Black Lawmakers staying quiet on Cardin vs Mfume


New Member
I read in the Hill this morning that black lawmakers are keeping quiet on their opinions about the 2 democratic candidates, Mfume and Cardin. Polls show Cardin could beat Steel by 11 points if he wins the democratic nomination however Mfume and Cardin are pretty close in the polls. What do you think is going to happen in this race? I have cut and pasted the article below:

The Hill - Black lawmakers keep quiet on Cardin v. Mfume primary

By Jonathan E. Kaplan

Most members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are staying on the sidelines in the Senate Democratic primary between Maryland Rep. Ben Cardin and former NAACP President Kweisi Mfume.
Cardin has emerged as the favorite in an expanding field of Democratic candidates, but a recent Baltimore Sun poll showed Mfume trumping Cardin by 48 points among black voters, 63 to 15 percent, even though the two candidates were in a statistical dead heat. White voters overwhelmingly backed Cardin in the poll.
CBC members face a tough choice between their colleague and Mfume, a national black leader and former congressman, who are seeking to succeed retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.). The primary will be held Sept. 12, 2006.
The winner is expected to face Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R), who is African-American. The Sun poll found that Steele would beat Mfume but would lose to Cardin by 11 points.
Both Cardin and Mfume are trying to get a lock on endorsements from locally elected officials. Cardin, for example, has the backing of Ken Harris, a Baltimore city councilman who is running his campaign in Baltimore County. Mfume has secured an endorsement from Jack Johnson, Prince George’s County executive.
But Maryland’s black Democratic congressmen, Al Wynn and Elijah Cummings, have not taken sides.
“I’ve got friends in this race, and I’m always with my friends,” Wynn told The Hill when asked whom he supports.
Other CBC lawmakers are staying out of the race, too. Democratic Reps. Mel Watt (N.C.), Harold Ford (Tenn.), Charles Rangel (N.Y.), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (Ohio) and James Clyburn (S.C.) sidestepped the question of whom they would favor.
“I really have not taken a position because I don’t want anyone to think that it’s a caucus position. I’m staying out of it,” said Watt, the CBC’s chairman.
“I’m not getting involved in any race but Harold Ford Jr. for U.S. Senate,” said Ford.
“That’s above my pay grade,” joked Rangel, with whom Cardin serves on the Ways and Means Committee.
But Tubbs Jones, another member of Ways and Means, said that both candidates had spoken to her about the race and that she would consider making an endorsement in the primary.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who arrived in Congress with Cardin in 1986 and sits with him on the Ways and Means, said Cardin has not asked directly for his endorsement and that Mfume has not spoken to him about the race.
“I’ve known both men. Ben is a friend of mine. He’s highly respected as the most able of lawmakers,” Lewis said.
He said he hopes that Democrats will avoid a bitter primary.
Only Rep. Lacy Clay (Mo.) threw his support to one candidate. “I have no choice but to support Mfume,” adding that his father, a former lawmaker, and Mfume worked closely together in the House.
Keith Haller, who conducted The Sun’s poll, said, “At this stage, Cardin … should not be in trying to compete with Mfume among African-American Democrats. That will be a losing proposition. Cardin needs to remain true to his style and not try to reinvent his persona to match Mfume’s charismatic and more passionate positioning. That’s a remedy for disaster.”
“Cardin has spent an enormous amount of time in black churches, at Metro stations and getting endorsements,” said Tim Maloney, a lawyer in Prince George’s County and former Maryland state legislator who is backing Cardin.
Despite Mfume’s his national reputation, he has not been able to raise a substantial amount of money. He had just $97,000 in cash at the end of the third quarter, while Cardin had raked in more than $1.5 million.
Among lawmakers, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) gave Cardin $10,000 from his PAC and $4,000 from his personal campaign. Reps. Gary Ackerman (N.Y.), Ellen Tauscher (Calif.), Joe Crowley (N.Y.) and Diana DeGette (Colo.) have contributed to Cardin.
None has given to Mfume.
Joe Trippi, who ran Howard Dean’s presidential campaign in 2004 and is advising Mfume, said Mfume’s campaign would attract white, progressive voters in Montgomery County and other parts of the state, in part by presenting himself as the anti-war candidate.
Cardin could also claim that mantle. He voted against the Iraq war resolution in 2002.
Trippi did not say what steps Mfume is taking to reach out to white voters but instead attacked Cardin.
“All Cardin has been doing is basically trying to force everyone else out of the race,” Trippi said. “He’s raising money, picking off endorsements, but that has not worked. It’s not going to happen for him.”
Asked for comment, Cardin said, “I’m running a campaign of inclusion so that all communities have access to my campaign. I’m very pleased with my position.”
He added, “I have very strong numbers,” referring to his internal polling.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Joe Trippi, who ran Howard Dean’s presidential campaign in 2004 and is advising Mfume
Key sentence right here. Loser loser loser. Say goodnight, Queasy.

I make my prediction for Cardin. We know how much Democrats hate black people, with the exception of their servants and yard workers, and Maryland is a big Democrat state.

Plus the WashPost, the biggest opinion-maker in the region (if not the country) hates black people as well, unless they're homeless or shooting white people, so no help for Queasy or Steele there.


vraiblonde said:
How can that be "new" to you when Democrat slavemasters go back to the Civil War? :confused:

That generalization is much too stupid to argue. I'm getting an early jump from work; have a safe, peaceful Thanksgiving Vrai.


New Member
I agree, I don't want to debate you on that topic, that is just ridiculous. I think the politicians just aren't commenting on who they are supporting until the primary is over and then they have one solid candidate to support since the polls are so close with the democratic candidates. We know that who ever wins will have to face off Steele, so the democrats will just unite and run the race against Steele once a nominee is chosen. I will definitely keep my eyes on this race.


No Longer the Kid
Well....I guess Imma do what I always do...sit back an laugh through the election, an deal with whatever Bull Sh*t they decide to do....which, is normally all they ever do.... :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terps said:
I don't want to debate you on that topic, that is just ridiculous.
"Ridiculous" and "too stupid to argue".


If you said, "Hey, Vrai, why do you say that?", I'd be able to cite numerous factual instances to support my claim. But I've learned not to expect that from Democrats.


vraiblonde said:
"Ridiculous" and "too stupid to argue".


If you said, "Hey, Vrai, why do you say that?", I'd be able to cite numerous factual instances to support my claim. But I've learned not to expect that from Democrats.

Okay I haven't gone yet but I did ask you why we hate black people. You gave a generalization answer. By the way I guess we both generalize - my impression right or wrong is that republicans hate black people. In fact my typical mental picture of republicans is they all look like karl rove - you know white boy, pink, round, pig snout, glasses, overweight, holier than thou attitude. I'm sure the typical mental picture of a democrat is just as flattering. I'm not trying to set off WWIII here that's just what I typically think, republicans hate black people and look like Rove. So why are so many black people democrats if democrats hate them?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Okay I haven't gone yet but I did ask you why we hate black people. You gave a generalization answer.
That's because I don't know why Democrats hate black people.

But they must, because how else do you explain the ugly racial smears on Condi Rice, Colin Powell and Michael Steele? And how do you explain the destruction of black self-esteem with patronizing affirmative action programs? And what about the polarization and separatism with terms like "African" American and legitimizing Ebonics as a "black" language?

So why are so many black people democrats if democrats hate them?
That's an excellent question. I suspect it's like anything else - people are basically lazy and stupid and will believe whatever is easiest. This is true no matter what color they are. And since the media is a bunch of racist elitists who are afraid of Jesse Jackson, they are happy to give him an audience so he can spew and make a buck race hustling and blackmailing corporations so he can keep a roof over the head of his mistresses and illegitimate children.

Why did so many German Jews support Hitler? Why do young people romanticize Che Guevera? Why is there a Gays for Palestine organization?



vraiblonde said:
That's because I don't know why Democrats hate black people.

But they must, because how else do you explain the ugly racial smears on Condi Rice, Colin Powell and Michael Steele?

What ugly racial smears? What are you reading or who are you listening to? I don't like Condi because she's so gushy over Bush, skin color has nothing to do with it. I admire Colin Powell, everything I've read, seen, he's a good person, skin color had nothing to do with it. Michael Steele is black? (Ok I'm kidding but I don't know anything about him) If I vote against him, it won't be because I'm a black-hating democrat. Democrats made up the word African American and ebonics? Interesting I must google that one.

"That's an excellent question."

Excellent question? I assume why so many blacks are democrats?

"I suspect it's like anything else - people are basically lazy and stupid and will believe whatever is easiest."

Wow! I can think of one of my black democrat friends who would read you the riot act on that one and you wouldn't talk back because she is a dignified, intelligent older woman. I guess the same could be said of republicans that they are republican because they are basically lazy and stupid and will believe whatever is easiest huh?

Maybe people just are what their parents are and their parents before them.


The term African American was first coined (at least popularly coined) by Malcom X - neither Democrat nor Republican.


My take is that Republicans look at people as "Americans" not White Americans, Red Americans or African Americans. Republicans like those who are steeped in the traditional "American way". Hard work, responsibility, energetic, proud, self sufficient, reliable, honest and law abiding. If you do not have those traits you are not living up to American standards and are not admired nor championed. If you are happy in squallor far beit for me to ruin your expectations.

Democrats look at race first, then apply the common stereotype (Karl Rove). They see someone who has less than they do and get boo-boo lip and believe that people are disadvantaged because of skin color and not the fact they have no ambition to be anything other than on the dole or a criminal because it is "easier".

I view Democrats as wanna be socialists who are living the myth that if you throw enough cash at a pig all day and it will get an MBA at Harvard and become a contributing member of society. They loathe people who get ahead and "have" so they want to circumvent the laws of nature and society by punishing the haves and giving it to the have nots.

Republicans believe that social engineering for the most part did not/ will not / will never work and they just live with it and provide for the truly needy.

Democrats believe totally in social engineering and think that people who are under achievers and are impoverished are barred from achieving by some invisable social barrier and people like Dr. Rice, Colin Powel, JC Watts, Michael Steele are sell outs and Uncle Toms who do not represent real black Americans therefore cannot be used as examples for black Americans to achieve BUT they think Jesse "The race card" Jackson and Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton can show them how to get out of the ghetto's better.

Republicans believe in personal responsibility, Democrats believe in personal injury.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
What ugly racial smears? What are you reading or who are you listening to?
My god! :stunned: Where have you been? Condi was depicted as Aunt Jemima with big ol' lips doing a "Yaz, massa" routine in a national newspaper. Colin Powell was called a house ###### by Harry Belafonte and NOT ONE SINGLE liberal news source criticized him for it. Michael Steele had Oreo cookies thrown at him at a press conference and the consensus was that it's not racism if it's "true".

PS, notice that liberal Harry can call a black man a ###### without being criticized, yet you can't say it on here without it being censored? That's because I'm a Republican and I don't like racial slurs.

Wow! I can think of one of my black democrat friends who would read you the riot act on that one and you wouldn't talk back because she is a dignified, intelligent older woman. I guess the same could be said of republicans that they are republican because they are basically lazy and stupid and will believe whatever is easiest huh?
I guess you missed the part where I said "This is true no matter what color they are"?

That's another thing - Democrats can't read, which is why they are all in favor of sex-based education instead of having to actually learn to read or do math.

PS, your friend can't be too dignified or intelligent if she's a follower of the "it's just sex" and "depends on the meaning of 'is'" political party.


vraiblonde said:
My god! :stunned: Where have you been? Condi was depicted as Aunt Jemima with big ol' lips doing a "Yaz, massa" routine in a national newspaper. Colin Powell was called a house ###### by Harry Belafonte and NOT ONE SINGLE liberal news source criticized him for it. Michael Steele had Oreo cookies thrown at him at a press conference and the consensus was that it's not racism if it's "true".

PS, notice that liberal Harry can call a black man a ###### without being criticized, yet you can't say it on here without it being censored? That's because I'm a Republican and I don't like racial slurs.

I guess you missed the part where I said "This is true no matter what color they are"?

That's another thing - Democrats can't read, which is why they are all in favor of sex-based education instead of having to actually learn to read or do math.

PS, your friend can't be too dignified or intelligent if she's a follower of the "it's just sex" and "depends on the meaning of 'is'" political party.

She's more intelligent than you and I put together. As usual, our conversation has taken a turn for the worse and I'm officially on leave in three minutes, a good termination point I believe. So before this turns to name calling.....Happy Thanksgiving