We have heard that insult also, from you "Born again" #######s
John 6 doesn't mention cannibalism.
Oh, that's right. If St. Paul didn't say, its not "Biblical"
Take that as a joke, BD, OK? Of course you're not cannibals, but that is the impression that people who do not understand the words "figurative" or "symbolic" take away from it. Besides, there are other good reasons why we don't believe in your transubstantiation, which is simply not biblical or supported anywhere in the scriptures.
Short reasons (not in depth)
- The Lords Supper is not a sacrifice of Christ. I believe that during your mass is a reenactment and an actual sacrifice depending on the mass. That violates Heb 10:10-14 which states Christ died ONCE for all, not over and over again.
- It violates the incarnation of Christ as the human part of the Three in One. A human can only be in one place at one time, not all over the world being sacrificed at the same time. You are denying that Jesus is totally and completely a man.
- Those words were spiritual words. Jesus also called himself the door, the true vine, the bread of life - was he physically any of those? John 6:63 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
-Would not the disciples present at the Last Supper have noticed that the bread and wine had changed into flesh and blood, and mentioned nothing in any other scripture of that miracle? Very doubtful.
- The elements were referred to by Jesus as bread and wine (Matt 26:26-29) Jesus called his blood wine when He stated "I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine". Why would He call his blood wine if it was actually blood? And of course your St. Paul in 1 Cor 11:23-28.
- The disciples did not worship the elements as do catholics during their mass (latria). There is no biblical reference to such adoration.
-Jesus was alive when he instituted the Lord's Supper - He had not yet been crucified. How could the bread and wine used in the event be transubstantiated into actual sacrificed flesh and blood from someone who had not been sacrificed?
As usual, we will continue to agree to disagree on most points of theology.
onel is always trying to pick a fight.