JPC, Sr.
Faith Without Works is Dead.
My form of "name-calling" is a big difference as that I call the action names and not the person. Hate the sin and not the sinner.
Name calling the bigots and racist and bigotry is name calling the action that the people do. They talk it and write it and spread the racism around. That is why I denounce it.
But look at the other popular name calling of "deadbeat" as it does not descride an action but only slanders the person.
Bigotry is an action that can be stopped by the bigot. Just stop talking it and or stop doing bigoted actions and the name goes away, and if one secretly thinks the bigotry and does no action then that is between them and God because for now we do not have any thought police.
But the deadbroke parent in jail can not do any action to change the name calling slander. The so-called "deadbeat" parent did nothing and it does not describe any action. It only wrongfully attacks the person.
So it is a big difference in me name calling the action and that other name calling against the person. It is another ethical standard.
Big difference indeed.
Ken King said:... ...
You squawk and squeal about name-calling and yet you indulge in it at your pleasure when it serves your means. You sir are exactly what a hypocrite is defined to be.

But look at the other popular name calling of "deadbeat" as it does not descride an action but only slanders the person.
Bigotry is an action that can be stopped by the bigot. Just stop talking it and or stop doing bigoted actions and the name goes away, and if one secretly thinks the bigotry and does no action then that is between them and God because for now we do not have any thought police.
But the deadbroke parent in jail can not do any action to change the name calling slander. The so-called "deadbeat" parent did nothing and it does not describe any action. It only wrongfully attacks the person.
So it is a big difference in me name calling the action and that other name calling against the person. It is another ethical standard.
Big difference indeed.