Thanks. That's really interesting. I tried to look up the commentaries for the verse and there were none. It's like the verse was skipped.
To my thinking,
the verse is not something we are meant to understand yet. There are verses like that all through the Bible.
But, this is how I read it, in prayer,
the verse is meant to be clear at a later date.
the Jews don't drink blood. The animals they sacrificed were all drained and the blood was poured on the alter.
Jesus didn't leave a body behind. He was still using the body when He met the disciples on the shore for a fish dinner.
So since the Jews don't drink blood and there is no physical body for them to cannibalize, then the verse is unexplainable.... IMHO.
John also went on to say that after Jesus said "Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" in Capernaum a lot of his followers left Him. So perhaps it was meant to harvest those who would follow Christ even when the meaning of His words was uncomfortable or hard to fathom. The followers who remained were following Him by Faith alone.
Also, since Jesus didn't leave a body to cannibalize.... then IMHO.... it might mean that we can't really do anything to bring ourselves life.
He's in control of everything.... and only through Him are we saved.
Sure... I also know that when I do take part in the Communion.... I do it as a believer and my thoughts are always on Him. It's not magic.... it's the Holy Spirit. That closeness we experience when we take Communion, break the bread and drink the wine, is the Holy Spirit. That's how I explain the magic.
But really, not being a preacher or a prophet.... I really don't understand
the verse at all... and
it's on the list of things I plan to ask Jesus about when I see Him.