Border Patrol Rats Out Minutemen to Mexico


JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
... ...
You squawk and squeal about name-calling and yet you indulge in it at your pleasure when it serves your means. You sir are exactly what a hypocrite is defined to be.
:popcorn: My form of "name-calling" is a big difference as that I call the action names and not the person. Hate the sin and not the sinner.

:yay: Name calling the bigots and racist and bigotry is name calling the action that the people do. They talk it and write it and spread the racism around. That is why I denounce it.

But look at the other popular name calling of "deadbeat" as it does not descride an action but only slanders the person.

Bigotry is an action that can be stopped by the bigot. Just stop talking it and or stop doing bigoted actions and the name goes away, and if one secretly thinks the bigotry and does no action then that is between them and God because for now we do not have any thought police.

But the deadbroke parent in jail can not do any action to change the name calling slander. The so-called "deadbeat" parent did nothing and it does not describe any action. It only wrongfully attacks the person.

So it is a big difference in me name calling the action and that other name calling against the person. It is another ethical standard.

Big difference indeed. :howdy:


Super Genius
JPC said:
:popcorn: My form of "name-calling" is a big difference as that I call the action names and not the person. Hate the sin and not the sinner.

:yay: Name calling the bigots and racist and bigotry is name calling the action that the people do. They talk it and write it and spread the racism around. That is why I denounce it.

But look at the other popular name calling of "deadbeat" as it does not descride an action but only slanders the person.

Bigotry is an action that can be stopped by the bigot. Just stop talking it and or stop doing bigoted actions and the name goes away, and if one secretly thinks the bigotry and does no action then that is between them and God because for now we do not have any thought police.

But the deadbroke parent in jail can not do any action to change the name calling slander. The so-called "deadbeat" parent did nothing and it does not describe any action. It only wrongfully attacks the person.

So it is a big difference in me name calling the action and that other name calling against the person. It is another ethical standard.

Big difference indeed. :howdy:
I didn't know that there was a person named Illegal Immigration :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: My form of "name-calling" is a big difference as that I call the action names and not the person. Hate the sin and not the sinner.

:yay: Name calling the bigots and racist and bigotry is name calling the action that the people do. They talk it and write it and spread the racism around. That is why I denounce it.

But look at the other popular name calling of "deadbeat" as it does not descride an action but only slanders the person.

Bigotry is an action that can be stopped by the bigot. Just stop talking it and or stop doing bigoted actions and the name goes away, and if one secretly thinks the bigotry and does no action then that is between them and God because for now we do not have any thought police.

But the deadbroke parent in jail can not do any action to change the name calling slander. The so-called "deadbeat" parent did nothing and it does not describe any action. It only wrongfully attacks the person.

So it is a big difference in me name calling the action and that other name calling against the person. It is another ethical standard.

Big difference indeed. :howdy:
:bs: You said,
JPC said:
Those volunteer minutemen are racist vigilanties
You are calling the people names and not the act so quit lying (which is the act that you are doing that makes you a liar).

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

ylexot said:
Sure they can. Ever heard of a deadbeat dad? :whistle:
:larry: I think the poster is correct. We do have some real morality police in the USA. That comparison is that both the forcing child support and attacking the illegal aliens are indeed biligerant morality police issues. Not real crimes but self righteous commandments.

Because as in child support there is no physical crime, no victims, no perpetrator. The children are all fine, both the parents are fine, and then the biligerant morality police put parents in jail for being poor.

Thus the poster was correct that this is a similar comparison to the border crossings, in that there is no real crime, no victims, no perpetrator.

The Mexicans use to own that land and the U.S. took it from them. Most latinoes do stay in the occupied area of the U.S. The Mexicans have been crossing that land for 500 years and the USA has occupied that land for some 170 years. Plus many of the latinoes are of native American Indian origin so they have been crossing that same land for thousands of years.

Now those biligerent minutemen are telling us its something wrong when people do some thing completely natural as walk accross the land.

:coffee: Self righteous biligerant morality police, but not police at all but just fakers.


In My Opinion
JPC said:
The Mexicans use to own that land and the U.S. took it from them. Most latinoes do stay in the occupied area of the U.S. The Mexicans have been crossing that land for 500 years and the USA has occupied that land for some 170 years. Plus many of the latinoes are of native American Indian origin so they have been crossing that same land for thousands of years.

Now those biligerent minutemen are telling us its something wrong when people do some thing completely natural as walk accross the land.

:coffee: Self righteous biligerant morality police, but not police at all but just fakers.
so when the guy that used to live in your shack before you just walks in one day and helps himself to your food and drink, you are going to be ok with this?

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

bcp said:
so when the guy that used to live in your shack before you just walks in one day and helps himself to your food and drink, you are going to be ok with this?
:coffee: Breaking and entering and robbery are real crimes with violent overtones, so that surely does not compare to a Mexican walking accross a desert to the USA just like his ancesters have done for many hundreds of years. Big difference.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Breaking and entering and robbery are real crimes with violent overtones, so that surely does not compare to a Mexican walking accross a desert to the USA just like his ancesters have done for many hundreds of years. Big difference.
It is still breaking the laws of our Nation, as such, it is a "real crime" and I suspect that anyone seeking to obtain a position within the state legislature would have a respect for the law (even those that they hope to change).

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
It is still breaking the laws of our Nation, as such, it is a "real crime" and I suspect that anyone seeking to obtain a position within the state legislature would have a respect for the law (even those that they hope to change).
:coffee: I suppose in your position then the letter of the law is all there is, but for gov leaders we must look higher.

:yay: See the original thread post #1 with the news link and it tells that the U.S. gov is informing the Mexican gov that "migrants' rights" are being protected (third paragraph). Link below,

The Daily Buletin, see the third paragraph saying "migrants' rights".

So I am in agreement with President Bush. :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: I suppose in your position then the letter of the law is all there is, but for gov leaders we must look higher.

:yay: See the original thread post #1 with the news link and it tells that the U.S. gov is informing the Mexican gov that "migrants' rights" are being protected (third paragraph). Link below,

The Daily Buletin, see the third paragraph saying "migrants' rights".

So I am in agreement with President Bush. :howdy:
Go beyond the postings of the newspaper and grasp the law, to include 8USC1321 which makes it a crime not to report illegal aliens entering our nation. I would provide you a link but someone as internet savvy as you should be able to find the law.


Well-Known Member
I can't find out what the Administration's take is regarding what the Border Patrol is doing. Is GWB for or against the Minutemen? Lately, George has not been much of an asset to the GOP.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
It is still breaking the laws of our Nation, as such, it is a "real crime" and I suspect that anyone seeking to obtain a position within the state legislature would have a respect for the law (even those that they hope to change).
:whistle: It is a question of interpretation and not blind obediance. I belive that people must first and foremost live by their own conscience and interpret any law to see if it is just or right.

:jameo: Our duty is to do right and not do wrong and it is a surrender of one's duty to blindly obey the worldly masters and give unquestioned submission to wordly laws.

:yay: Whenever one goes to Court then they start to ask, "what is the intent of that law?" The process in State Legislatures and in the U.S. Congress is to make the laws right. To interpret any and all laws is the least one can do before obeying the masters.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:whistle: It is a question of interpretation and not blind obediance. I belive that people must first and foremost live by their own conscience and interpret any law to see if it is just or right.

:jameo: Our duty is to do right and not do wrong and it is a surrender of one's duty to blindly obey the worldly masters and give unquestioned submission to wordly laws.

:yay: Whenever one goes to Court then they start to ask, "what is the intent of that law?" The process in State Legislatures and in the U.S. Congress is to make the laws right. To interpret any and all laws is the least one can do before obeying the masters.
I guess that is why you have been found guilty the times you have come before the courts and the law. The fact that you did not comprehend those laws or understand that there are immigration laws in place that aliens must adhere to is a testament to your lack of ability to participate in any legislative process and the primary in September will show this clearly when you are soundly trounced by whomever runs in opposition to you.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
:bs: You said, ...
You are calling the people names and not the act so quit lying (which is the act that you are doing that makes you a liar).
:smack: I guess now I do see that KK is basically correct that I have been name-calling the persons and not just name-calling their actions. I think it was my error and not a lie but my possition certainly was not true.

Therefore I am here repenting and from now on I will try hard to keep all my name-calling just about actions only. "Hate the sin and not the sinner."

So now I say that those thoughtful people that call themselves "minutemen" are committing acts that are racist, unethical and biligerant. But now I accept that those minutemen might not know that their actions are wrong and ignorant and they might not know the difference between right and wrong so any more name-calling from me will reflect that benefit of doubt.

:yay: So thank you KK for pointing it out to me and now I do believe that it is a politically beneficial adjustment to my terminology too.

Thus I am now planning to stop the name-calling of other certain folks as an "oiligarchy". Just because they look like and act like an oligarchy does not mean that I can be name-calling them one.

:smack: KK has shown me my error and I agree with him and I repent. :howdy:


JPC said:
:larry: I think the poster is correct. We do have some real morality police in the USA. That comparison is that both the forcing child support and attacking the illegal aliens are indeed biligerant morality police issues. Not real crimes but self righteous commandments. .
All laws are based on morality you moron. It is morally wrong to lie, cheat, steal and kill. So you say all the time by quoting the Bible. So being "morally wrong" only applies when you say so? Self centered peon.:rolleyes:

JPC said:
Because as in child support there is no physical crime, no victims, no perpetrator. The children are all fine, both the parents are fine, and then the biligerant morality police put parents in jail for being poor..
WRONG! I am so sick and tired of you spouting this bull. The victim is the child, the perpetrator is the greedy, self absorbed, self centered stool sample of a parent who wont kick in their share to care for the child. It is accepted, it is law, it is the will of the nation and you tooting your "deadbroke", "kids don't need a bed", "kids are taken care of fine" line of bullshiat doesn't make it so. You went to jail, you are a criminal, you are a waste of skin, you are a petty self centered joke of a human being.

JPC said:
:Thus the poster was correct that this is a similar comparison to the border crossings, in that there is no real crime, no victims, no perpetrator. .
If your disability check gets cut because they need the extra money to take care of disabled illegals and their kids I bet you would give yourself an aneurysm screaming about how you are being cheated. You would rock too and fro in a puddle of your own drool mumbling about what a victim you are.

JPC said:
:The Mexicans use to own that land and the U.S. took it from them. Most latinoes do stay in the occupied area of the U.S. The Mexicans have been crossing that land for 500 years and the USA has occupied that land for some 170 years. Plus many of the latinoes are of native American Indian origin so they have been crossing that same land for thousands of years. .
Your respect for "tradition and history" is admirable. 5000 years ago your ancestors played in their own feces and peed in their water supply too, why don't you still do that?

JPC said:
:Now those biligerent minutemen are telling us its something wrong when people do some thing completely natural as walk accross the land..
Quite possibly the stupidest thing you have posted yet. :duh:

JPC said:
::coffee: Self righteous biligerant morality police, but not police at all but just fakers.
Just like you faked being a "dad".


Working for the weekend
Pete said:
All laws are based on morality you moron. It is morally wrong to lie, cheat, steal and kill. So you say all the time by quoting the Bible. So being "morally wrong" only applies when you say so? Self centered peon.:rolleyes:

WRONG! I am so sick and tired of you spouting this bull. The victim is the child, the perpetrator is the greedy, self absorbed, self centered stool sample of a parent who wont kick in their share to care for the child. It is accepted, it is law, it is the will of the nation and you tooting your "deadbroke", "kids don't need a bed", "kids are taken care of fine" line of bullshiat doesn't make it so. You went to jail, you are a criminal, you are a waste of skin, you are a petty self centered joke of a human being.

If your disability check gets cut because they need the extra money to take care of disabled illegals and their kids I bet you would give yourself an aneurysm screaming about how you are being cheated. You would rock too and fro in a puddle of your own drool mumbling about what a victim you are.

Your respect for "tradition and history" is admirable. 5000 years ago your ancestors played in their own feces and peed in their water supply too, why don't you still do that?

Quite possibly the stupidest thing you have posted yet. :duh:

Just like you faked being a "dad".

Dayum, Pete...........reading what you write is better than watching the presidential debates!! :love: Remind me never to pizz you off!!


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
All laws are based on morality you moron. It is morally wrong to lie, cheat, steal and kill. So you say all the time by quoting the Bible. So being "morally wrong" only applies when you say so? Self centered peon.:rolleyes:

WRONG! I am so sick and tired of you spouting this bull. The victim is the child, the perpetrator is the greedy, self absorbed, self centered stool sample of a parent who wont kick in their share to care for the child. It is accepted, it is law, it is the will of the nation and you tooting your "deadbroke", "kids don't need a bed", "kids are taken care of fine" line of bullshiat doesn't make it so. You went to jail, you are a criminal, you are a waste of skin, you are a petty self centered joke of a human being.

If your disability check gets cut because they need the extra money to take care of disabled illegals and their kids I bet you would give yourself an aneurysm screaming about how you are being cheated. You would rock too and fro in a puddle of your own drool mumbling about what a victim you are.

Your respect for "tradition and history" is admirable. 5000 years ago your ancestors played in their own feces and peed in their water supply too, why don't you still do that?

Quite possibly the stupidest thing you have posted yet. :duh:

Just like you faked being a "dad".
Have I told you lately that I love you? :love:


harleygirl said:
Dayum, Pete...........reading what you write is better than watching the presidential debates!! :love: Remind me never to pizz you off!!
If I were in a televised political debate it would have to be on cable. :lmao: