bush is losing war in Iraq


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
vraiblonde said:
Keep telling yourself that.

And even if Bush DIDN'T give his cronies preferential treatment, it COULD have happened....right? :bubble:

Personally, I think all ABB screwballs should be rounded up and collectively tried for treason. You losers have done so much to hinder this war effort. Because of you, Iraqi insurgents think we don't have the resolve to win the war - they know that there's a certain psychotic element in this country that will insist that the US caves in and leaves Iraq to be taken over by the terrorists again. They know that you all are such a bunch of pansies that you'd rather have our whole country blown to smithereens rather than offend a single suicide bomber.

Your irrational hatred for Bush hurts this country and is getting people killed. But you don't care, do you? Because every soldier's death is a feather in your hatred cap, so you can scream, "See??? See???"

If you really cared about people dying, you'd shut your effing mouths and show some loyalty to your own country instead of some murderous dictator who's killed more people over the years than will EVER die in this war. You'd WANT Bush to get rid of the terrorists, no matter what it took, because they killed three times more Americans in one day than have died in the war.

If I were President I'd have every single one of you tried as an enemy combatant because you're killing our soldiers just as surely as if you pulled a trigger.

They remind me of someone who blasted our troops after a tour of Nam...



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
Vrai, is that the "compassionate conservative" or the "uniter not a divider" in you talking?
I am neither "compassionate" toward traitors nor do I have any desire to "unite" with the likes of those who should be sitting in a cell at Gitmo right now.


b*tch rocket
jlabsher said:
Vrai, is that the "compassionate conservative"

When did Vrai ever say she was a "compassionate" conservative? :confused: I know I don't buy into compassionate conservativism, I'm more of the "survival of the fittest" mentality, which goes along with evolution. The more we coddle those who "can't" the more we hold back those of us who can. :shrug:

My only beef with what's going on in Iraq is that we aren't nasty enough. Screw negotiating, either comply or die. It's as simple as that. :shrug: