

Well-Known Member
I have spacers in my mouth in prep for braces. It is very uncomfortable. Soon I will get bands put on, then the actual braces. Is this going go get any easier? If the whole process (probably about a year) is going to be this miserable I don't know if I can take it. Maybe I'm a wimp but right now I just want these spacers out of my mouth!


Soul Probe
I have spacers in my mouth in prep for braces. It is very uncomfortable. Soon I will get bands put on, then the actual braces. Is this going go get any easier? If the whole process (probably about a year) is going to be this miserable I don't know if I can take it. Maybe I'm a wimp but right now I just want these spacers out of my mouth!

I'm sorry. Mouth pain sucks! :huggy:

Were you not eligible for Invisalign?

I just took my daughter for an orthodontist consult. The orthodontist explained to me that with the prep work (spacers, bands, etc) needed for conventional braces it costs more, takes longer, and has more discomfort than Invisalign. We'll be saving one year time and $700 by using the Inivisalign, which also comes with tooth whitener.

Of course, it's still not cheap. I have to have a $2400+ payment in hand when I take her back and will pay $118/month for the next 22 months. :faint:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. Mouth pain sucks! :huggy:

Were you not eligible for Invisalign?

I just took my daughter for an orthodontist consult. The orthodontist explained to me that with the prep work (spacers, bands, etc) needed for conventional braces it costs more, takes longer, and has more discomfort than Invisalign. We'll be saving one year time and $700 by using the Inivisalign, which also comes with tooth whitener.

Of course, it's still not cheap. I have to have a $2400+ payment in hand when I take her back and will pay $118/month for the next 22 months. :faint:

Hey Radiant - here's the thing. I did invisalign. Paid BIG bucks 6-7 years ago for it (did I say BIG BUCKS?). It didn't solve my teeth/mouth/gum problems, so the oral surgeon (Dr. Z) said in his opinion I need good old genuine metal braces for my bottom teefs. Good luck with the Invisalign. Your daughter will probably make out fine....I'm just a problem child


Soul Probe
Hey Radiant - here's the thing. I did invisalign. Paid BIG bucks 6-7 years ago for it (did I say BIG BUCKS?). It didn't solve my teeth/mouth/gum problems, so the oral surgeon (Dr. Z) said in his opinion I need good old genuine metal braces for my bottom teefs. Good luck with the Invisalign. Your daughter will probably make out fine....I'm just a problem child

Oh wow. I'm sorry you have to go through it again. Dr. Z knows what he's talking about though, he's a good oral surgeon.

Have you tried topical Anbesol for temporary relief?


Well-Known Member
Oh wow. I'm sorry you have to go through it again. Dr. Z knows what he's talking about though, he's a good oral surgeon.

Have you tried topical Anbesol for temporary relief?

No but I do have some. Maybe I'll try that. Dr. Doumit gave me something called PerioMed oral rinse. It seems to sooth it some.


I did the old school braces as an adult. It does get better once the bands are on. I think the spacers were the worst of it. Once you get used to the bands and brackets, the only time you have discomfort is when they do the adjustments.

The numbing mouth gel or cream helps...sort of. What worked best for me was swishing with warm vodka or gin. Swish the alcohol in your mouth as long as you can...then you have the choice of spitting or swallowing. Repete as necessary, or until you have swallowed enough you just don't care.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Stock up on Tylenol and since you are over 21 a little bit of Crown Royal could be quite efficacious.


Amount of F##Ks given, 0
I have to get Braces eventually. I have 2 baby teeth still. My K9s. I have the adult teeth stuck in my gums. They just never came down.


Well-Known Member
I did the old school braces as an adult. It does get better once the bands are on. I think the spacers were the worst of it. Once you get used to the bands and brackets, the only time you have discomfort is when they do the adjustments.

The numbing mouth gel or cream helps...sort of. What worked best for me was swishing with warm vodka or gin. Swish the alcohol in your mouth as long as you can...then you have the choice of spitting or swallowing. Repete as necessary, or until you have swallowed enough you just don't care.

Idunno - gosh I hope your right about the spacers are the worst of it. Once I get the bands and brackets will I be able to chew food? Pudding and soup is ok for a while but gets old quick.


Well-Known Member
They have to pull my baby teeth. Then put me in braces and hook a chain to them and slowly pull them down.

I'm having this vision of you being hooked to a big old pick um up truck and its pulling your teefs down. Sorry, I think I'm tired


New Member
I have spacers in my mouth in prep for braces. It is very uncomfortable. Soon I will get bands put on, then the actual braces. Is this going go get any easier? If the whole process (probably about a year) is going to be this miserable I don't know if I can take it. Maybe I'm a wimp but right now I just want these spacers out of my mouth!

While we all have different thresholds of pain/discomfort, I can tell you it's bad for about the first two weeks then you get used to it. It's bad---uncomfortable---when they put the the braces on, just use the wax they give you and really you will get used to it. I just had my braces put on in January and it was achy for about three days (I took a couple of aspirin) and it's an adjustment while you get used to eating for a few days but it gets better...and the results will be dazzling! Don't give up! (BTW, I am an "old woman" but it'll still be worth it!)


Well-Known Member
While we all have different thresholds of pain/discomfort, I can tell you it's bad for about the first two weeks then you get used to it. It's bad---uncomfortable---when they put the the braces on, just use the wax they give you and really you will get used to it. I just had my braces put on in January and it was achy for about three days (I took a couple of aspirin) and it's an adjustment while you get used to eating for a few days but it gets better...and the results will be dazzling! Don't give up! (BTW, I am an "old woman" but it'll still be worth it!)

Thanks for the encouragement silentwoman. How long will you have to wear them? My doc said about a year.


Idunno - gosh I hope your right about the spacers are the worst of it. Once I get the bands and brackets will I be able to chew food? Pudding and soup is ok for a while but gets old quick.

You will be a little sore after an adjustment. Best thing is to chew any "good stuff" right after the adjustment and stick to the soft foods once the soreness sets in. You do get used to it. It is well worth it.

Oh.... get a waterpick!!!


I am so very blessed
I wore braces on three separate occasions, for a total of just over eight years.

Lesson learned from my years of experience and multiple - and avoidable - times in braces:

Wear the damn retainers. Every single day. Every single night. Put them in periodically so you can monitor and access if your teeth have shifted, and take action to wear them more often/longer to get your teeth back on track.

As another note, I am not a big fan of Invisalign. Whenever you take the retainers out, your teeth have a tendency to shift, even if slightly. So, you are always battling that slight shift with the proper location if where the teeth should be. Bob wore Invisalign for two years, and initially the improvement was great, but as he neared completion, the teeth would shift whenever he would take the retainers out.


Been thru what ur going thru.. the spacers are the worst! once the actual braces got on for me - it worked great moving my teeth but u will have to have the wires cut in the back of your mouth or it'll poke ya.. the things i hated besides the spacers were the rubber bands.. a few years after I've had my braces off - my jaw now clicks - not TMJ or nothing - doesn't hurt but dr said its from the braces and moving my jaw w/the bands which is totally annoying but again - its not in pain.. its not horrible w/the braces.. but have them be careful pulling the metal off your teeth when its time to take em off.. a few of them pulled the side of my teeth off!! and had to have fillings..

I have spacers in my mouth in prep for braces. It is very uncomfortable. Soon I will get bands put on, then the actual braces. Is this going go get any easier? If the whole process (probably about a year) is going to be this miserable I don't know if I can take it. Maybe I'm a wimp but right now I just want these spacers out of my mouth!


Well-Known Member
be prepared for them to hurt every month when you have your wires changed.

I hated the spacers because it felt like I had food stuck between my teeth, and I hate that.

If you are going to spend the money to get braces, wear the retainers when you get them off. I wore braces for 5 years. Trust me when I say I had to hear about it every single month when my mother had to pay the bill and she threatened me that I better take care of them after her spending so much money on braces for me. My teeth are still straight :biggrin:

I spent the money to have my oldest daughter wear braces. Waste of money, she never wore the retainer and her teeth have all shifted. :burning:

Just be prepared, your teeth WILL hurt for a few days every single month you have the braces. For me, it was well worth the pain. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Been thru what ur going thru.. the spacers are the worst! once the actual braces got on for me - it worked great moving my teeth but u will have to have the wires cut in the back of your mouth or it'll poke ya.. the things i hated besides the spacers were the rubber bands.. a few years after I've had my braces off - my jaw now clicks - not TMJ or nothing - doesn't hurt but dr said its from the braces and moving my jaw w/the bands which is totally annoying but again - its not in pain.. its not horrible w/the braces.. but have them be careful pulling the metal off your teeth when its time to take em off.. a few of them pulled the side of my teeth off!! and had to have fillings..

Pulled the side of your teeth off!! Oh good lord. Well, I can't worry about that now I guess. Thanks for the info and advise JLS