Brazilian Blow Out?


New Member
Today someone told me that the hair co. In Leonardtown had this service called a Brazilian blow out, anyone had one? I was told it is super expensive but almost sounds worth it... if anyone has had this done please post comments..
For those who haven't it is supposedly this 'miracle' stuff (I made that up) lol that lasts for 12 weeks and you never have to straighten your hair during that time. It's like a relaxer..let me know what you think...


New Member
There was a lady having this done at Michelangelo's in Huntingtown the last time I was in having my hair done. It turned out really nicely. Not stick straight -- it still had body to it -- but apparently that whatever way it is styled in is how it will stay. This lady had a hair style that was just past shoulder length with long layers. Looked great when they were done and the girl there did a great job.


New Member
Hah I knew it would get everyone's attention!! Yeah its like 250 but you can get $100 off coupon (I think) thanks for your reply jsouthan everyone else...GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!! :killingme


thats a lot of money every 12 weeks but some people can afford it I guess. I'll have to stick to a flat iron


New Member
I would think that 3 months is ok is its as good as they say it is...aside from oozing and rushes lol but I speed 130 every 6 weeks to get it colored so is you switched off everytime I problem wouldn't get it done all the time though just as a treat...unless you get addicted to it or something lol o don't know sounds really cool, my dream has always been to wake up and get out of the shower and not have to straighten my hair...