Black History Month, in SMC.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Well JP, Sr. won't have the problem of getting re-elected after getting out of jail. He won't be elected in the first place.

JP, Sr.'s qualifications:

Does not support own kid.
Defaces public buildings.
Been in jail multiple times (that could be OK in some instances, but not his).
No comprehension of law.
No comprehension of powers of legislator.
Illogical in almost all discussion.
Liar (most politicians are, but if you know he is one going in it should be a dis-qualifier).

Yep, sounds like a highly qualified politician to me.

On a Christian note, he is a proclaimer of false gospel (false prophet), so another reason not to trust him with any position of responsibility.


Lem Putt
harleygirl said:
:thewave: The sad part about it is he would still get re-elected once he got out of jail.
I heard on the radio that he can keep his council seat while in jail.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
I heard on the radio that he can keep his council seat while in jail.

:coffee: Its because Marion Barry would then be a political prisoner.

America has many black political prisoners but fortunately our founding fathers knew what it meant when governments do wrong and they made protections for prisoners in our Constitution, thank God.

:popcorn: -------------- :flowers:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:coffee: Its because Marion Barry would then be a political prisoner.
A political prisoner is someone that is in jail for a political belief. Marion Barry is a politician that just happens to be a crack head.
being busted, losing his position and sitting in jail for being a crack head would not equate to his being a political prisoner.

JPC said:
America has many black political prisoners but fortunately our founding fathers knew what it meant when governments do wrong and they made protections for prisoners in our Constitution, thank God.
Im not sure I follow.
Please explain to this lessor educated individual about the MANY black politcal prisoners in America?

a few examples would be good if you can actually back up what you just stated above.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Its because Marion Barry would then be a political prisoner.

America has many black political prisoners but fortunately our founding fathers knew what it meant when governments do wrong and they made protections for prisoners in our Constitution, thank God.

:popcorn: -------------- :flowers:

The tragedy of your posts is you don't even seem to realize that you are your own worst enemy. At least other politicians are smart enough to keep their mouths shut instead of saying something stupid. You don't.

Marion Berry is no more a political prisoner that you were for defacing public property. You both committed crimes. You both have done time. Looks like he will again. How about you? Got any buildings scheduled to be painted? Please let us know, so we can be there to cheer the police.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

bcp said:
A political prisoner is someone that is in jail for a political belief. Marion Barry is a politician that just happens to be a crack head.
being busted, losing his position and sitting in jail for being a crack head would not equate to his being a political prisoner.

:popcorn: The post above has put a narrow deffinition to "political prisoner" but it also applies when a government puts a person into jail for the government's own political reasons. Like they wanted to get rid of the Mayor but the people supported Barry anyway and thus it shows off the blatant point that the gov had him as a political prisoner.

bcp said:
Im not sure I follow.
Please explain to this lessor educated individual about the MANY black politcal prisoners in America?

a few examples would be good if you can actually back up what you just stated above.


:yay: One big example was the so-called "war on crime" and the other "war on drugs" and the other "war on poverty" where the government put people (mostly blacks) into jail / prisons to meet the government's political ends, thus they are "political prisoners".

We decry it all the time when other Countries do such things but ignore our own Country having political agendas and political prisoners.

:bigwhoop: ----------------- :war:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I am not prejudiced against any race, but I sure am prejudiced against you. :smack:

You really must be satan's spawn, because you bring out the worst in me.


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:popcorn: The post above has put a narrow deffinition to "political prisoner" but it also applies when a government puts a person into jail for the government's own political reasons. Like they wanted to get rid of the Mayor but the people supported Barry anyway and thus it shows off the blatant point that the gov had him as a political prisoner.
one question. Did marion Barry fail to keep the requirements of his parole?

the answer, yes, he is a crack head, and that is against the law. so, he must be placed in prison where he belongs, with the other ignorant crack heads.

when you decide to place politicians above the laws that govern the people, you have entered a very dangerous arena.

Barry is not a political prisoner. He is a loser that is not able to keep out of trouble.

JPC said:
:yay: One big example was the so-called "war on crime" and the other "war on drugs" and the other "war on poverty" where the government put people (mostly blacks) into jail / prisons to meet the government's political ends, thus they are "political prisoners".

We decry it all the time when other Countries do such things but ignore our own Country having political agendas and political prisoners.
War on Crime
War on Drugs
War on poverty.

well now, as far as crime and drugs go, I do recal that there are certain laws on the books regarding those subjects, and along with those laws are penalties for breaking those laws.
I hardly consider breaking a law and spending time in jail for it to be equal to a political prisoner. Perhaps you would do well to try and figure out why the majority of the lawbreakers are black instead of calling the law bad.

Please describe war on poverty..
to the best of my knowlege, nobody has ever been placed in prison for being poor.
For stealing what they cant afford, like a car, or a tv, or holding up the bank, yes, they do go to prison for that, but, since so many law abiding poor people are not in jail, I would have to say that you are only using worthless talking points without any idea what they might mean.

oh, and whats with the war thing? do you not like people that are able to see through your BS and call you on it?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Its because Marion Barry would then be a political prisoner.

America has many black political prisoners but fortunately our founding fathers knew what it meant when governments do wrong and they made protections for prisoners in our Constitution, thank God.

:popcorn: -------------- :flowers:

Barry pleaded guilty to not filing his taxes from 1999-2004.

Being incarcerated for not paying taxes (Barry) and not paying child support (you) makes one a political prisoner? You are such a dolt.


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:coffee: Its because Marion Barry would then be a political prisoner.

America has many black political prisoners but fortunately our founding fathers knew what it meant when governments do wrong and they made protections for prisoners in our Constitution, thank God.

:popcorn: -------------- :flowers:
Do IQ numbers go into the negative numbers??

I say we ignore this idiot, and MAYBE he'll go away, whey are we bothering giving him the time of day?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

JPC said:
:yay: ... Black History is American history.

Black History Month Info Please.

And this link too,

United Committee for the Afro-American Contribution in St. Mary's County.

:whistle: ------------------------ :eyebrow:

:coffee: Rap Music on Black History Month.

:yay: Some people say that Rap music had its beginnings dating back to the black motherland in Africa.

It rose again to new hights during the long civil rights years in chanting the protest songs.

Now Rap music is part of the society main stream as it has matured to a bonified musical classification in its own right.

Here is a link to Rap history at,

An Analysis of Rap Music as the Voice of Today's Black Youth.

And another Rap link at,

Black Entertainment Television, ( BET ).

:whistle: ------------------- :howdy: