BREAKING NEWS: Terror Plot Foiled


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It didn't happen - it was thwarted.

Exactly, we should concentrate on thwarting and get out of Iraq where we aren't wanted or appreciated. I also think we should be looking closely at every muslim, middle eastern, towel head, etc. in this country as part of our "thwarting".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
I also think we should be looking closely at every muslim, middle eastern, towel head, etc. in this country as part of our "thwarting".
Oh please. The second Bush authorized that, you'd be on here screaming your fool head off about "profiling" and such. With the investigating the FBI does now, the Leftists are losing their ever-loving minds - can you imagine if BushCo REALLY got serious about thwarting the radicals?

It would appear, by this latest incident, that we can fight terrorism both at home and abroad, so your point is moot.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh please. The second Bush authorized that, you'd be on here screaming your fool head off about "profiling" and such. With the investigating the FBI does now, the Leftists are losing their ever-loving minds - can you imagine if BushCo REALLY got serious about thwarting the radicals?

It would appear, by this latest incident, that we can fight terrorism both at home and abroad, so your point is moot.

Don't presume to tell me what I'd be screaming about. Can't you read what you quoted?


New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Ya'know what I noticed.

Muislims - all of them - AGAIN! :jet:
Yep...and y'all think ole Mikey doesn't know what he's talking about.

When the sleeper cells fire up again I will point my finger and say; "I TOLD YA SO!!!"



Highlander's MPD
Mikeinsmd said:
Yep...and y'all think ole Mikey doesn't know what he's talking about.

When the sleeper cells fire up again I will point my finger and say; "I TOLD YA SO!!!"


I got this karma bomb. It really shows the mentality of some of these people.

06-04-2007 11:21 AM go suck a muslim

First of all, why the heck would I want to suck a muslim. Most of these dirty bast*rds only take about one bath a month and wipe their azz with their bare hands. Oh, and it also suggests that I do something gay. That's nasty. I stand by my statement that we need to keep an eye on every Muslim. The bad muslims don't wear a badge to tell us they want to kill us. If 9/11 isn't enough for you, read this story. We are losing our young children to these barbaric animals every day. They are not stealing change from your car ashtray. They are killing us, using torture, etc. Just because Muslims are here in the US doesn't make them harmless. Most are but then again, as I said before, we just need to keep an eye on them.


New Member
Dork said:
I got this karma bomb. It really shows the mentality of some of these people. 06-04-2007 11:21 AM go suck a muslim
I got it too along with this....


If it was legal to hunt em down and kill em, I would. But unlike those animals, I live within the law. The poor lil muslim sympathizers will just have to deal with me.

Let see how they feel if one or more their family is killed by one of these orangutans. :killingme


Well-Known Member
They caught the leader:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


Highlander's MPD
willie said:
They caught the leader:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

That's too funny! :lmao:


JPC sr said:
:coffee: Well I can tell things that are more striking.

Like this story shows that the war mongering and the toture and the violence of the Bush administration is creating enemies in his own back yard.

That is what anybody and everybody gets when we do not make peace then we get more war.

Terrorist do not have to travel here from another Country as the USA under the fear driven Bush administration is creating enemies from our own ranks.

Honest people can not be loyal to an unjust and violent government. :war:

You and Forestidiot need to go back to your trailer and shoot up some more heroin or whatever junk you put in your veins together. Don't forget to share the same needle again so that syphilis keeps eating away at what remains of both of your brains!

Kudos to our intelligence services for catching these Muslim fanatics. I hope they convict them and sentence them to life behind bars in a cell coated with pig grease!


New Member
Lurk said:
I thought that was spelled wrong. :whistle:

I guess that's why the anonymous karmabomber dissappeared. He/she/IT can't read, write, or spell. :killingme

And I already know some anonymous pussy's gonna say "neither can you," because the text in the karma is always so predictable.

Bunch of effing pussies that read the forums, don't post anything productive because they're afraid someone might call them out on the stupidity they possess and go privately disagree with someone without signing a name for that person to give them the facts. So after they do this, they just run back to their cage and start clucking again.


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
NBC News: Four men arrested in alleged terror plot to blow up JFK airport.
This is a lie. There are no terrorists, it is a buzz word Karl Rove dreamed up to take over America.


NOT Politically Correct!!
This story is B/S and I'm sure Rosie O'Piglet can prove it was a government plot to keep us fighting the war on terror!!! :coffee:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
:coffee: Well I can tell things that are more striking.

Like this story shows that the war mongering and the toture and the violence of the Bush administration is creating enemies in his own back yard.

That is what anybody and everybody gets when we do not make peace then we get more war.

Terrorist do not have to travel here from another Country as the USA under the fear driven Bush administration is creating enemies from our own ranks.

Honest people can not be loyal to an unjust and violent government. :war:
Torture - us as in U.S. ? Right. We make them pose in their underwear with a woman and it is torture. We make them listen to rock and roll and it is torture.

Have you investigated at all what they do to those of us they capture?

How about cutting off penises? Drilling holes into bones of legs and arms while person is still alive? Cutting off limbs a section at a time? Disemboweling while still alive. The Muslims have done all of this. Nice peaceful bunch.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
You are proving yourself to be as ignorant as you ever were.

Right back at you. The over there, not here argument is the only reason I've heard for being in Iraq since the WMD's didn't pan out so what am I to think?


JPC sr said:
:coffee: Well I can tell things that are more striking.

Like this story shows that the war mongering and the toture and the violence of the Bush administration is creating enemies in his own back yard.

That is what anybody and everybody gets when we do not make peace then we get more war.

Terrorist do not have to travel here from another Country as the USA under the fear driven Bush administration is creating enemies from our own ranks.

Honest people can not be loyal to an unjust and violent government. :war:
Yeah, there's this little terrorist factory that Bush runs in the desert of Arizona. Pumping out little jihadists by the minute to keep his war alive.

Who was making peace when the WTC was hit in 93? Who was making peace with these terrorists when our embassies in Africa were bombed? Who was making peace with these terrorists they bombed Khobar Towers and the USS Cole? Who was making peace with these fascists when 911 happened?

You can't make peace with these people. They only know one thing. And now they have it.


Sparx said:
Exactly, we should concentrate on thwarting and get out of Iraq where we aren't wanted or appreciated. I also think we should be looking closely at every muslim, middle eastern, towel head, etc. in this country as part of our "thwarting".
If we got out of Iraq now it would become the home for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. They would have unlimited resources to launch their attack on us. We can manage a few plots here and there. Try to imagine plots by the hundreds. And don't think for one second every "muslim, middle eastern, towel head" isn't being looked at. it's best you don't even know or hear about it.