Black Motorcyclists -- More Likely to Die in Crash


professional daydreamer
Does race plays a factor in accident survival? Black motorcyclists -- even in helmets -- more likely to die in crashes, study finds

ScienceDaily (Sep. 23, 2010) — African-American victims of motorcycle crashes were 1.5 times more likely to die from their injuries than similarly injured whites, even though many more of the African-American victims were wearing helmets at the time of injury, according to a new study by Johns Hopkins researchers.

OMG! It's a racial conspiracy!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Anyone who pays any attention to bikes knows that a black rider is most likely young and most likely riding a crotch. And, most likely moving faster than posted speed limits.

It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with their choice of bike and riding style leading to rather sudden stops that would kill you regardless of skin color.

Now, I could make this a race issue and go on a tirade about economics, cheap bikes designed to appeal to and be readily available to certain market segments and make it sound like race. We could call it Malt Liquor On Wheels and still not change the basic underlying facts of individual freedom and liberty and responsibility.



Power with Control
Previous studies of other accidents and illnesses have shown that lack of health insurance, reduced access to care, poorer quality of care and a greater number of pre-existing illnesses or injuries contribute to racial differences in survival. It is also possible, he says, that riders of different races may prefer different types of helmets or more dangerous types of motorcycles. More research is needed, he says, to determine what role, if any, these issues may play.

Judging by the crowds with bikes I have seen at at MIR, that is a factor right there, although later in the article, it does say this....

Along with the finding that even after controlling for factors such as insurance status, gender and injury severity, black crash victims were 1.5 times more likely to die from their injuries than similarly injured white victims.

Now, I wonder if this accounted for location/time of accident also? If the black riders are crashing at 2am in a place where response times are slower, that might make a difference.


Power with Control
We could call it Malt Liquor On Wheels and still not change the basic underlying facts of individual freedom and liberty and responsibility.


"Buy the Suzuki Steel Reserve"

"Buy the Kawasaki King Cobra"

"Buy the Honda Hurricane"....oh, wait there was a Honda Hurricane, wasn't there"
Well, if the proper head gear were worn......

It is also possible, he says, that riders of different races may prefer different types of helmets or more dangerous types of motorcycles.



New Member
I have been passed by bikes far in excess of 100mph and watched 1 crash and his boys watched him go down and road off. if this was at night in an isolated area, they would take longer to get medical aide, that may or may not be a factor. I would tend to leen toward the way and manner in which the bikes are being ridden and believe that to be a significant factor.
