Black Woman on NBC6 Orlando


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Right.... I just quoted the freerepublic article as it was posted and the word is 'worry' but like you, it sounds as if Peggy EXPECTS Obama to give her everything.

thats funny.
first time I heard it, I heard work.
then I listened again after Willie posted and it certainly is the word worry, just in ghetto slang.

still sends the same message, or close to it.
the rich people be givin me my monies that theys stoles from me


The Libs can't defend her message unless they want to admit they advocate Obama's socialist agenda, so they have to pick apart the messenger.


New Member
It would seem that at this moment, according to polls, a little over half the country is actually that stupid.

Sadly, I think your right. The American people are actually quite dumb. There not stupid..just ignorant about things. Especially the younger generation. Can't do a thing for themselves.

If you are...I hope you don't vote. This whole idea of being concerned that people don't go vote on election day does not bother me. Just means my vote has all the more weight..!:yahoo:


"Typical White Person"
If anyone dosen't feel like watching the video let be paraphrase.

" O Hells yeah, I's about to gets mines, Obamas gonna give me evurthing I needs if I's votes for em"


She says:

"It was the most touching moment of my life! I never thought this day would ever happen! I won't have to work to put gas in my car! I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage!

That's not what she said.

She said, I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car.
sad but true.... my co-worker thinks if BO wins her mortgage will be cut in half... also said she doesn't know why Bush didn't run this time......


Active Member
I was reading this article the other day when hubby and I were trying to figure out the truth to that whole $42,000 income #.

Obama-Biden Will Come After Middle Class With Taxes

I've got to put it this way: if you vote for Obama because you think he's going to tax someone making more money than you and give it to you, I hope he raises your taxes. That would be plain, simple poetic justice. If you want someone else to pay more so you can have more stuff, it is only fitting that you should have to pay more so someone else can have your stuff.

There's ALWAYS somebody with less. If you make $42,000 a year, shouldn't you pay more so that someone who makes $20,000 a year can have a piece of the pie? And, if you make $20,000 a year, shouldn't you pay more so that someone who doesn't have a job have a piece of the pie?

The logic is that 5% of Americans should be patriotic and pay more in taxes, while the other 95% should be unpatriotic and pay less in taxes. Don't believe that crap: Obama-Biden will give as many people as they possibly can the opportunity "to be patriotic."

To paraphrase the old garage-sale adage, "One man's trash is another man's treasure": One man's middle class is another man's rich. You may wake up and find out that you've just been classified as "rich." And God help you then, because the Democrats in total control of the government sure won't.

The Wall Street Journal crunches the numbers, and it turns out that Obama's tax plan is like Captain Crunch, the cereal that tastes good to ignorant children, but is terrible for you when it actually gets into your system. :lol: