Born Again?


Originally posted by Pete
Don't worry, they are begining to learn the word loathe.....allow me........

TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: loathed, loath·ing, loathes
To dislike (someone or something) greatly; abhor.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English lothen, from Old English lthian.

I tried to find a Ukraine dictionary so Daduska can see it in his native tongue but alas the only translation in that language came out to mean "pig knuckle"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
And for me to do anything different then what I am doing is like asking the Sky to change from Blue to another color. It is what I am.
That's a handy excuse, too, and leaves no room for growth. If you believe in God, as you say you do, then you know he gave you free will. YOU choose what to do with the gifts He gave you. If you use your gifts to preach to people and alienate them, don't blame God - you CHOOSE to do that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
don't want no more growth.
There's where you and I differ. The day I stop growing is the day I die.

I know I alienate people which is most likely my greatest gift
Alienating people is not a gift. Teaching people is a gift. Alienating them is a flaw.


Originally posted by zuchick
When one is content on his place in life he tends to side step growth.
If you stop growing and living you no longer have the quality of life that everyone in this world deserves. Life is a growing process that no matter how old you are, you are still growing whether it be spiritually or not acting like a social twit.
Originally posted by zuchick

I know I alienate people which is most likely my greatest gift.. But you have to realize, it has been a very long time since I have had the Wesyern Mindset..

What type of religous person are you to alienate people. That is not the way God instructed us to live. He wants you to accept people who they are. Yes you can witness to them, but don't be so judgemental if they don't follow your exact wisdom and religion, that is SO not right.

Originally posted by zuchick
That is because I haev adopted an Eastern Mindset set which is why I must go into great detail when speaking to those of the Western Church..

SOOO...basically your saying because we are members of a eastern church that you are better then us, and we don't have a clue when it comes to religion?

YOu know what we used to call born again Christians in my school(which was a Christian School) thumpers, because they were out to save the world because they had just found God. Well most of us had found God from a very young age and didn't need to be thumped!


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Zuchick... I think maybe you need to step back and rethink your approach.

First, when I logged in this afternoon I saw two of your posts side by side. First, this one. Second, "My Ignore List." Interesting to say the least.

If you are trying to lead God's people - but you exclude the "gentiles" or unbelievers, then you are swimming upstream and fighting a losing battle.

This causes those of us who cherish God to question your motives.

If you never ever listen to another thing I say...please listen to this. You cannot lead people to God when you do not live the way that God commands.

This "jam it down your throat approach" Is turning many, who are sitting on the fence away from God. You will be held responsible for this at judgement.

I try very hard to look into the hearts of others and understand that God loves every single one of us. None is above the other.

Stop force feeding God and join our family. Once you get to know us... You'll find ton's of opportunity to lovingly talk about God.

Right now you are placing your eternity in jepordy. I know you don't see it. :smile:
:yeahthat: :cheers: