'Bout Darn Time This Came Out!

Feds Get Friday Off
Updated: Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2003 - 5:43 PM
(White House-AP) -- Federal workers will get to take a 4-day weekend at Christmas.
President Bush Tuesday signed an executive order closing most of the federal government on the day after Christmas. The bonus holiday does not effect Postal employees or emergency personnel. Those who do work on Friday, December 26th will likely get holiday pay. The last time Christmas came on a Thursday was 1997. Then-President Bill Clinton also gave non-emergency personnel the day off.
(Copyright FederalNewsRadio.com and the Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
It says "most" of the federal government. How do we find out if Pax gets it off?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Executive Order Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Governme

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. All executive branch departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall be closed and their employees excused from duty on Friday, December 26, 2003, the day after Christmas Day, except as provided in section 2 below.

Sec. 2. The heads of executive branch departments and agencies may determine that certain offices and installations of their organizations, or parts thereof, must remain open and that certain employees must report for duty on December 26, 2003, for reasons of national security or defense or other public need.

Sec. 3. Friday, December 26, 2003, shall be considered as falling within the scope of Executive Order 11582 of February 11, 1971, and of 5 U.S.C. 5546 and 6103(b) and other similar statutes insofar as they relate to the pay and leave of employees of the United States.



December 9, 2003.


New Member
My union contract say's I get off all government holidays including "General" holidays declared by the president or congress. Does anyone know if this would be considered a General holiday?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sparx
My union contract say's I get off all government holidays including "General" holidays declared by the president or congress. Does anyone know if this would be considered a General holiday?

Dunno. Are you a 'General'?