Black Walnut tree wood available...


laura+flare= gone
yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...


yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...

I would love to have some of the smaller (leg siz ) limbs and branches
Will come and cut up and take away....

And I would check with local wood carvers/wood workers about buying it.
Most BW needs to be dried before it is worked...and it is a beautiful hard wood when slabbed and used in furniture!!!
Also check with the Armish woodcrafters/lumber yards they might be interested in buying it...

let me know about the limbs/branches...thanks:howdy:


yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...

Check online to see what it is sellling for:
Walnut Lumber for all your wood working needs from Woodworkers Source

also check with MD state Foresty division..they may have info on how to sell trunk....


yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...

Hardwoods/Lumber - Rough Lumber
Constitines been around a very long time and is known for its selections of woods...
this page may help you come up with a price...flip over to page 2, ald look at the walnut and the pricing....


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...

Call the mill in Charlotte Hall. They don't actually saw there any more but they can hook you with whoever is running their mill now or give you other contacts. Some folks will not deal with single trees, or trees from an area that may have been a fence line at one time. The wire and nails kill the saw blades. Also, thh price you get for the log will not be anywhere near the price you see for lumber listed in the sites folks have given you. There is alot of waste in a log from defects and sapwood and cost associated with hauling, sawing and drying the lumber
Call the mill in Charlotte Hall. They don't actually saw there any more but they can hook you with whoever is running their mill now or give you other contacts. Some folks will not deal with single trees, or trees from an area that may have been a fence line at one time. The wire and nails kill the saw blades. Also, thh price you get for the log will not be anywhere near the price you see for lumber listed in the sites folks have given you. There is alot of waste in a log from defects and sapwood and cost associated with hauling, sawing and drying the lumber
:yeahthat: I seriously doubt you'll get more than $25.00 for it in log form. If you have a trailer, cut it into 8-10 foot lengths and take it to a lumber mill and have it cut. Take it back to the barn, stack it (with scraps of wood between pieces for air flow) and cover it with a tarp to air dry. Then you could probably sell it to a cabinet shop for a decent profit.


yeah, i'm not too sure what to put this under...
We have a black walnut tree that fell about 2 weeks ago, well it uprooted.
I have allways heard that it is expensive wood, so im thinking rather then have it in are goat pasture to jump all over (yeah i know it can be deadly to goats/horses, but the leaves are on the other side of the fence), that maybe some one would buy the wood. It is SOOOOO pretty, we had to cut it off of are goat fence, and the inside is a dark brown/black, and the outer ring is the regular color of a tree. I have pics of the tree if interested. Its about 25 ft of tree, about 5ft-3ft wide. I would put this in classified but i dont know what to put it under, or how much to ask for it...

One last post..
Check Woodcraft..
they have a huge following of woodworkers...and you might call one of the 2 stores here in MD and see if they will post a For Sale note for you.

BW is awesome for woodturning...and someone just might want to buy your tree!!!!


I love her wild,wild hair
I bring all the trees I cut that I want lumber from to Harvy the Amish guy in Loveville, with a mill. I can't remember the name of the road, I can get a whole truck load of oak cut into boards for about $40. He'll take one 8 foot log or many. You drop it off and then come back in a few days and it's all stacked and ready to go. I designed and built all the kitchen cabinets, vanity's and medicine cabinets in my farmhouse out of wood I cut on my farm and had sawn into boards at his mill. Made most of the trim and thresholds too. Still making stuff. I love wood almost as much as I love stone and leather. I have a few slabs of black walnut that I'm going to make into a table someday. Most people would want black walnut after it's already been sawn, not too many can deal with logs. If you can't get rid of it, let me know and I'll take it off your hands. I can load it on a trailer with my truck, I've done it many times.............


laura+flare= gone
we just got a price from the lumber company. There paying $150 for the whole thing, and there doing all the work. Its kinda hard to get to because its in a gully. Ummm i think i can get the smaller pieces (the limbs), if they dont take it. There coming to get it monday. If anyone wants to offer us more:whistle:...

Thanks everyone for helping!