Bucs v. Skins!


Redskins :yay:

It wasn't especially pretty from what I saw, but it's a W, and puts you at .500.

If the Ravens can finish pulling their heads out of their asses, it'll end up a good football day.
The good news for the Redskins is that they have 2 more not-too-tough games to give them a chance to get something going. The bad news is, after those games, their schedule is pretty rough the rest of the way.

I wonder if an NFL team has ever played 6 straight winless teams? If Dallas beats KC next week, that's what the Redskins will do.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The good news for the Redskins is that they have 2 more not-too-tough games to give them a chance to get something going. The bad news is, after those games, their schedule is pretty rough the rest of the way.

I wonder if an NFL team has ever played 6 straight winless teams? If Dallas beats KC next week, that's what the Redskins will do.

The good news.

I'm sad to say I just don't feel any joy about this, at all. We lose to a rookie last week, a guy making his first start this week, who I'd never even heard of, plays well enough, given a little better field goal kicking, to win. I mean, there was reason to expect the offense to clunk along and maybe have a good game here and there this season and just kinda hope but, the defense is average, at best and that is the real shock of this year thus far;

The only thing they tried to actually make better is...worse.


Nothing to see here
Watching a Redskin game is like watching a JV high school team..For the past year, the game looks like its in slow motion when compared to other pro games. I don't care if they are 2-2, this is the worst Skins team I've seen since the pre-jurgensen years. Snyder HAS to hire a real GM and butt the eff out of the running of the team..The sad thing is, it will never happen, his little man ego won't allow it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Watching a Redskin game is like watching a JV high school team..For the past year, the game looks like its in slow motion when compared to other pro games. I don't care if they are 2-2, this is the worst Skins team I've seen since the pre-jurgensen years. Snyder HAS to hire a real GM and butt the eff out of the running of the team..The sad thing is, it will never happen, his little man ego won't allow it.

OK, but, think about it; The NFL is a monopoly. You only have to compete against 31 other teams to win it all and you only have to compete against 15 teams to be #2 and you only have to compete against three teams to be in the final 12.

Add to that, Mike Crabtree not withstanding, the labor pool has limited options as well. The players and coaches only have 32 places to get a job. Add to that that the players only have 4-12 years or so to work at this level.

Add to that the physical, epistemological impossibility of LOSING money. No matter what you do.

If you and I had the chance to run a team, to hang out with Sonny and watch practice, to actually pick the players and coaches, make the deals, go to every game and that, to BE the Monday morning qb's, no matter how bad we ####ed up we'd still be competing against people like Vin and Dan and would always have THE refrain; 'There's always next year!', just imagine how hard that would be to resist!!!

How can Dan NOT do this? I really can't blame him. In his shoes, I'd think I could do it, too.

Snyder's real problem is he's not pounding beers during the game. He needs to be up there, 1/2 lit and just going berserk in his box when things go wrong, just raising hell. He needs to make decisions on Mondays with a hangover.

Couldn't do worse. :lol:


Nothing to see here
No, no, no!!! There is a 40 year old Tuna or Gibbs or Walsh or Belichick out there AND a 40 year old Beathard! Find THEM! Tell them to git 'r done or pick up your check.

I agree with that. We've been going the recycled route with players, how did that work out? We are known as the place to stop to pad your retirement funds, not to actually work.

Snyder thought he was going the young and upcoming route with Ceratto, but he failed to notice that Ceratto was instrumental in putting San Fran into a big hole, which they are finally digging out of.

I firmly believe if Snyder had kept his hands out of the pie when he had Marty here, we would have been in the playoffs more times than not over the past 8 yrs.

The shame of the whole thing is Snyder is more than willing to spend, but his dollars are always mis-spent.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree with that. We've been going the recycled route with players, how did that work out? We are known as the place to stop to pad your retirement funds, not to actually work.

Snyder thought he was going the young and upcoming route with Ceratto, but he failed to notice that Ceratto was instrumental in putting San Fran into a big hole, which they are finally digging out of.

I firmly believe if Snyder had kept his hands out of the pie when he had Marty here, we would have been in the playoffs more times than not over the past 8 yrs.

The shame of the whole thing is Snyder is more than willing to spend, but his dollars are always mis-spent.

Right, but how do you resist????


Football addict
Watching a Redskin game is like watching a JV high school team..For the past year, the game looks like its in slow motion when compared to other pro games. I don't care if they are 2-2, this is the worst Skins team I've seen since the pre-jurgensen years. Snyder HAS to hire a real GM and butt the eff out of the running of the team..The sad thing is, it will never happen, his little man ego won't allow it.
I agree even though I don't have your history.:lol:

This is worse than 2006 and that was a bad season.


Football addict
Although I think it's a long-shot, what do you guys think of Russ Grim for head coach?

I see Mike Singletary bringin' it out on the West. Russ is old school. Why not him?


Nothing to see here
Although I think it's a long-shot, what do you guys think of Russ Grim for head coach?

I see Mike Singletary bringin' it out on the West. Russ is old school. Why not him?

If not him, someone in that age group..There has to be a reason why the Steelers skipped over him and Whisenhunt and signed Tomlin..I don't know who in the steeler org came up with Tomlin, but it sure has shown to be a great signing.

On another note, the way that the Broncos are playing has shocked me. The way that McDaniels started his reign there had fiasco written all over it.


My Sweetest Boy
Although I think it's a long-shot, what do you guys think of Russ Grim for head coach?

I see Mike Singletary bringin' it out on the West. Russ is old school. Why not him?

Until Snyder gets struck by lightning the team won't attract any ballsy coaches which I think is what any team needs. Snyder only hires people he can push around or have his hand up their butt like a puppet. I'm certain the players are well aware of it and it just snowballs from there.
I'm gonna bump this thread in January when Zorn and Campbell and the Redskins are preparing for their upcoming playoff game.