Sweet 16
My kids are being raised to defend themselves, and others. That's how I grew up. You didn't run from bullies, you knocked 'em on their ass. You never started trouble, but you damn sure didn't run from it or turn a blind eye either. I think that is a good way to live. And if the schools today don't like it, they can kiss my ass. I'll home school before I groom my children into habitual victims.
Maybe the problem is to stop encouraging kids to allow themselves to be victimized... for that is what we are really doing. Grooming our kids to be sheep.
AMEN! This says it all. We're grooming our kids to be sheep because that is how the government wants them -- future generations of docile, compliant victims for the government to take care of and rule over. And that is precisely why the government is intruding so deeply into our kids' lives. Yes there have been extreme cases where the kids committed suicide and that is truly tragic, but it is a tiny number compared to the number of past and present generations of kids who have been bullied (to varying degrees), and came out relatively unscathed.
I have taught my son not to start trouble, but he knows if he is physically attacked, he darn well has a right to defend himself and I will back him up all the way.