We are all just glad you are safe. Yes indeed you got your sign. Now hurry up and get the heck home.kingofbeers8 said:All is well and heading home. Hyatt was mess. Closest call in 16 months. Heres my sign
We are all just glad you are safe. Yes indeed you got your sign. Now hurry up and get the heck home.kingofbeers8 said:All is well and heading home. Hyatt was mess. Closest call in 16 months. Heres my sign
Have a safe trip!kingofbeers8 said:All is well and heading home. Hyatt was mess. Closest call in 16 months. Heres my sign
watercolor said:So, they believe that they if they sacrifice their life- they will go to heaven or paradise immediately? Something they will get 40 virgins or something?
Who ever told you that does not have it quite right. Islam is based on the Qur'an. The Qur'an was compiled from the notes and writings of Mohammad. He died over 600 years after Jesus. There are specific scriptures in the Qur'an that tell believers it is OK to kill infidels (non believers). I know of no such passages in the Old or New Testaments. As a matter of note, the 6th commandment isduzzey1a said:I remember someone saying that these terrorist base their whole version of islam on teachings that were derived from the old testament. Kinda like if you do this to me, then I will do this to you. This same person said that we (westerners) believe in new testament teachings of forgiveness, etc. Not sure how true this is. But just what I heard. As for me, I think that the everyday person over in that part of the world does not agree with this. And as a result of these bombings, even islamic people are calling for the death of al Zarchawi. This is getting very interesting.
Notice it is correctly translated murder and not kill.Exodus 20:13
<sup id="en-NASB-2065">13</sup>"You shall not murder.