Boy Kills Himself After Getting Bullied at School



How does an 8 year old even understand and know how to "hang himself"?
Good question. I'm guessing TV....or being bullied by the "thuglets" at school who were telling him to kill himself.


NOT Politically Correct!!
That sucks and is very sad. But in some ways the parents were failing to communicate with their son because they were clueless to the fact the kid was being bullied or failed to recognized changes in his behavior. A great start that I do daily when I get home from work is, how was school? I know when their are changes in my daughters mood or behavior because we talk...:coffee:


Well-Known Member
Forget the reason...I think this is just a sad thing, that an eight year old would not realize the finality of death.


Nah, but I can certainly imagine all the laughs these days if you had fallen off the roof wearing your superman underoos, split that big noggin of yours, and ended up as a window licker!

I'm still your friend so I'd pony up for the weekly Roses outings even if you WERE (or BECOME) a tard. :yay:

:huggy: <---Good game!
if you were a tard:confused:


Hate all you want, it was a question that I had since the linked article says nothing about the parents. If the child was that distressed one would think that a parent would have possibly seen a sign and talked with the child.

In no way was I condemning the parents, just wondering where they were, afterall this was an 8 year-old found by the 3 year-old.

I got bullied by this prick while going to McNamara HS back in 80 ... I was the goofy klutz wearing Glasses a$$holes loved to pick on ........ and I never talked about to my mother ..... Dad had died in '77

Too bad I do not take a .45 to School and blow the little prick away ..... :doh: Had access mom was dating a Gun Collector @ that time ... :whistle:

luckily I failed French Class and got kicked back down to PS. where I finished without further incident .........


New Member
That sucks and is very sad. But in some ways the parents were failing to communicate with their son because they were clueless to the fact the kid was being bullied or failed to recognized changes in his behavior. A great start that I do daily when I get home from work is, how was school? I know when their are changes in my daughters mood or behavior because we talk...:coffee:

You are an excellent example of what a parent should be.
I wish my father had been like you, but mine was never an Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver upbringing.
My father, outwardly a successful and respectable man, came home frequently drunk. The slightest thing set him off in a rage. If we had problems, we could not discuss them with him, because his were "more important" compared to the pettiness of ours. My siblings and I learned to fear his footsteps and tried to stay out of his way, albeit not always successfully. My mother endured all this and more in silence, for in those days, such things were not open to discussion.
I am sad that this young man did not learn to be a survivor. I don't know why his parents failed , but it is unfortunate that they did.


I'm Rick James #####!
Nah, but I can certainly imagine all the laughs these days if you had fallen off the roof wearing your superman underoos, split that big noggin of yours, and ended up as a window licker!

I'm still your friend so I'd pony up for the weekly Roses outings even if you WERE (or BECOME) a tard. :yay:

:huggy: <---Good game!

Hey Karma queen, there were 6, **6** words in that karma (one over 4 letters) and you misspelled TWO of them! :doh:

No huggy for YOU!!



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
That sucks and is very sad. But in some ways the parents were failing to communicate with their son because they were clueless to the fact the kid was being bullied or failed to recognized changes in his behavior. A great start that I do daily when I get home from work is, how was school? I know when their are changes in my daughters mood or behavior because we talk...:coffee:

:yeahthat: Communication is key. :yay::yay:


I heart CLeValley
Correction Made this morning on Fox Morning News- He didinot hang himself - the were extenuating circumstances for his death.