thegreatsnozz said:If I told that, I would be in big trouble and would jeopardize my job.
Realist said:Evidently, you and everyone else that works there is in jeopardy of losing their job. It seems that the Stupid Intendant has created such a backstabbing politcal atmosphere that everyone is sticking it to each other to avoid having it stuck to them. I'm not sure how hard they are working, but I am sure they are not being very nice.
Every parent having a child in SMCPS should be concerned about what is going on behind closed doors at Moakley. My children's private school isn't perfect, but at least their education is not suffering due to the political wrangling of their administration.
Kain99 said:I have no details about this topic but I will admit I was very impressed with Doctor Martirano at graduation. First time I have ever seen kids high fiving and hugging an administrator.
And that is what he wants ... A great public image, but there are some very dirty politics going on behind the scenes.Kain99 said:I have no details about this topic but I will admit I was very impressed with Doctor Martirano at graduation. First time I have ever seen kids high fiving and hugging an administrator.
Geek said:Didn't the CC just turn down 2.5 million for the school budget. The schools had to cut out textbooks (again) and a pay raise for our hard working paraeducators![]()
Kain99 said:I have no details about this topic but I will admit I was very impressed with Doctor Martirano at graduation. First time I have ever seen kids high fiving and hugging an administrator.
thegreatsnozz said:You are correct that paraeducators are some of the most hard working and under appreciated people in the school system. It is a shame that the BOE ranked you so low on their priorities. Transportation for a chinese exchange student even ranked higher. I suspect that they included your raise to garner support for their budget from you guys. I am not slighting at all your contributions to education but the school system is run by a very political person. The fact is that since the elected school board was created versus the old appointed system, decision making has deteriorated and all decisions are based on the most popular that will garner votes for reelections. I think it is a shame that the BOE put your raises in so low a priority kind of like "pork" in a congressional budget. You probably should have more anger for the BOE than the CC. As far as textbooks are concerned, this is no surprise, when the BOE built their central office, they wanted new furniture so they took their surplus funds at the end of the fiscal year and used them to buy new desks and chairs. This was the same year that their was a textbook shortage. That $68,000 could have bought a lot of books! The next year, they again claimed a textbook shortage and asked for the money.
wintersprings said:They just watched the state of Maryland. Maryland last year had a BILLION dollar surplus. What did they do? Spend it.
Now they claim a shortage, and want to raise your taxes.
Realist said:And that is what he wants ... A great public image, but there are some very dirty politics going on behind the scenes.
Fingel_Hymer said:Like????..... :wonderingwhatyoumightknow:
Barnacle said:Oh, please, do tell...! I think everyone has a right to know and maybe have a chance to put a stop to it before St. Mary's County Public Schools is ruined beyond repair!
Realist said:It would be nice to think that if I spilled all I know here that we could put a stop to it and rectify the situations, but it's hard to stop a train once it gets momentum, unless there is a sudden crash.
Barnacle said:There is a rumor that either the SRMS principal or EMS principal might be on the chopping block. They are both wonderful leaders who need the support of the community. What can we do to stop this sudden crash??
thegreatsnozz said:The EMS principal is not very popular with her staff and is viewed as "dizzy" by the central office.
Barnacle said:Well, I think at EMS, there are just some disgruntled people (only a handful!) who don't like to be held accountable for what they do or don't do in the classroom. The principal has the support of the rest of the faculty from what I understand. The malcontents are just louder and seem to have the ear of the Super. She is not dizzy and is far more competent than most at Moakley.