Body Pump class


pretty black roses
Oh....Body pump to me was a bit boring so I didn't go to it very often. I much prefered Boot Camp, Pilates, and Spin :yay: :yay:


Well-Known Member
Oh....Body pump to me was a bit boring so I didn't go to it very often. I much prefered Boot Camp, Pilates, and Spin :yay: :yay:

There's always "Body Combat"...

I was standing in the gym lobby yesterday and I heard the instructor yell "OK, pretend you're punching him with both fists!". Curiosity got the best of me and I had to check out what they were doing - talk about a ton of angry estrogen... they were ready to kill. :lol:

Big Fatty

There's always "Body Combat"...

I was standing in the gym lobby yesterday and I heard the instructor yell "OK, pretend you're punching him with both fists!". Curiosity got the best of me and I had to check out what they were doing - talk about a ton of angry estrogen... they were ready to kill. :lol:


Made me LOL, Ant. Good one.



Where do you take it. My friend teaches it in waldorf and I'm thinking about doing it on sat. I have not worked out in ages. WIll I die?

Maximum has it on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. The Energy Zone has it on Saturday at 9:00 AM. No you won't die, just take it easy and work your way up.


There's always "Body Combat"...

I was standing in the gym lobby yesterday and I heard the instructor yell "OK, pretend you're punching him with both fists!". Curiosity got the best of me and I had to check out what they were doing - talk about a ton of angry estrogen... they were ready to kill. :lol:

I get my therapy on the treadmill.
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Active Member
When I saw the words "Body Pump" I just had to zone in to this thread.

I did one Body pump class in PF and was sore for DAYS....I even faked it through a good part of the class.

Showed me just how old and out of shape I am.