Blue City State Schadenfreude - Elections have Consequences


PREMO Member

Wild footage from spring break gathering along Savannah beach shows topless women fighting and mounds of trash being washed into the ocean

  • A video captured a massive brawl at this year's Orange Crush in Savannah
  • Video showed how attendees left Tybee's Beach littered with garbage
  • State officials maintain that behavior at the event was 'pretty good'

The video of the fight, which has almost 65,000 views on, showed the women pummeling one another while other revelers flank the boardwalk's length and cheer the fighters.

Amid the brawl, some of the women had their tops pulled down or pushed out of place. Some of the women stopped fighting and attempted to clothe themselves. Another woman, in a green swimsuit, could be seen continuing to fight, even after her breasts were revealed.

In one horrific moment, a shorter woman with fire orange hair pulled another woman down to the ground by her hair and then started beating her before being pulled away by other women.

Later in the video, the same woman with orange hair threw a punch at a woman in a green bikini that was so violent it momentarily snapped the other woman's head back.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Still maintain, a 12gauge blast to the face of each one of them would bring this whole movement to an abrupt end.


Well-Known Member
We see the problem, but we are racist if we make a statement about it.
Spring break should be about fun and getting laid, not about shooting and fighting.

The usual suspects seem to have a problem with large gatherings.


Well-Known Member

Wild footage from spring break gathering along Savannah beach shows topless women fighting and mounds of trash being washed into the ocean

  • A video captured a massive brawl at this year's Orange Crush in Savannah
  • Video showed how attendees left Tybee's Beach littered with garbage
  • State officials maintain that behavior at the event was 'pretty good'

The video of the fight, which has almost 65,000 views on, showed the women pummeling one another while other revelers flank the boardwalk's length and cheer the fighters.

Amid the brawl, some of the women had their tops pulled down or pushed out of place. Some of the women stopped fighting and attempted to clothe themselves. Another woman, in a green swimsuit, could be seen continuing to fight, even after her breasts were revealed.

In one horrific moment, a shorter woman with fire orange hair pulled another woman down to the ground by her hair and then started beating her before being pulled away by other women.

Later in the video, the same woman with orange hair threw a punch at a woman in a green bikini that was so violent it momentarily snapped the other woman's head back.
Time for that lost nuke to self detonate.


PREMO Member
Career Criminal BREAKS INTO WOKE LA Mayor Karen Bass' Home After She Pushing Soft On Crime Policy!



PREMO Member
There should never be an doubt of Demonic Possession
[ drugs lower your defenses and open your mind up to attack ]



PREMO Member

Democrats PANIC After Minimum Wage HIKE DESTROYS Economy As Customers ABANDON Fast Food & Delivery!​



PREMO Member

McDonald's SHOCKED As Customers REJECT Fast Food Prices And Minimum Wage Hike TANKS PROFITS!​



PREMO Member
The Spanish word for audacity is "audacia." Perhaps the municipal officials in Denver, Colorado should practice using that language. After struggling for more than a year to shelter and feed the army of illegal migrants that have flooded into the city, Denver finally began imposing some limits on how long people could stay in the municipal intake shelters. This angered some of the migrants who were forced to leave the shelters and a group of them set up an encampment on public property as the spring weather began to improve. The encampment is located under an overpass near the railroad tracks. The Mayor's office repeatedly requested that the migrants evacuate the encampment and move to other shelters that were set up to house them. But the migrants refused, and now they have sent an advocate with a list of demands that they say must be met before they will agree to relocate to a shelter. If you think this sounds like an outtake from the movie Idiocracy, you're not alone. (KDVR News)

A group of migrants staying at an encampment in Denver sent a list of demands to the mayor’s desk.
That group said if their demands are met, they will voluntarily stay in city-funded shelters and leave their encampment where families, including young children, still live in tents.
The migrants have been lobbied by Denver Human Services to get off the street and into shelters — an offer that remains, according to city officials. But they are holding out and said the city has reneged on its deal with them, while the city maintains it will continue to offer services to migrants that choose shelter over encampments.



PREMO Member

Parents OUTRAGE Over BROKE LIBERAL CITY CLOSING Elementary Schools While Trying To FUND Migrants!​



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 In even more good news from the most unlikely places, and further evidence of the conservative counter-revolution, behold a story from the most unlikely place of all: Portland! Let’s begin with Politico’s headline from early yesterday, before Portland’s District Attorney election, when media was still being honest about the shift’s significance:

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Yesterday, voters in Multnomah County — a hyper-liberal county that has not picked a Republican presidential candidate since 1960 — considered whether to replace their woke, anti-law-and-order incumbent district attorney, Mike Schmidt, whose over-funded campaign benefited from multiple millions from malignant Soros NGOs. His challenger is veteran prosecutor Nathan Vasquez, who was a Republican until just recently, when he changed his registration to unaffiliated in order to run.

According to Politico, Portland’s DA race is a stinky microcosm of national politics, the unsightly rotting fruit of democrat excess. A short four years ago, overjoyed liberals applauded the success of Soros’s national plan to capture local district attorneys and sheriffs for pennies on the political dollar. Having their hands firmly on the law-enforcement wheel in many areas, democrats promptly drove their local economies right off the hipster road into the fire swamp of anarchy.

It’s all connected; high crime doesn’t just make people anxious, it also makes for a terrible economy and nowhere to shop. Only democrats think you can stop prosecuting criminals (of a certain melanin content) and expect everything to shine with social success. It didn’t work. In Soros-DA jurisdictions, crime rates have exploded, as unprosecuted criminals not only commit more crimes, but they also commit crimes more often and more daringly because they feel emboldened.

Politico fretted that the Soros strategy of making everyone miserable might eventually backfire, erupting during the upcoming election like a painful rash in an embarrassing spot:

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As of early this morning, independent conservative journalist Andy Ngo predicted Portland’s Soros-funded DA is going to lose badly to the former Republican in a political landslide:

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Even in Portland, most Americans who vote liberal still want to live like conservatives. Congratulations, Portland! You’re hauling yourself off rock bottom. Keep it going.


PREMO Member
Oregon Counties VOTE TO SECEDE From Woke State, 47% Of Americans Say Civil War is COMING

🔥 In more good news for sane Oregon, in other words not Porland, the UK Daily Mail ran a story yesterday headlined, “THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho - as they issue list of demands.

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Thirteen Oregon counties — out of 36 counties total, so more than one third of the state — have taken the initial step in a long process to formally secede from Oregon and join Idaho. The latest one, Crook County, approved starting the secession process on Tuesday.

The movement’s organizers want to put Oregon on a drastic diet by expanding the border of Idaho two hundred miles into Oregon, making it into something like a rump state:

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It’s not clear how realistic this might be anytime soon, since both state governments and the federal government must first agree, but the citizens obviously are fired up and have momentum on their side.

It reminds me, a little, of the wild story of how West Virginia was formed. When Virginia seceded into the Confederacy, citizens in the western side of the state were outraged. They met and angrily declared Virginia’s state government null and void. They resolved to form a new state. Despite much media wailing about how unconstitutional it all was, Lincoln recognized the new state of West Virginia anyway, and in 1863 it was admitted as our 35th state. After the Civil War, Virginia sued to reclaim its lost territory, but the Supreme Court sided with the plucky new West Virginians.

In other words, you never know how these things will shake out. And after all, it is 2024. Buh bye, Portlandia.
