Breast Cancer


yeah yeah
Firstly, I am sorry. Major hugs to you.

Secondly, how are you doing at this moment?

Third, did they tell you what kind they think you have? Because that will help you in your decisions on what to do regarding treatment and such.

I have my fingers, eyes, toes and everything else crossed for you and am praying for quick recovery.

You can check out the avon foundation for great information and ways to deal with insurance companies. I also suggest contacting the Annapolis Breast Care center and the JHU Breast Cancer center. They can even direct you in a way to support groups if that is what you need or a one on one time with a counselor who deals with the before and after effects of breast cancer. It is all dependent on what you need for you.

Follow your gut with your dr. and onocology dr. If you dont like them- find one that you do. It will make the world of difference for you and for your dr. Because if someone is willing to work with and for you- then that will help immensely.


Happy Camper
:huggy: My Grandmother had breast cancer (think it was in 1985) and had her right breast removed. She is now 91 and in pretty good health (mind's starting to slip a bit). No recurrence!! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In the last year, my dear friend and my sister in law both battled breast cancer. It's no fun, it sucks and it's painful to watch a loved one go through it, so I can't even imagine what they went through.

But today both are healthy and doing well, with a very different perspective on life. Silver linings and all that horse####. Attitude really makes the difference with something like this. So good luck to you - just keep in mind that this isn't the end of the world and keep your eyes on the destination. :huggy:


New Member

Get into a good support group with others who are battling or have battled the same thing. A friend of ours, only 38, has been battling breast cancer for the past 2-years. She just had reconstructive surgery after a stage #3 diagnoses and complete mastectomy (both breast removed). I am amazed at her strength and positive attitude. She is a trooper, for sure, and she manages to keep everything on the up-and-up for her three fairly young children.


New Member
Thank you all!
I am having a hard time this weekend.
It is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. It is not staged, but have met with oncologist and have a pet scan and bone scan coming this week. I am opting to have a bilateral mastectomy. I have spoken with some very wonderful women that have or are going thru this. I need to get over the hump and move forward, but a few weeks ago, I never would have worried about this. I am trying to be strong, that is why I am reaching out in any way I can.
Thank you for the encouragement.


yeah yeah
You can do this! Look at that hump and see what is on the other side. You are brave enough to fight- that has already been shown. I will be part of your cheering team- even if you dont know me. My mother had the same type that you have and she is now a 19 year survivor! :smile:


New Member
1st - I am so sorry to hear this. Two of my sisters had breast cancer and I know you are very scared. Go to the Breast cancer website or to or there are message boards. It is very helpful to hear about how other people deal with this. There is a lot of information on there from actual women who have actually been through this. Where are you having the surgery? Who is your surgeon? I will keep you in my prayers. I am having a biopsy on the 23rd on a lump under my armpit. It is not attached to the breast but they are thinking lymphoma. WTF
Good luck, stay strong and think positive.


I went today to get my first mammogram. They wouldn't do it. I showed them an area of concern. The mammographer felt it right away . Checked the other breast. Nothing. Went back to R breast and found it again right away. Wouldn't to the screening. No point really. I have to get a referral for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasounds as soon as I can. Then we go from there I guess. My mother was 44 when diagnosed with stage 2. I'm 36. This is pea sized but slightly oval I think, who knows. I'm scared.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Hang in there. Chemo isn't as bad as it used to be. :huggy: I've been going thru chemo since January. Other than being really tired and sleeping a LOT and feeling like I have the flu for a few days, it is manageable. It's all in the way YOU deal with it. Positive attitude has a lot to do with it. And keep moving. Try to do as much as your body allows you to do, but don't over-do it (crap, I always do) or you'll find yourself recovering for a few days. Think of each chemo as some little demons fighting the cancer. It's hard to do, but it's a mindset. If you think you are stronger than the cancer, then your body will fight it harder. It's you against those little cancer cells. You can beat it. I am. I have some books for you if you are interested in them. Think positive!
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New Member
Scared...bilateral mastectomy tomorrow. Chemo will be aggressive. My daughter took me today to Blades to have my hair cut exactly like the wig I am going to order. They did an amazing job!
Hang in there all and do not let people tell you you can not have a mammogram! Be proactive an/or go somewhere else...
You all are awesome...please pray that it did not spread to the lymph nodes:smoochy::smoochy:


Scared...bilateral mastectomy tomorrow. Chemo will be aggressive. My daughter took me today to Blades to have my hair cut exactly like the wig I am going to order. They did an amazing job!
Hang in there all and do not let people tell you you can not have a mammogram! Be proactive an/or go somewhere else...
You all are awesome...please pray that it did not spread to the lymph nodes:smoochy::smoochy:

:huggy: I go Friday for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound due to a palpable lump when I went Monday for a screening mammogram. They never did it Monday. I'm scared to death. My thoughts are with you!


New Member
good luck to all of you. there is a great website called has all kinds of things, tshirts, hats, car magnets and has a chat forum as well. I used to go to it all the time when my mom had leukemia.


Scared...bilateral mastectomy tomorrow. Chemo will be aggressive. My daughter took me today to Blades to have my hair cut exactly like the wig I am going to order. They did an amazing job!
Hang in there all and do not let people tell you you can not have a mammogram! Be proactive an/or go somewhere else...
You all are awesome...please pray that it did not spread to the lymph nodes:smoochy::smoochy:

I'm thinking of you this morning! Said a prayer. :huggy:


New Member
Home and doing ok. Awaiting lymph node biopsies. Have lots of encouragement on here and around me. Mother in law and father in law staying for a while.
Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!


Home and doing ok. Awaiting lymph node biopsies. Have lots of encouragement on here and around me. Mother in law and father in law staying for a while.
Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!

Here's a :huggy: for you. My MIL is a breast cancer survivor, been 5 years now. Both of my parents have battled cancer as well. Keep your head up and never be afraid to take it easy when you need to. Chemo isn't as bad as it used to be (according to quite a few people I know who have been through it) but it will tire you out so rest as much as you can!

I'm thinking positive thoughts, hoping the biopsy comes back fine. Hang in there!