tub for a while, labor in the shower, use the mirror during delivery, you can ask not to be cut or to be cut, you can ask to have all of the staff address you as "Your Majesty". If baby permits and labor is normal then you can have this.


New Member
In my child birth class they did a little test to see who thought they would use what drugs during delivery...

They had signs all around the room for different drug options...From epidural to No Drugs...

Everyone (but me) went to the No Drugs sign (with twins I was pretty sure I'd have a c-section and with the bottom baby transverse I was right)

I wonder how many of them actually went drug free the whole way?

I didn't want drugs either - like I said, I wimped out... LOL

I will admit, to me there was a big difference between an epidural and IV drugs. The epidural really slowed me down the first time around, made the labor drag out, I felt like I couldn't push, not to mention that I had killer headaches for a few days. I was pretty adamant about IV drugs only the second time around, unless in the case of a c-section like you said.

To each his own I guess. I know people who really have done the 'no drug' thing, and by that I mean not even so much as an ibuprofen. I also know people who have scheduled c-sections for absolutely no reason, other than they wanted to pick their kids' birthday. I think that's lame personally, but it's not my body/child so I try to keep my mouth shut.

Lovin, I'd definitely have one if there is more than one doc in your practice AND you don't care for the other doc. And I found it more important for the nurses than the doc, to be honest. There is just so much that can be done immediately leading up to and after the birth that is 'optional' if you don't want it done - but when you are just exhausted it's hard to get your point across, so it really does help to have it written down. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, just a simple word document - go over it with the doc, have them sign it, then make copies to bring with you for nurses. Give your husband a few and if anyone asks him something, have him just hand the paper to them. Keep it short and sweet and only focus on things that matter to you, all the better.


Active Member
Nope, didn't have one for either kid but as it turned out there wouldn't have been time enough to put it to use. My son was born within an hour and a half and I nearly had my daughter in the truck on the way to the hospital (she arrived 13 minutes after I stepped into the hospital).


Hey lovin, I learned all the AMAZING positions you can labor in at SMH, they even have a squatting bar that attaches to the bed, you squat and kind of hang from it, looks like fun, I'm going to try that. Also I learned that it helps if you're flexible :yahoo: You may not be as excited, I have never had a vaginal birth so I'm actually really excited.


Well-Known Member
Hey lovin, I learned all the AMAZING positions you can labor in at SMH, they even have a squatting bar that attaches to the bed, you squat and kind of hang from it, looks like fun, I'm going to try that. Also I learned that it helps if you're flexible :yahoo: You may not be as excited, I have never had a vaginal birth so I'm actually really excited.

yeah uh that is not something that will work for me :lmao:. But more power to ya girl, go for it :buddies: