Born schizophrenic


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
They took her out of school due to violent outbursts..and she goes after school on her own. They have her on quite a few serious meds...ones that drive adults to stop them because of the side effects..I would try to keep her off of them while she is able to be controlled..and save them for when shes older and bigger...but thats just me.. She's zonked i really feel awful for the kid.

I had a good discussion one day in class ...where I argued that we may be stifiling natural creativity in children by drugging of course schizophrenics NEED meds..I will never argue about that..but if she is able to be controlled I would let her be and try that...

I guess I'm stuck on the edcuational aspect, since I have a son in SpEd. All children with special needs have the right to be educated in the least restrictive environment. If there is none, then the local education district must provide it.

Be that as it may - the meds are a serious issue in a child so young with this illness. Many of the antipsychotic medications have such horrible side effects. :frown:


Dream Stealer
I guess I'm stuck on the edcuational aspect, since I have a son in SpEd. All children with special needs have the right to be educated in the least restrictive environment. If there is none, then the local education district must provide it.

Be that as it may - the meds are a serious issue in a child so young with this illness. Many of the antipsychotic medications have such horrible side effects. :frown:

Well, I know we only got to see clips..but in school...she just looked terrifically bored. Which isn't uncommon for such an extremely intelligent child.. not to mention one of the best ways to get rid of or minimize hallucinations is to occupy your mind in another way...perhaps she would benefit from a very challenging setting coupled with some intense excercise/physical activity...for instance an obstacle course with problems to solve within it... I would really love to work with her. since her situation is so rare..the preset programs they have just don't seem to be benefitting her..she didnt even pay attention to the teachers...


Dream Stealer
You can only not afford to do it if you don't do it.

There's always a way to so it if you WANT to do it.

Yeah I gave up the idea ..and instead started on my MBA cuz the company pays for it...but I really hate it. Problem is..most psyDs are full time and very few are online..but you're right. I should do it..excuses are useless.


I bowl overhand
If you're born Schizo do you come out and wait for everyone else, or do you climb back in and come out again and again??


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well, I know we only got to see clips..but in school...she just looked terrifically bored. Which isn't uncommon for such an extremely intelligent child.. not to mention one of the best ways to get rid of or minimize hallucinations is to occupy your mind in another way...perhaps she would benefit from a very challenging setting coupled with some intense excercise/physical activity...for instance an obstacle course with problems to solve within it... I would really love to work with her. since her situation is so rare..the preset programs they have just don't seem to be benefitting her..she didnt even pay attention to the teachers...

I was about to go to bed when I saw they were repeating the episode, so I stayed up to watch it. (too late! :yawn:)

Oh, I agree she looked bored and the school's "one size fits all" program was probably not a match for her. That's where special education comes in, because according to the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) law, she is entitled to a fair and appropriate education. (FAPE) That is, fair and appropriate for her. She probably has an IEP, it looked like the teachers worked with her for an hour, one on one - as that was all she could tolerate. So it did seem individualized to her situation. But, you're right the show was a bunch of clips, and they didn't spend a lot of time on any one thing, so it's hard to know a lot about that aspect, as they didn't cover much of it.

I didn't get the same negative vibes about the mother, though. I thought the parents were doing their best to maintain some sense of stability in a family which was very turbulent as a result of the daughter's condition. The 2 apartment idea was a really unconventional approach, but I thought it was actually a really positive solution in light of their situation. This allowed them to keep their daughter from being placed in some kind of residential hospital facility to protect the rest of them when she became psychotic.


Dream Stealer
I was about to go to bed when I saw they were repeating the episode, so I stayed up to watch it. (too late! :yawn:)

Oh, I agree she looked bored and the school's "one size fits all" program was probably not a match for her. That's where special education comes in, because according to the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) law, she is entitled to a fair and appropriate education. (FAPE) That is, fair and appropriate for her. She probably has an IEP, it looked like the teachers worked with her for an hour, one on one - as that was all she could tolerate. So it did seem individualized to her situation. But, you're right the show was a bunch of clips, and they didn't spend a lot of time on any one thing, so it's hard to know a lot about that aspect, as they didn't cover much of it.

I didn't get the same negative vibes about the mother, though. I thought the parents were doing their best to maintain some sense of stability in a family which was very turbulent as a result of the daughter's condition. The 2 apartment idea was a really unconventional approach, but I thought it was actually a really positive solution in light of their situation. This allowed them to keep their daughter from being placed in some kind of residential hospital facility to protect the rest of them when she became psychotic.

I wish they had showed more about her that is a really neat aspect..

But I still feel weirded out by mom. It is to be comended that they are doing everything to keep her at home...that can be tough on any family, any situation...but the videotaping was strange to well as her demeanor and explanations of things. Of course evryone reacts t things differently..I wouldn't want to say she isn't acting the way I think she should..but I couldn't help feeling her attitude was a little strange.

One scene in particular bothered me and I keep thinking about it...the scene where she is apparently throwing a fit and her father is holding her and trying to soothe her...she is screaming help me help me...but there is no emotion in it..struck me as strange...hallucinations can be terrifying to patients..I have seen grown men throw tables, chairs, bang their heads on walls floors and glass to try to get them to stop..then she just stopped..and said as calm as can be..mommy why are you taping this? It struck me as the oddest thing for some reason..that whole scene.


New Member
I just stumbled onto this thread - I didn't catch the show, but I did see an episode of Oprah a while back that featured a girl that fits this description. How recent was this documentary? The reason I ask is because this girl was older on Oprah and had a younger brother (I think it was a brother) who was about 2 years old (the girl was around 7 or 8 I think).

I don't usually tune into Oprah but it happened to be on and it caught my attention before I could change it. I did feel sorry for the little girl - I remember them mentioning the 2 apartment thing, saying that it had started so that one parent could get rest, then continued on so that she wouldn't hurt the younger sibling (i.e. the parents switched off on kid duty - each always had one child. The younger child had grown up in a one parent household, as the two could never be together).

The whole situation was heartbreaking - and yes, I found the Mom to be a little 'attention whore-ish' on Oprah. They were sending her to some sort of thing once a month (or once a week??) that was medically supervised, and she got to play most of the day with another little girl who was about her age who also had schizophrenia. She was on SO many medications... but obviously very bright and aware of herself and her illness.

I was under the impression that they were taping stuff because of the Oprah show - I don't think she mentioned that the taping had been going on for a long time.


Damned glad to meet you
I keep reading that the mother seems a little off. Any signs of Münchausen syndrome on the parents part?


I got the impression that the mother would be happier if the daughter was permanently in a mental home but the father wanted the girl to have a normal life. Every clip they showed the mother going to the other apartment to stay with the girl. I couldnt imagine the stress but we can't predict whether our kids will be healthy or not. We take a chance and hope for the best.