

Well-Known Member
be prepared for them to hurt every month when you have your wires changed.

I hated the spacers because it felt like I had food stuck between my teeth, and I hate that.

If you are going to spend the money to get braces, wear the retainers when you get them off. I wore braces for 5 years. Trust me when I say I had to hear about it every single month when my mother had to pay the bill and she threatened me that I better take care of them after her spending so much money on braces for me. My teeth are still straight :biggrin:

I spent the money to have my oldest daughter wear braces. Waste of money, she never wore the retainer and her teeth have all shifted. :burning:

Just be prepared, your teeth WILL hurt for a few days every single month you have the braces. For me, it was well worth the pain. :yay:

SoMDgirl-I'm OK with some pain as long as I know its temporary. And yes right now I want to floss my teeth!! But not going to because I don't want to mess up the spacers.

I had the Invisilign and was faithful at wearing the retainers at night. Its a drag that I'm having to do this but such is life.

Darn shame that your daughter didn't wear her retainers. I'm sure you want to shake her!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have spacers in my mouth in prep for braces. It is very uncomfortable. Soon I will get bands put on, then the actual braces. Is this going go get any easier? If the whole process (probably about a year) is going to be this miserable I don't know if I can take it. Maybe I'm a wimp but right now I just want these spacers out of my mouth!

Be brave and stick with it. A great smile is a door opener and one of the first things people notice.

Larry's youngest daughter had the most jacked up teeth ever and had to do the spacer thing. She also had some crazy contraption that looked like a torture device that she had to wear when sleeping. She went through hell the first 6 months or so of her ortho and it hurt all the time. Today she is a 21 year old woman with an irresistibly gorgeous smile, and I believe she would say that it was worth every second of pain, every ounce of effort caring for them.

It does get better once the spacers do their thing. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Be brave and stick with it. A great smile is a door opener and one of the first things people notice.

Larry's youngest daughter had the most jacked up teeth ever and had to do the spacer thing. She also had some crazy contraption that looked like a torture device that she had to wear when sleeping. She went through hell the first 6 months or so of her ortho and it hurt all the time. Today she is a 21 year old woman with an irresistibly gorgeous smile, and I believe she would say that it was worth every second of pain, every ounce of effort caring for them.

It does get better once the spacers do their thing. :huggy:

Thanks Vrai. I think my smile is OK now but I have a serious overbite. Plus I have gum I also need to go to a gumologist. But thank you, I am going to try to "be brave and stick with it".