I had the same problem in my neighborhood, I called everyone, it was Gov Glending, helped me out:
. The Maryland Department of the Environment's Air and Radiation Management Administration (ARMA) regulates the burning of trash and other debris to ensure that public health is not affected.
Under Maryland regulations, burning of ordinary household trash is permitted only in areas where no provision is made for public collection of refuse. Additionally, the open burning may not create dense smoke, and may not occur closer than 200 feet from any habitable dwelling or place where people work or congregate. Burning of any type is not permitted in cases where a general nuisance is created. A general nuisance is described as odors, solids, or gases being discharged into the atmosphere and unreasonably interfering with the proper enjoyment of one's property.
We will be glad to investigate your concerns regarding open burning in your neighborhood. Please call our air pollution complaint line at 410-631-3215 or 1-800-633-6101 to lodge a formal complaint regarding open burning activity. If you would like additional information on Maryland's open burning regulations, you may telephone Frank Courtright, who is Program Manager of ARMA's Compliance Program, at 410-631-3220.