Breast Cancer

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Home and doing ok. Awaiting lymph node biopsies. Have lots of encouragement on here and around me. Mother in law and father in law staying for a while.
Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!

:huggy: Been thinking about you.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08

Not to get off the subject, but I went to your place a month and more after I broke my ribs on my left side. Sissy was here and I needed a massage to relax. One of the gals there did a great job and was able to avoid the rib area and focus on the parts of my body that were really sore. Kudos to your place and the gals there! I'll be back soon.


New Member
Thanks all and big hugs.....
Great news no cancer in the lymph nodes:yahoo:
Bad news, not healing well and scheduled for skin grafts on Monday...try to do everything right, keep on praying....I believe it is working!


My 401K is now a 201K
Thanks all and big hugs.....
Great news no cancer in the lymph nodes:yahoo:
Bad news, not healing well and scheduled for skin grafts on Monday...try to do everything right, keep on praying....I believe it is working!

You have been in my prayers and will continue to be..stay strong. loveness to you.


New Member
I ok! Yay! It was a tucked nodule. Two of them actually. Phew!!!!

Oh I am so happy for you.:buddies:
No skin grafts for me but had to remove all of the reconstruction in order to close the skin :-(
Gotta take it easy skin is stretched tight...


Little ol' Me
Hang in there. Chemo isn't as bad as it used to be. :huggy: I've been going thru chemo since January. Other than being really tired and sleeping a LOT and feeling like I have the flu for a few days, it is manageable. It's all in the way YOU deal with it. Positive attitude has a lot to do with it. And keep moving. Try to do as much as your body allows you to do, but don't over-do it (crap, I always do) or you'll find yourself recovering for a few days. Think of each chemo as some little demons fighting the cancer. It's hard to do, but it's a mindset. If you think you are stronger than the cancer, then your body will fight it harder. It's you against those little cancer cells. You can beat it. I am. I have some books for you if you are interested in them. Think positive!

If you don't mind me asking. what kind of cancer do you have?