Bob Ehrlich


Well-Known Member
This is one neo conservative who just can't vote for Ehrlich (from what I have heard)
* Pro Abortion...obviously life in the womb doesn't matter to him.
* Pro Gambling: Obviously can't learn from recent history what gambling does to a people/community.
* Pro Gun control...(reading right off the democratic primer?)

I will be "throwing away" my vote toward anyone who actually is conservative and stands by his/her word.

Sadly leading Republicans in the state think they have to be "middle of the road"...soggy headed on social issues, wimpy on abortion, unwilling to restrain developers, unwilling to stand up for Bush,--a protege' of Conny Morella.

Townsend will usher in an age of more taxes, growing crime, lower school scores, overcrowded roads, and ignorance toward anything south of Prince George's County...

Southern Maryland...Secede!


You're all F'in Mad...
I don't particularly care to have abortion as a platform issue, and since the ability to legally have an abortion is a matter of Federal Law thanks to the Supreme Court decision, I fail to see why the governors position on abortion would matter a whole heck of a lot.

Gambling = State Lottery. Gambling = Stock Market investing. It exists, happens every day in our state, and slots may help the horse racing industry if (only) the tracks are allowed to operate slot machines. This will also keep some people from going to Delaware, or West Virginia to play slots.

Gun Control - I would rather chance Ehrlich than continue the gun policies of the current administration.


Football season!
Originally posted by Hessian
This is one neo conservative who just can't vote for Ehrlich (from what I have heard)
* Pro Abortion...obviously life in the womb doesn't matter to him.
* Pro Gambling: Obviously can't learn from recent history what gambling does to a people/community.
* Pro Gun control...(reading right off the democratic primer?)

First of all, with SOOO many platforms that each party say they care about, it is IMPOSSIBLE for each person in the party to go along with every single platform. The ones who stick by every single point is either lying to get your vote, or just a political puppet. I don't think by going against some of the "usual" platforms should mean the person is not a worthy republican or democrat.

Pro Abortion.. No.. Pro choice, something that really gets confused. I keep seeing this sticker which I THINK was intended to be an Anti-Abortion message "Choose life, your mother did", but to me this is the simple message of pro choice people.

Pro Gambling... Why not make money off of it? Are people confused by the different gaming options and feel more comfortable with playing the lottery or bingo? Are they afraid they will turn their pride and joy bingo halls to mini-casinos? No need to fear that..

Pro Gun control.. There will never be an answer for this.. But something I used to see but havn't seen it in awhile are the stickers that read "I'm in the NRA and I vote" What is the relationship there? Are members of the NRA not expected to be able to vote?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

To help clarify your points, consider:

Pro Abortion.. No.. Pro choice, something that really gets confused. I keep seeing this sticker which I THINK was intended to be an Anti-Abortion message "Choose life, your mother did", but to me this is the simple message of pro choice people.

Just insert "pro death penalty" and it may be clearer why people say Pro-Life. They are totally against abortion just as people who are against the death penalty are not "pro-choice" on the question, they are anti cap punishment, period.

As far as gambling goes, the issue is one of degree. The state lottery is already an abomination and slots is one more step in the wrong direction. If one has some great idea that requires more spending then fight for the money from all the people through the legislative process. Gambling operates exactly as a drug pusher, enticement and promises of utopia. Government should not, IMHO, act like drug dealers. Be responsible and go to the people.

As far as guns go, there is a simple answer and always has been: the 2nd amendment. Common sense limits are just that, common sense. Limiting access to full auto weapons and explosives are common sense. The problem is that the gun laws in our state and the people behind them are after the complete abolition of private gun ownership, period. You know it. I know it.

It is clear, I think, just like we all know that pro life means "choose life as I think abortion is terrible" and pro-choice means "choose an abortion if you want, I don't care and if you don’t want it then better off dead" and pro death means violent criminals should be aborted and anti death means "no one, accept the unborn ,can be put to death".

With our politics dominated by two parties then there is by default two positions on issues. Both parties prefer we vote based on black and white choices and then forget the choices between elections.

Just wanted to make that point!



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Another Pro Gun-Control Republican?

I've been told, water cooler info to be sure, that Ehrlich is another anti-2nd amendment Republican.

Anyone out there heard that or information to the contrary?

I tried his website but it didn't cover the subject.