I have a story I often tell which I never quite explain the lesson I learned from it right.There's a commercial on kid's TV where a black kid starts talking about micro aggression, and he feels uncomfortable because the police can't see him as anything but black and feels people in general are watching what he does. It's obvious it's just a bunch of buzz words someone wants him to spew.
I want to just slap the crap out of him and say, "You're a teenager! It's just teenager paranoia! EVERY teen feels like the cops are looking at them, just waiting for them to do something wrong! You're no frikkin' different than anyone else! Stop using the race card and get a life!"
Many years ago, I was trying to get a date with a girl. My roommates knew about it and they were - trying - to help me.
I waited until after our choral practice to ask her. Someone said she had gone to the bathroom. I waited in the lobby and everyone left. I realized I must have missed her. So later that day, I called her. She wasn't home, so I left a message. I called back many hours later, they said she got the message - but she was in another room with a friend in a very serious discussion. I called later, and she had left with her friend. I waited with one of my roommates, and I called later that night. She had gone to bed.
I looked at my roommate and said "you know, if I didn't know better, I'd say she's going out of her way not to go out with me".
He looked at me and said "I think you're right".
"Thanks, Jim! I thought you were supposed to be helping me!"
"Yeah, well listen to you! She barely knows you, but for her to go to all this effort, you'd have to be the most important person in the world to her. Face it - you're JUST NOT THAT IMPORTANT!".
That - little nugget of wisdom - has enabled me to understand, forgive, overlook and deal with so much in life. Jerks who cut you off in traffic - they're not TRYING to hurt you. They DO NOT CARE and probably didn't notice - because otherwise, they actually notice YOU and do ALL THAT - just to bother YOU.
And the most basic fact in the universe is that people care almost totally about themselves. It's not wicked or evil - it's just human nature. People are into themselves. If they hurt your feelings, chances are they never noticed. It's not like they choose their actions or words JUST TO MAKE SURE you're not offended.
You don't have to look down on yourself as being insignificant. But only small children think the world revolves about them. GROWN-UPS know that most people could give a chit.