BREAKING NEWS: Gore to endorse Obama


NOT Politically Correct!!
That's great news, maybe Gore will let NObama hold his oscar during his next performance...:lmao:


Well-Known Member
Grandy and Andy were talking this morning about the possibility of a Gore VP. Fred Grandy thought it'd be a slam dunk, if Al took it. Andy thought it would tend to bring out more people against Obama.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Grandy and Andy were talking this morning about the possibility of a Gore VP. Fred Grandy thought it'd be a slam dunk, if Al took it. Andy thought it would tend to bring out more people against Obama.

Can you imagine??? More Gore!?


Larry Gude

Strung Out

The way I see it, it's a loss for Obama. He won't get any more votes by adding him, but he will lose votes from people who might have voted for him.

...I hadn't even considered it until this thread!

Here's the best case I can make; At some point before the election, the reality that things are much better in Iraq takes hold along with the realization that we simply won't be leaving any time soon and Obama's main issue is gone.

Then, they, the Obama people, figure he has no real shot at conservative Democrats a la PA, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and so forth especially when the Bush III non sense about McCain wears off and these people are seen to prefer Mac over Barack.

Then, they figure there will be some loss among the more dedicated Hillary folks who realize that an Obama win is the end of their girls shot at the WH, so, they, if nothing else, stay home not really wanting a GOP win, but hoping she can run again in 2012.

Then, they figure that the kiddie vote might be playing Wii and be hung over and forget to get out to vote.

So, if you can't get the middle then secure the left and double down with Al??? It's not like it's gonna cost him the Ron Paul voters! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here's the best case I can make; At some point before the election, the reality that things are much better in Iraq takes hold along with the realization that we simply won't be leaving any time soon and Obama's main issue is gone.

Sure seemed that way, didn't it? The "I've always been against this war" candidate? But since the war just isn't making the news anymore - because there's not enough bad news (not sniping at the media, because bad news is what they report) he's going to have a lot more luck taking shots at the economy.

More people will be paying attention if, in the fall, they're paying 5 bucks or more for a gallon of gas.

Then the guy who makes the more passionate appeal to the voters on the issue of energy will win.

Notice I say "passionate". It might make more *sense* to reopen refineries - to drill offshore - to drill in ANWR - to open federal lands for drilling - and so on - but you can't win voters the way you can by promising them flying cars and punishing oil companies.


New Member
The way I see it, it's a loss for Obama. He won't get any more votes by adding him, but he will lose votes from people who might have voted for him.

This is a non-issue. Of course Gore is endorsing Obama. I would guess that most people who are considering voting for Obama (as opposed to a Rightie voting against McCain in protest) have no problem with Al Gore.

The majority of Americans are in favor of cutting down on pollution and taking "aggressive" steps to move on to the next generation of energy production...which puts Obama and Gore on the correct side of this issue.

Hell...many political pundits thought Gore would have slam dunked the nomination if he decided to run this year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Notice I say "passionate". It might make more *sense* to reopen refineries - to drill offshore - to drill in ANWR - to open federal lands for drilling - and so on - but you can't win voters the way you can by promising them flying cars and punishing oil companies.

...and this, presuming it plays this way, will be McCain's great opportunity; to illustrate that 'hope' and 'change' will be all we have left when gas goes to $10 a gallon under Obama's energy 'policies'.

It will also be tough for McCain because he does not come across very well. He also may not be humble enough to say publicly "In terms of my economic policies, I have said I need to learn more. When we look at Sen. Obama's policies, I instantly feel smarter about the economy."

Obama, well, all he has to do is what he's been doing; Making the women feel weak in the knees and tell the boys we'll get more money from daddy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The majority of Americans are in favor of cutting down on pollution and taking "aggressive" steps to move on to the next generation of energy production...which puts Obama and Gore on the correct side of this issue.

Hell...many political pundits thought Gore would have slam dunked the nomination if he decided to run this year.

...that's what I enjoy about your posts; the contrast in how we see things. Hillary was the electric rock star for you people in 2004 yet didn't run. Gore was the REAL president in 2000 and couldn't get the time of day from Democrats ever since.

So, what happens in 2008? Naturally, a guy with a nice smile, good showman, zero executive experience and very limited national experience becomes perhaps the most liberal nominee ever, including McGovern and Mondale and Dukakis. :yahoo:

Given that, how does it figure, at all, that Gore would have had a snowballs chance? Obama, well, no one knows much about him in terms of national attention span. They just know he draws big crowds. Gore is seen by many as a nut. Americans may well be all for "aggressive" steps to 'fix' the problem right up until they are faced with the reality that Gore is preaching a faith, not a science, and that his 'solutions' will have huge economic implications.
That makes people start thinking the planet might be a little more resilient than Rev. Gore claims and that we might not be as all powerful as the good Reverend says we are.


New Member
I would say that most Americans are in favor of less pollution

I would also say that we arent ready to become a third world economy in order to achieve it.

I also am ready for cheap alternative energy. Where is it?

Until it appears let me enjoy my fossil fueled life. Drill for oil ,use the Shale,use coal, build some nuke power plants, keep it as clean and inexpensive as possible and dont ruin me financially to drive me away from fossil fuel when an option I can afford does not exist.


New Member
The majority of Americans are in favor of cutting down on pollution and taking "aggressive" steps to move on to the next generation of energy production...which puts Obama and Gore on the correct side of this issue.

What exactly is there side?

If you've heard their "production" plan, please send me the link?