Britney Spears has officially lost her mind


Dancing Up A Storm
Holy Cow! It is true.....

Britney did check out of the LA rehab clinic within 24 hours!

"Britney Spears and rehab just don't mix."
"The hard-partying singer, 25, checked out of her second rehab stint at Malibu's posh Promises Wednesday morning, after 24 hours, according to Michael Sands, a publicist on the legal team of Spears' estranged husband, Kevin Federline."

"How frequently do people abandon two separate programs within 24 hours?"

Think she has issues? :killingme


Methodically disorganized
Penn said:
Think she has issues?
Perhaps she should enter a true help facility and not a "posh" resort. :shrug:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a point where she crosses from being an "at will" patient to being considered so dangerous - to herself and/or others - that they can force her to stay? How is such a determination reached?


Lawyers and Money

hvp05 said:
Perhaps she should enter a true help facility and not a "posh" resort. :shrug:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a point where she crosses from being an "at will" patient to being considered so dangerous - to herself and/or others - that they can force her to stay? How is such a determination reached?

Her money will buy her all the lawyers she'll ever need to ever keep that from happening

when your rich and crazy your eccentric, when your poor you get put away as a danger to yourself


Dancing Up A Storm
RadioPatrol said:
Her money will buy her all the lawyers she'll ever need to ever keep that from happening.

when you're rich and crazy you're eccentric, when your poor you get put away as a danger to yourself

Maybe yes, maybe no. She has been acting more than a little chaotic, eh?

This morning, Fox News is reporting Ms. Spears will be heading to court in a child custody battle with her ex, K-Fed, over their 2 kids.

Apparently, they had joint custody, but it looks like K-Fed wants to take them away from her.


curiouser and curiouser
Penn said:
Maybe yes, maybe no. She has been acting more than a little chaotic, eh?

This morning, Fox News is reporting Ms. Spears will be heading to court in a child custody battle with her ex, K-Fed, over their 2 kids.

Apparently, they had joint custody, but it looks like K-Fed wants to take them away from her.
They have been in a custody battle since their split, which is why her recent behavior is so'd think you'd be on your best behavior if you were trying to prove you were the best parent for your kids. :ohwell: Anyways, they have temporary joint custody pending the actual hearing, but it looks like he wants an emergency hearing. Who can blame him? He may be a tool, but he's obviously the lesser of two evils. :ohwell:



New Member
Nickel said:
They have been in a custody battle since their split, which is why her recent behavior is so'd think you'd be on your best behavior if you were trying to prove you were the best parent for your kids. :ohwell: Anyways, they have temporary joint custody pending the actual hearing, but it looks like he wants an emergency hearing. Who can blame him? He may be a tool, but he's obviously the lesser of two evils. :ohwell:


Britney has made K-Fed look normal :lmao:


curiouser and curiouser


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SouthernMdRocks said:
She is so non news worthy. :popcorn:
:yeahthat: If she disappeared never to be heard from again it wouldn't bother me one iota.

This countries Jerry Springer mentality is going to continue to decay our moral fiber.
Pete said:
:yeahthat: If she disappeared never to be heard from again it wouldn't bother me one iota.

This countries Jerry Springer mentality is going to continue to decay our moral fiber.

But it's still 'news'. :shrug: