'Brain Fog' of Menopause Confirmed


Adopt me please !
"ScienceDaily (Mar. 14, 2012) — The difficulties that many women describe as memory problems when menopause approaches are real, according to a study published recently in the journal Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society.

The findings won't come as a surprise to the millions of women who have had bouts of forgetfulness or who describe struggles with "brain fog" in their late 40s and 50s. But the results of the study, by scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center and the University of Illinois at Chicago who gave women a rigorous battery of cognitive tests, validate their experiences and provide some clues to what is happening in the brain as women hit menopause."

'Brain fog' of menopause confirmed


Surely you jest ...
Interesting article, thank you for sharing.

I remember my mother's time with what we called 'brain f**ts' not fog. Laughing at her and thinking I'm never going to... um where was I? What article? Huh? Very sorry I seemed to have forgotten what I was going to say.



New Member
Brain fog can be...

"ScienceDaily (Mar. 14, 2012) — The difficulties that many women describe as memory problems when menopause approaches are real, according to a study published recently in the journal Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society.

The findings won't come as a surprise to the millions of women who have had bouts of forgetfulness or who describe struggles with "brain fog" in their late 40s and 50s. But the results of the study, by scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center and the University of Illinois at Chicago who gave women a rigorous battery of cognitive tests, validate their experiences and provide some clues to what is happening in the brain as women hit menopause."

'Brain fog' of menopause confirmed

Avoided by keeping the mind sharp and focused on interesting, useful concepts and by helping others. If a woman in her late 40s and 50s tends to focus her mind on watching tv, shopping and keeping a job that is not mentally challenging, she will no doubt develop brain fog.....

I am a woman in my late 40s with a recently acquired master's degree and currently enrolled in post-master's courses. I also try to participate in community-minded activites. No fog so far, except after a few too many glasses of wine. :buddies: