Botox Injections


Salt Life
In order to get the injections I need, I have to have a neurologist do it. I requires more botox for what I need it for, that' why it is so much more expensive. I appreciate your help though, your very sweet to try. :huggy:

I know of technicians that perform these type of injections. I would look around at other options - don't settle on just one doctor.


Well-Known Member
In order to get the injections I need, I have to have a neurologist do it. I requires more botox for what I need it for, that' why it is so much more expensive. I appreciate your help though, your very sweet to try. :huggy:

It sucks that your insurance won't cover the injections. Have you tried other types of therapy? Maybe accupuncture?


Cleopatra Jones
Alex or George?


MB, did you look up prolo therapy? It's the same concept only they use dextrose in an attempt to make the body heal itself. My insurance is covering it because it's been used as "physical therapy" for some time now. Worth a look.


We are going back to his office Monday to discuss new options, the Prolo may be one of his suggestions. I am to the point that I want him to preform surgery and just kill the nerves in that side of my face. I am so sick of these headaches!


Well-Known Member
We are going back to his office Monday to discuss new options, the Prolo may be one of his suggestions. I am to the point that I want him to preform surgery and just kill the nerves in that side of my face. I am so sick of these headaches!

maybe the Dr. could offer you a payment plan. Then you could see if the Botox will help your headaches. I get migraines too (nothing like yours though) and the only thing that has helped me is Frova.


maybe the Dr. could offer you a payment plan. Then you could see if the Botox will help your headaches. I get migraines too (nothing like yours though) and the only thing that has helped me is Frova.

Nope, no payment plan, we went with different injections. They did not work because before I could even get home from having those I got another migraine and it has yet to let up and that was yesterday morning and I have been popping pain pills like candy! Nothing is helping. Now we are talking surgery. :frown:


New Member
Nope, no payment plan, we went with different injections. They did not work because before I could even get home from having those I got another migraine and it has yet to let up and that was yesterday morning and I have been popping pain pills like candy! Nothing is helping. Now we are talking surgery. :frown:

A friend of mine also suffered from migraines for many, many years. For days and weeks at a time she would have to stay in complete darkness until they passed. She even had needles injected into her skull. She finally had to go the way of surgery to cut a nerve going into her head. She is finally migraine free (last I heard) after several other surgeries and medicines. If you wish to speak with her I'm sure she would share her "journey" through the various doctors and procedures and hopefully can point you in the right direction. If you PM me your phone number I can pass it along to her.