Bush is on the verge...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...of guaranteeing Hillary the Whitehouse.

Border maddness;


While Minuteman civilian patrols are keeping an eye out for illegal border crossers, the U.S. Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for Minutemen -- and telling the Mexican government where they are.


A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed.

This says several things;

#1. The Minute men can find them, so that means our Border patrol is either turning a blind eye or being ordered to let it go.

#2. The Mexicans know where they, illegals, not 'migrants', are going to cross which means they, Mexico, is turning a blind eye.

#3. Our government is betraying it's citizens. It is ILLEGAL to come here without the proper process being followed for obvious reasons of national sovereignty and security. US citizens most affected by this, those on the border, are taking an active roll, same as a bystander lending a hand to a cop in trouble or a fellow citizen in distress.

And are being subverted, by their, own government, in the process.

The ports, the medicaid fiasco, not using enough force in Iraq and now this.

My respect for the President is in question.


Larry Gude said:
My respect for the President is in question.

My respect for the president went down the shitter years ago.

Honestly the very best thing that I can come up with to say about Bush is: He's still better than Kerry woulda been.

But that's not saying much.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, I see...

Toxick said:
My respect for the president went down the shitter years ago.

Honestly the very best thing that I can come up with to say about Bush is: He's still better than Kerry woulda been.

But that's not saying much.

...never too busy to slip one in on our loving President, eh?

In all fairness, we don't know what Kerry would have done, do we?

And that's why a Democrat will win the Whitehouse next time; GOP fatigue brought on by relentless attacks from opponents coupled with policies fatal to support from his friends. In othr words, it's reaching the point where not knowing will be seen as better than what we know.


Larry Gude said:
In all fairness, we don't know what Kerry would have done, do we?

Kerry doesn't even know what he would have done. And if he had made up his mind, who knows if he would have stuck by it.

If fairness, you're correct - we don't know for sure.

But I'm pretty sure that the UN Withholding would appear right above the Federal Withholding on my paystubs right now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
And that's why a Democrat will win the Whitehouse next time; GOP fatigue brought on by relentless attacks from opponents coupled with policies fatal to support from his friends. In othr words, it's reaching the point where not knowing will be seen as better than what we know.

Unless...someone comes along to rally the troops and give us faith in our party again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Toxick said:
Kerry doesn't even know what he would have done. And if he had made up his mind, who knows if he would have stuck by it.

If fairness, you're correct - we don't know for sure.

But I'm pretty sure that the UN Withholding would appear right above the Federal Withholding on my paystubs right now.

...there is that...though, I think, the larger question would be; What would Thereza be doing?


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:

Unless...someone comes along to rally the troops and give us faith in our party again.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Third party.

Out with the old and in with the new ...


keep the Grand Old and in with the newt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you people would digest a little history...

...you can just let Newt fill his coffers and move on. He is too polarizing, actually is, not in the fake ways Bush and Reagan are accused of, to be President. Besides, he don't fit the mold.

Our Presidents come out of nowhere or are Generals;

Carter, Reagan, Clinton and now W.

Bush 41 is the only one to be a national figure and he was still small potatoes and had all the advantages of the Vice Presidency. Add Nixon and Johnson and Truman to that categroy.

Kennedy was a one term Senator. Eisenhower; stars.

This doesn't bode well, actually, for Hillary or anyone we think of as front runner on either side; McCain, Kerry, Biden.

So, think of your govenors.

I corrected myself.


This Space for Rent
I would rather a decisive but true Republican like Newt to run than McCain... even if McCain is more "popular"...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

FromTexas said:
I would rather a decisive but true Republican like Newt to run than McCain... even if McCain is more "popular"...

...maybe you'll get your wish.

I will NOT vote for McCain. His free speech assault is way too much for me.

I would vote for Newt.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
...maybe you'll get your wish.

I will NOT vote for McCain. His free speech assault is way too much for me.

I would vote for Newt.

If Gingrich actually made a run of it instead of just leading anyone on, I think he would do much better than anyone expects. Especially in the current environment. He represents a lot of the good people want back in the Republican party... the whole ideology that everyone voted the party into power for in the first place and never received.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's all talk...

FromTexas said:
If Gingrich actually made a run of it instead of just leading anyone on, I think he would do much better than anyone expects. Especially in the current environment. He represents a lot of the good people want back in the Republican party... the whole ideology that everyone voted the party into power for in the first place and never received.

...Newt sold the Contract as though he would PASS all 10 items. Then, the 100 days were over, the excited electorate went home and Newt said, "Nah, all I said was we'd VOTE on them in the first 100 days..."

Define 'much' better. I guarantee he'd get 50 million votes because he is dynamic and he is good in front of a mic, but he will get them riled up too.

Fair or not, he's our Hillary.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
...Newt sold the Contract as though he would PASS all 10 items. Then, the 100 days were over, the excited electorate went home and Newt said, "Nah, all I said was we'd VOTE on them in the first 100 days..."

Define 'much' better. I guarantee he'd get 50 million votes because he is dynamic and he is good in front of a mic, but he will get them riled up too.

Fair or not, he's our Hillary.

Does that negate when its Hillary vs Newt? :razz:


FromTexas said:
If Gingrich actually made a run of it instead of just leading anyone on, I think he would do much better than anyone expects. Especially in the current environment.

I think that the unprecidented mind-bending media blitzkrieg that would follow a Gingrich announcement would convince too many people that Newt is the Antichrist.

I think the only media spectacle that would surpass such a frenzy would be if Hitler himself rose from the dead and announced his candidacy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still can't figure out what Newt did to incite all this wrath (other than being a Republican).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I will state again...

FromTexas said:
Does that negate when its Hillary vs Newt? :razz:

If Newt is the nominee I will vote FOR him. I just think he is a William Seward type; the MAN to his friends and most on his side and also a person who says just enough inflammatory things to alienate people not already on his side.