Breech baby


Dream Stealer
Who had one?

Did you try the ecv?

Baby girl is transverse..just chillen' on her side across my belly. She has until the end of this week or so to turn before we have to start discussing options..I don't even know if anyone at dr. Polko's office does ecv...or if I even want to consider it. i wanted to avoid a csection at all costs...but scheduling a csection seems to be the safest option with a transverse baby..

Anyone else..or like this just me?:cds:


New Member
Who had one?

Did you try the ecv?

Baby girl is transverse..just chillen' on her side across my belly. She has until the end of this week or so to turn before we have to start discussing options..I don't even know if anyone at dr. Polko's office does ecv...or if I even want to consider it. i wanted to avoid a csection at all costs...but scheduling a csection seems to be the safest option with a transverse baby..

Anyone else..or like this just me?:cds:

Do the safest thing for your baby. I have a friend who insisted on not having a c section and child is developmentaly delayed due to lack of oxygen. I would opt for the c section and make sure the baby is ok.
I had both of mine via c-section with no problem or regrets.
With my 1st, I was up walking around sooner and better than some of the v-jay delivery mothers who had to be sliced/torn and stitched. For my 2nd, they went along the scar tissue of my first. We stopped at the grocery store on my way home from the hospital after the 2nd.


Dream Stealer
I had both of mine via c-section with no problem or regrets.
With my 1st, I was up walking around sooner and better than some of the v-jay delivery mothers who had to be sliced/torn and stitched. For my 2nd, they went along the scar tissue of my first. We stopped at the grocery store on my way home from the hospital after the 2nd.

you may remember that is a particular fear of mine...:killingme


I am so very blessed
I don't know why c-sections get the bad rap they do. Every one that I know who has had one, me included, had great results (recovery time minimized, less threat to the baby, the plus side of some things being left intact :wink: , etc.)

Why would you not want a c-section? :shrug:
I don't know why c-sections get the bad rap they do. Every one that I know who has had one, me included, had great results (recovery time minimized, less threat to the baby, the plus side of some things being left intact :wink: , etc.)

Why would you not want a c-section? :shrug:
I had back labor prior to both my c-sections and the pain from the back labor was tri-fold over that of the pain of c-section recovery. :dead: I was glad to have the c-sections.


Dream Stealer
I don't know why c-sections get the bad rap they do. Every one that I know who has had one, me included, had great results (recovery time minimized, less threat to the baby, the plus side of some things being left intact :wink: , etc.)

Why would you not want a c-section? :shrug:

Eh, I didn't want to have to recover from abdominal suregy while trying to take care of a newborn, breastfeed, etc..and pain meds make me sick as a it would be recovery with motrin...just doesn't sound apealing. I kinda wanted to have a nice normal delivery and be up and about a few hours later..not to mention I don't want other people manhandling my baby while I recover..I wanna hold her first :bawl:

I possibly have the option of an ecv and having her turned..but I don't think that sounds appealing either, and isn't exactly the safest procedure..I was wondering if anyone had it done...doesn't seem as common as just scheduling the csection


New Member
Eh, I didn't want to have to recover from abdominal suregy while trying to take care of a newborn, breastfeed, etc..and pain meds make me sick as a it would be recovery with motrin...just doesn't sound apealing. I kinda wanted to have a nice normal delivery and be up and about a few hours later..not to mention I don't want other people manhandling my baby while I recover..I wanna hold her first :bawl:

I possibly have the option of an ecv and having her turned..but I don't think that sounds appealing either, and isn't exactly the safest procedure..I was wondering if anyone had it done...doesn't seem as common as just scheduling the csection

I had a c-section due to Baby B not being in the best position for a natural birth. I had no issues and recovery was a little uncomfortable but not unbearable. I was up and walking around fairly quickly, and survived off of motrin after I left the hospital. And with the c-section, there is no worries of tearing or anything like that, not to mention safer for the baby JMO!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I had 4 c-sections. Truly not a big deal. The first 2 I didn't even have serious pain meds.... a little in the hospital and none after leaving. The last 2 I had a different doctor who was more fond of prescribing the meds and frankly with the third one, I was glad of it because it was painful, unlike the first 2. But there were a lot of factors that contributed to it that may not apply to everyone and certainly don't apply to the first one.

Yes it's major surgery and there is some extra recovery, but all you have to do is take it easy and you'll be fine. It won't affect your ability to care for or bond with your baby unless you convince yourself it will. Besides, who wants an ugly pointy-headed baby anyway, c-section babies are much cuter.


Hot Flash
I had 4 c-sections. Truly not a big deal. The first 2 I didn't even have serious pain meds.... a little in the hospital and none after leaving. The last 2 I had a different doctor who was more fond of prescribing the meds and frankly with the third one, I was glad of it because it was painful, unlike the first 2. But there were a lot of factors that contributed to it that may not apply to everyone and certainly don't apply to the first one.

Yes it's major surgery and there is some extra recovery, but all you have to do is take it easy and you'll be fine. It won't affect your ability to care for or bond with your baby unless you convince yourself it will. Besides, who wants an ugly pointy-headed baby anyway, c-section babies are much cuter.


...but the pictures are priceless!


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Loving My Life...
:lol: All 3 of my babies had perfect heads!!! No c-sections
I had 4 c-sections. Truly not a big deal. The first 2 I didn't even have serious pain meds.... a little in the hospital and none after leaving. The last 2 I had a different doctor who was more fond of prescribing the meds and frankly with the third one, I was glad of it because it was painful, unlike the first 2. But there were a lot of factors that contributed to it that may not apply to everyone and certainly don't apply to the first one.

Yes it's major surgery and there is some extra recovery, but all you have to do is take it easy and you'll be fine. It won't affect your ability to care for or bond with your baby unless you convince yourself it will. Besides, who wants an ugly pointy-headed baby anyway, c-section babies are much cuter.


Cleopatra Jones
Babe #2 was breech but it didn't matter because I was told on my very first apt with that pregnancy that I'd be having a scheduled c-section. Had an emergency c-section with #1 and was cut literally hip to hip. They decided to take #2 at 35 weeks and a couple days. The second was a little worse than the first because the doctor went in and cleaned up a lot of the scar tissue from the first but I was still up and moving around in no time. I got to see #2 as soon as I came out of recovery so there was no lost time. In your position I'd opt for a scheduled c-section. #1 was supposed to be a natural delivery and I ended up with an emergency c-section at 5 or 6 something in the morning and didn't get to see my kid until that evening because there were some complications.


Does my butt look big?
I had a breech C sec with my first second 3 yrs later was a VBAC.. He had a little maconium in his lungs but other then that he was fine..just kept an eye on him...they gave him time to reposition but he did not and I went into labor so they did an emergencey C sec...that was 24 yrs ago..I am sure they do different now


My best friend is pregnant and due soon. Her baby was breeched, so the doctor gave her a bunch of exercises to do. She said some could be kind of painful, but she just went back the other day and the baby is now in the head down position. This is her 3rd baby (first 2 born vaj), and the baby daddy has left, so she was determined to not have a c-section because she is by herself. Has Polko's office given you any advice to help out? But like others have stated, I would definitely do what's in the best interest of the baby. Good luck!
I had a breech C sec with my first second 3 yrs later was a VBAC.. He had a little maconium in his lungs but other then that he was fine..just kept an eye on him...they gave him time to reposition but he did not and I went into labor so they did an emergencey C sec...that was 24 yrs ago..I am sure they do different now
Hey Paso... you're experienced with birthing horses and llamas and such... you've been up to the elbow a time or two and have that grooming table and all... what would you charge tranny for an attempted baby turn...:shrug:


Does my butt look big?
Hey Paso... you're experienced with birthing horses and llamas and such... you've been up to the elbow a time or two and have that grooming table and all... what would you charge tranny for an attempted baby turn...:shrug:

Hard to get elbow deep in your own twwat :frown: well at least for me..:killingme but for someone else it may be possible...J named the last baby llama "hangman" I was hanging my whole body off that baby trying to get him out..


New Member
Maybe you will get lucky, mine was transverse the entire pregnancy when he finally turned at 36 weeks. I didn't even notice he had turned. I wasn't very big though either and he was only 7 lbs so he still had plenty of room in there.


no longer CalvertNewbie
Eh, I didn't want to have to recover from abdominal suregy while trying to take care of a newborn, breastfeed, etc..and pain meds make me sick as a it would be recovery with motrin...just doesn't sound apealing. I kinda wanted to have a nice normal delivery and be up and about a few hours later..not to mention I don't want other people manhandling my baby while I recover..I wanna hold her first :bawl:

I possibly have the option of an ecv and having her turned..but I don't think that sounds appealing either, and isn't exactly the safest procedure..I was wondering if anyone had it done...doesn't seem as common as just scheduling the csection

I was induced, in labor forever (over a day), and wound up getting a c-section because the labor just wasn't progressing. It wasn't bad at all. After the c-section, hubby went across the room to cut the cord and immediately got to carry our little boy over to me to hold while the dr stitched me up. They took me into recovery and quickly brought my son out to be to breast fed.

I recovered so quickly and didn't even need the pain meds when I left the hospital. Honestly, there were a few days of discomfort but it wasn't that bad. You have to do what's safest for the baby. Don't be too worried about a possible c-section. It's one of the most common surgeries performed nowadays.


Active Member
Who had one?

Did you try the ecv?

Baby girl is transverse..just chillen' on her side across my belly. She has until the end of this week or so to turn before we have to start discussing options..I don't even know if anyone at dr. Polko's office does ecv...or if I even want to consider it. i wanted to avoid a csection at all costs...but scheduling a csection seems to be the safest option with a transverse baby..

Anyone else..or like this just me?:cds:

You haven't mentioned when the due date is...she will more than likely turn, you don't know until you go into labor...just relax and let nature take it's course and if you have to have a c-section, remember scars are tattoos with better stories!!!
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