Burning trash, the whole neighborhood is saturated


New Member
Burning of tash??? I understand why most folks do it, my grandparents lived in a rural area and burned all there trash. Here is the dilemma, our neighborhood is very populated and folks in it decide to burn there rubbish at 1am. The smoke stays low to the ground does not dissipate very fast and causes the stench to get into every home.


jscootin said:
Burning of tash??? I understand why most folks do it, my grandparents lived in a rural area and burned all there trash. Here is the dilemma, our neighborhood is very populated and folks in it decide to burn there rubbish at 1am. The smoke stays low to the ground does not dissipate very fast and causes the stench to get into every home.

It would bother me too. You don't know what they are burning and what toxins are lofting into your home. Ick :barf:


Active Member
Last year we had a neighbor burning on Halloween. He stunk up the neighborhood while the kiddies were out trick or treating in that smell. It was terrible.


dmh said:
Doesnt the buring ban relate to burning trash as well?
The burning ban is for open and enclosed burning. Open burning is not allowed in too many places anymore. If you're in a private community, open burning is not allowed. The Fire Marshall will visit you if you're reported and issue and heafty fine. Out in the county, any county, open burning is not allowed unless you have a permit. Check with your local Fire Dept. Burning in a burn barrel :yay: except during a burn ban.


New Member
I have a 4' diameter brick firepit out back and I have hardwood fires (not trash) all the time in the evenings. Am I breaking a law?


Well-Known Member
How about...

My neighbor who burns electric cables to strip out the copper: rubber, insulation, plastic coating...what a wonderful toxic stew. He'll wait til dusk so the smoke is less visible: No lie: it can be smelled over a 1/2 mile away.


Hessian said:
My neighbor who burns electric cables to strip out the copper: rubber, insulation, plastic coating...what a wonderful toxic stew. He'll wait til dusk so the smoke is less visible: No lie: it can be smelled over a 1/2 mile away.
what an a-hole... there's no way i could live next to someone who did that without reporting them


Lem Putt
dustin said:
what an a-hole... there's no way i could live next to someone who did that without reporting them
:yeahthat: Hessian, have you reported them?

I'd call 911 to report smoke. That will get the FD out there to investigate. If that happens enough, they'll get the Sherriff to cite them. I'm pretty sure I know who you're telking about, and they're burning insulation off of stolen wire to sell for scrap, so it would be great to get them busted.

You could also contact MDE and file a complaint. It is illegal.


New Member
I had the same problem in my neighborhood, I called everyone, it was Gov Glending, helped me out:

. The Maryland Department of the Environment's Air and Radiation Management Administration (ARMA) regulates the burning of trash and other debris to ensure that public health is not affected.

Under Maryland regulations, burning of ordinary household trash is permitted only in areas where no provision is made for public collection of refuse. Additionally, the open burning may not create dense smoke, and may not occur closer than 200 feet from any habitable dwelling or place where people work or congregate. Burning of any type is not permitted in cases where a general nuisance is created. A general nuisance is described as odors, solids, or gases being discharged into the atmosphere and unreasonably interfering with the proper enjoyment of one's property.
We will be glad to investigate your concerns regarding open burning in your neighborhood. Please call our air pollution complaint line at 410-631-3215 or 1-800-633-6101 to lodge a formal complaint regarding open burning activity. If you would like additional information on Maryland's open burning regulations, you may telephone Frank Courtright, who is Program Manager of ARMA's Compliance Program, at 410-631-3220.


Hessian said:
My neighbor who burns electric cables to strip out the copper: rubber, insulation, plastic coating...what a wonderful toxic stew. He'll wait til dusk so the smoke is less visible: No lie: it can be smelled over a 1/2 mile away.
My neighbor burns some leaves now and then. No big deal. If I had one that burns elect cables, I'd have the Sheriff and the Fire Dept there. Report the SOB.
Hessian said:
My neighbor who burns electric cables to strip out the copper: rubber, insulation, plastic coating...what a wonderful toxic stew. He'll wait til dusk so the smoke is less visible: No lie: it can be smelled over a 1/2 mile away.
You live near White Marsh Elem. by any chance? Guy that lives next door to the school does that. Oh what fun to breathe during your kids' T-ball games.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the support...

and especially the research..

However, as you know life is more complicated than that: I need his hazy/confused assistance in a lawsuit that imperils my property boundary and portions of his property that he oversold: thus: I cannot afford to stick the law on him...Just have to pray the wind blows the other way or try to convince him to do something different.
The lawsuit is now stretching into its 4th year.