BREAKING NEWS>> Obama picks.....


Super Genius
...I'd heard that McCain was going to be making appearances with his guy today. Guess not.

I think he's making a mistake waiting. It would be poor manners to announce in the middle of their convention. It would be a mistake, in my view, to wait until next week end and drag out out like the Dem's did. I'd announce today.

I'd announce midday tomorrow. That would steal some thunder from the DNC convention.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess...

I'd announce midday tomorrow. That would steal some thunder from the DNC convention. comes down to their public impact goal; Today means they can steal some thunder from the other side on the Sunday talk shows. That sounds aggressive and fair to me. Announcing Sunday would be second choice. Doing it during their gig is just poor manners and may backfire.

Obama played it safe, so, at the end of the day, his big suspense fizzled.

McCain could cause a huge splash or another fizzle.

The 'deep thoughts' word is that it'll be a fizzle; Romney, and the reason why is because he makes Michigan a strong possibility for the GOP. Supposedly, Michigan and Ohio would pave Macs way to the WH.