BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Strikes al-Qaida Targets in Somalia


New Member
MMDad said:
That explains a lot. Depleted Uranium is suspected of causing dementia.

Dementia? First I've heard of that. The health studies I'm familiar with were concerned with liver damage and cancer. Nothing really to worry about if you've handled intact rounds. The concern is from handling the fragments of exploded rounds...the "trophies" soldiers would pick up off the battlefield and take home.


Lem Putt
Kerad said:
Dementia? First I've heard of that. The health studies I'm familiar with were concerned with liver damage and cancer. Nothing really to worry about if you've handled intact rounds. The concern is from handling the fragments of exploded rounds...the "trophies" soldiers would pick up off the battlefield and take home.
That was a little joke / :poke:

Sorry you didn't understand. Next time I'll use smaller words.


I bowl overhand
Kerad said:
Correct. The A-10 brings it's 30mm brass back with it. (I used to process 30mm for the A-10...)
I wish they thought of something like this for the Bradley and the M1, hell all crew served weapons.. we had to account for 95% or better of all expended munitions.. whether it be 25mm or 7.62.

Lot of time spent scouring ranges for errant brass and links..