BREAKING NEWS: Terrible Earthquake Rocks China


In My Opinion
there is no way that the injury/death count cant be high in China, they are so over populated to start with.

I hope the world pulls together once again to assist in anyway possible.

be nice to see the fighting stop for a bit and to send the troops into china to do what they can to assist.

Pretty sure that wont happen though.


Active Member
tragic for sure. Prayers going out to all.

now I wonder how the oil companies will spin this as reason for another dollar per gallon.

As sad and tragic as this was :yeahthat:
The sky is blue!!! Oil prices go up $2 a barrel!


Well-Known Member

China is requesting aid from Burma...apparently the Burmese have so much aid that they have refused to bring in any more.

Al Gore is planning a new movie dealing with the climate crisis and how it leads to bigger earthquakes.

Lastly, CNN has found the cause for the tremblor...George Buch did not sign the Kyoto accords.

And that is the news...back to the Britney Speers telethon: