Bush- "I decide what is best"


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I like a President that marches to the tune of his own drummer. That's what we elected him for. If we wanted some patsy who relied on polls and the opinion of the ignorant public to decide what to do, we'd ... have kept Clinton. :jet:

Bush is very well cognizant of the polls. The polls are exactly why his administration is "restructuring" now. Also...Bushie's frequent compaign-style speeches are an effort to reverse his low poll numbers. Obviously it isn't helping. It's not that we don't understand what's going on...it's that we don't approve of it.

Bush will never fire Rumsfeld, though he is certainly deserving. Firing Rumsfeld would be admitting mistakes....and Bushie doesn't want to do that.

Finally...we weren't given the option of keeping Clinton. If we could have, we would have.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Firing Rumsfeld would be admitting mistakes....and Bushie doesn't want to do that.
Quit being ignorant. Bush just fired Karl Rove, so certainly he'd fire Rumsfeld if he thought it was warranted.

It's not that we don't understand what's going on...it's that we don't approve of it.
What you're missing is that different factions don't approve of different things. Leftist freaks don't approve of liberating countries from their dictators, conservatives don't approve of letting Mexican immigrants run willy nilly through our country.

But I will tell you this: just because conservatives don't approve of Bush all that much doesn't mean they're going to vote for whatever Marxist the Democrats put up in 2008. If you remember correctly, Bush's poll numbers had taken a nosedive in the months right before he slapped John Kerry and sent him home to his wife's mansion to cry on her Ferragamo pumps.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Quit being ignorant. Bush just fired Karl Rove, so certainly he'd fire Rumsfeld if he thought it was warranted.

What you're missing is that different factions don't approve of different things. Leftist freaks don't approve of liberating countries from their dictators, conservatives don't approve of letting Mexican immigrants run willy nilly through our country.

But I will tell you this: just because conservatives don't approve of Bush all that much doesn't mean they're going to vote for whatever Marxist the Democrats put up in 2008. If you remember correctly, Bush's poll numbers had taken a nosedive in the months right before he slapped John Kerry and sent him home to his wife's mansion to cry on her Ferragamo pumps.

Karl Rove wasn't fired. He's needed on the election front to help save the asses of the Republican congressmen who are in serious danger of losing their seats. That's what Rove does best. I would love to think Rove no longer has Bushie's ear...but I'm certain that is not the case.

I also am fully aware that hardcore Righties will vote Republican, no matter how bad it gets with Bush. The thing that has the GOP nervous and sweaty is that any chance of keeping the undecided and moderate vote is going down the drain.

Of course, if the Republicans nominate a more centrist thinking candidate, it's a different deal. But then again, you'd all just scream "RINO!" and have to choose between voting for a "RINO", or let the Dems take back the White House.

Decisions, decisions.... :lmao:


New Member
ylexot said:

That reflects the true differences between Wall Street and the "Average Joe". Joe doesn't give a rat's ass about how Bank of America's stocks are looking. He cares about how much he's taking home in his paycheck and how much of that is being spent on gas, electricity, the mortgage, his kid's college tuition, etc.

A side note: I find it amazing that 66% of Republicans gave Georgie a positive mark. You are VERY loyal...I'l give you that!


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:
Did you even read what he said? It's his decision who will be the SECDEF. What do you want him to say? "After consulting with Jesse Jackson, the French, and Osama, it looks like we need to make a change."?
That worked for the past president.. and look where it got us..
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I bowl overhand
Kerad said:
...and look where THAT got us! :barf:
A president not able to sit back and watch third world countries dominate us..

I think I shall return to Persia after the war, and sit on my throne.. overlooking the the 10,000 sq mile glass lake..