I am an experienced seamstress. Some time back, I decided that I wanted to add to my bag of tricks and add "machine embroidery"!! Since I make items that I sell, I figured that if the embroidered items sold well, I could justify buying a commercial embroidery machine, right? But, in order to do that, I have to have something that will do embroidery in the first place...
Ummm. Can't just jump in with a commercial machine - they cost several thousand dollars (of course, I've since found out that so do some of the 'home' embroidery machines!!), and my business is quite small. So. I need a lower end unit to get started with, right? What to get?
I looked around, compared the end product, and decided to get a Brother embroidery machine. The local store had one on sale, what better?? I soon found out WHY the machine was on sale - Brother was discontinuing the model. OK, that's not a big deal. Sewing machine models are coming and going all the time, right? Well, yes and no.
I have since gone through 9 months of pure misery with Brother Corporation and my piece of garbage embroidery machine! It is so bad that I even put up a web-page about the entire mess:
Brother Sewing Machines where I lay it all out.
Personally, if anyone out there has one of these machines, and actually likes it, and can use it without trouble, please let me know! Because I think you would be the only one I've found!!