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We know somebody IRL that (won't say the role they play) heard screaming at Supreme Court saying this case (election fraud) will cause riots in the streets - that everyone would burn it all down - soon after the 2020 election. This person WAS a life-long Democrat who suspects Trump had a case then and it was Roberts whose voice was mostly heard.

After the 2020 election, I think we were closely divided - now, I think the gap is further than that.

It feels like a civil war is what the Democrats want. They chased down J6ers - they want everyone unarmed. They are drowning us with illegals. They are making men - women and women - men.

I'll be honest, I am deeply concerned where we are headed.


Trump is set to speak this evening, live. I'm on an X Space call @rawsalerts
We were in the call when the news broke.


the poor dad
Record high border crossings yesterday - 12k+ - that is mind boggling. The Dems will somehow use these illegals to their benefit, but I haven’t figured out how yet. Colorado is the 1st to remove Trump from the ballot. Others will follow. But we, the MAGA supporters, will do nothing. The elected Republican representatives will do nothing. We will continue to swirl down the drain, until one day we wake up and realize we are in the sewer tank and it’s too late to save ourselves.


Somebody woke Ronna do-nothing up. :rolleyes:

They’re making adult films in Senate chambers and neither of them are US citizens (we do realize that?). They have topless activist on the White House lawn (transgenders and our dumb effing president took pictures with one). They have a male staffer stealing women’s luggage at airports. They have a man dressed as a woman in a leadership role for children’s health. They’ve found drugs in the White House and claim they don't know who it belongs to. We have J6ers who didn't get a fair trial. The Presidents son is under investigation for multiple felonies. They refer to women as birthing people. They defend men in women’s sports in school. Hunter Biden is currently at the White House after being spotted exiting Marine One when he wasn't even on the passenger manifest earlier today. Illegals are crossing the border in mass and this administration is doing nothing. The list goes on.

None of this is believable but it is happening. Biden already state at Independent Hall that the government has bigger weapons than the people.

It isn't good. It is what psychopaths do to people they feel are beneath them.


They are trying to say "crime is down." They are not prosecuting crime so it "appears" to look like it is going down.

I know how these things work. I was part of that system long enough to know.


Well-Known Member
We know somebody IRL that (won't say the role they play) heard screaming at Supreme Court saying this case (election fraud) will cause riots in the streets - that everyone would burn it all down - soon after the 2020 election. This person WAS a life-long Democrat who suspects Trump had a case then and it was Roberts whose voice was mostly heard.

After the 2020 election, I think we were closely divided - now, I think the gap is further than that.

It feels like a civil war is what the Democrats want. They chased down J6ers - they want everyone unarmed. They are drowning us with illegals. They are making men - women and women - men.

I'll be honest, I am deeply concerned where we are headed.
2 hours but meaty with Tim Pool, Tucker, Kirk and others



Someone wants a civil war, and they don’t care how they get it. My main advice to Trump supporters is to not engage in any violent or illegal action in response to this news. Such an action would ruin any chance that Trump has to win the presidency, and it could be exactly what they are hoping for.

(I have been following Flex long before he had 100 followers)

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Vivek just posted;

I pledge to *withdraw* from the Colorado GOP primary unless Trump is also allowed to be on the state’s ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley to do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.



This order could be a virtue signal decision because the way I read the order it is stayed until Jan. 4, 2024 unless the Supreme Court decides to pick up the case??? (my 1st posting in red) So this may not remove him from the ballet?

If it doesn't mean anything - which is where I lean - why would they put this out? It is shocking.
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:oops:The El Salvador President is the first world leader to condemn Joe Biden’s fascist moves to keep his opponent off the ballot.
