Bush says this is worth it


New Member
Here from Dr. Mylroie is a translation from an Iraqi colleague of hers of a Ba’athist document dated 5 September 2006 detailing the leading Iraqi leadership they plan to assassinate along with all relative to the third degree in short order unless stopped. You will probably recognize some but not many of these names. However, the inclusion of this list primarily is to serve as your notification that the Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussein is not dead yet and Operation Iraqi Freedom is not ‘mission complete’.

(Hand writing)
Martyr Qusay (Saddam son) unit/Karkh sector (Baghdad)

Thi Qar Operation HQ
((Special Operations))

No. : /12/221 Î.Ú
Comrade Saddam Hussain
Date 5/9/2006

Comrades; commanders of Special Operations.

Approval of deputy combatant comrade, treasure of the country (baath party-Iraq branch), and the supreme commander of armed forces was granted, and communicated to us by the letter from the country treasure office no. A.3/312 on 2/9/2006. Execution punishment regarding criminals, agents, apostates, names below, in addition to their first, second, and third degree relatives. Execution (of the order) by your units is according to the plan and to your suitable timing discretion.

Comrade General
Commander of Thi Qar Operations – Special Operations


1. Abul Aziz Alhakim (H of SCIRI – M.COR)
2. Ammar Alhakim (son of martyr Mohammad Baqir Alhakim and H of Mihrab organization)
3. Hadi Alamiri (H of Badr Brigade)
4. Sadr Aldin Alqabani (Ayatulla Sistani spokesman)
5. Muwaffaq Alrubaie (National Security Minister)
6. Nuri Almaliki (PM)
7. Ali Aladeep (M.COR -Fadilah party)
8. Jalil Aldeen Alsagheer (M.COR- SCIRI)
9. Ibrahim Aljaafri (xPM- H of Da’wa party)
10. Baqir Jabur Solgh (xMOI – MOI, SCIRI)
11. Ahmed Alchalabi (x deputy PM, H of Debaathification commision)
12. Abdulkaram Al’inizi (M.COR – Da’wa party –Iraq)
13. Akrum Alhakim (M.COR – H of reconciliation commission)
14. Muqta Alsadir (H of Sadr Movement – Mahdi Army)
15. Abdulhady Aldaraji (M.COR)
16. Salam Almaliki (M.COR-Sadr Mov)
17. Baha Hussain Alaaraji (M.COR – Sadr Mov)
18. Hazim Gitran Alshalan (?)
19. Hussain Alsharistani (MO Oil – SCIRI)
20. Hameed Majid Musa (M.COR – H of Iraqi Communist party)
21. Abulkarim Almaahood Almuhammadawi (H of Hizbulla – Iraq)
22. Ghazi Ajeel Alyawar (x President of Iraq, Iraq party – M.COR)
23. Entifadh Qanber (Advisor to PM office – M Wafi’s brother)
24. Ayad Allawi (x PM, H of National Accord – M.COR)
25. Rasim ALawwadi (deputy NA – M.COR)
26. Mahmood Almashhadani (National Accord Front - Chair of M.COR)
27. Jalal Altalabani (H of PUK – current President of Iraq)
28. Masud Albarazani (H of KDP)
29. Fuad Masoum (PUK – M.COR)
30. Adil Abdulmahdi (deputy President of Iraq)
31. Sadoun Aldulaimy (x MOD)
32. Wafiq ALsamarai (PM Inelegance advisor)
33. Falah Alnaqeeb (x MOD)
34. Thair Albnaqeeb (x Spokesman of Ayad Allawai)
35. Mohammad Abdulla Alshahwani (H of Iraqi Intelligence)
36. Ayad Jamaluldeen (libral Shea clerics, National Accord – M.COR)
37. Tariq Alhashimi (H of IIP – deputy President of Iraq)
38. Ayad Alsamari ()
39. Abbas Albayati (Torkman, Da’wa party – M.COR)
40. Wael Abdullatif (x Minister, National Accord – M.COR)
41. Jawad Bolani (MOI)
42. Ali Allami (?)
43. Judge Raouf Rashid Abdulrihman
44. Jafar Almousawai (General Prosecutor at Saddam Aldejail trial)
45. Munqith Faraoun (?)
46. Raid Juhi (Judge – Saddam’s court) ß------------- (hand writing)
47. Mithal Alalousi (H of Umma party – M.COR) Comrade Fakhir
48. Qasim Dawud (?) to the court group
49. General Mahdi Sabeeh Algharawi add Mohammad Aluraibi
50. General Hasan Ali Kamal
51. General Rashid Flayih (reply)
52. General Ahmed Alkhafaji Yes
53. General Mohammad Zaidan (signature)
54. General Mohammad Alni’mah 5/5
55. General Mohammad Thulfiqar
56. Brigadier General Abdulsalam Shahwan
57. Brigadier General Abduljalil Khalaf Shawail Almohammadawi
58. Brigadier General Najim Aliqabi
59. Brigadier General Abbas Hasan Almousawi
60. Brigadier General Karim Nasir


New Member
The Secret History Of The Iraq War

After serving in and around Baghdad last winter, I picked up and just finished reading this book that follows. The 1990s did not involve President Bush, yet he inherited the worst national security nightmare this country has ever know, and no one cares. As far as I am concerned after almost 30 years in national security service, if we prefer affluent, arrogant and gourmet leftist cowardice, we will get what we deserve:

From THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE IRAQ WAR by Yossef Bodansky (Regan Books, 2004), chapter 3, pp. 51-53:

On January 14, 2003, British police and security forces raided a terrorist safe house in Manchester, ending a several-month-long investigation. A Scotland Yard detective was killed in this raid, which recovered a quantity of ricin – an extremely potent poison. The investigation, begun in the fall 2002 in Israel, involved at its peak the intelligence services of more than six countries. The investigators’ findings provided the “smoking gun” supporting the administration’s insistence on Iraq’s centrality to global terrorism, the availability of operational weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and proof of the close cooperation between Iraqi military intelligence and al-Qaeda.

The data accumulated during this investigation could have provided the casus belli – the justification for war – and urgent imperative to take on Saddam Hussein. Yet in the first of several indecisive and self-contradicting political maneuvers, the Bush administration preferred to accommodate Blair’s pressure to keep Israel at arm’s length, not implicate Arafat, and placate Blair’s fellow West European leaders rather than go public with the findings of the investigation. Despite mounting international criticism and skepticism in the media, the American public was not presented with one of the strongest and most explicit justifications for the war with Iraq.

On the night of September 13, 2003, Israeli Special Forces intercepted and captured a three-man squad attempting to cross the Jordan River and enter the Palestinian territories on their way to Arafat’s compound in Ramallah. The interrogation revealed that they were highly trained members of the Baghdad-based Arab Liberation Front (ALF), sent to conduct spectacular strikes under the banner of Arafat’s Fatah. Specifically, they were dispatched by ALF Chief Muhammad Zaida Abbas, better known as Abu-al-Abbas, to operate directly under the control of Tawfiq Tirawi, chief of the Palestinian Authority’s General Intelligence Service and Arafat’s closest confidant. Abbas and Tirawi were extremely close childhood friends, having grown up together in a village justnorth of Ramallah and ultimately joining Arafat’s fledgling terrorist organization together in the early 1960s.

The three ALF terrorists were trained for several missions, including an operation that involved using shoulder-fired missiles to shoot down civilian airliners as they approached Ben-Gurion Airport and using anti-tank rockets and missiles to ambush convoys – including American groupings on their way to Iraq. They were also there to organize and train Palestinian terrorists – all trusted operatives of Tirawi’s – to assist with operations and intelligence collection inside Israel. The three had been briefed in Baghdad that they would get the missiles, heavy weapons, and explosives they might need from Fatah via Tirawi.

The Israeli interrogators were most interested in what the three had to say about their training: During the summer, they had been trained along with other squads of ALF terrorists at Salman Pak – a major base near Baghdad – by members of Unit 999 of Iraqi military intelligence. They recounted that in an adjacent part of the camp, other teams of Unit 999 were preparing a select group of Islamist terrorists specifically identified as members of al-Qaeda. Although the training was separate, and individuals used code names exclusively, they were able to learn a great deal about the missions of their Islamist colleagues.

The three ALF terrorists told the Israelis that in addition to the myriad special operations techniques taught at Salman Pak, the Islamists also received elaborate training in chemical weapons and poisons, specifically ricin. Moreover, on their way to their operational deployment zones, the Islamists were taken to a derelict complex of houses near Halabja, in Kurdistan, where they conducted experiments with chemical weapons and poisons. The area where the training took place was nominally under the control of Ansar-al-Islam, Osama bin Laden’s Kurdish offshoot. From there, the ALF terrorists recounted, Islamist detachments traveled to Turkey, where they were to strike American bases with chemical weapons once the war [with Iraq] started, and to Pakinsy Gore in northern Georgia (on the border with Chechnya) in order to assist Chechen terrorists as they launched major terrorists operations against Russia. Others were dispatched to train Islamist teams arriving from Western Europe via Turkey in sophisticated terrorism techniques, including the use of chemical weapons and ricin.

Within a week of the capture of the ALF trio, a delegation of senior Israeli military intelligence officers traveled to Washington to brief the White House about their findings. By then, there had already been independent corroborations of the Israeli reports: Turkish security forces, acting on tips provided by Israel, arrested two al-Qaeda operatives studying plans to attack the U.S. air base in Incerlick with chemical weapons, and American intelligence also learned from its own sources about the activities of foreign mujahedein in Georgia’s Pakinsky Gore. Then, on October 23, a group of Chechen and Arab terrorists captured a Moscow theater in the middle of a performance, taking over seven hundred people hostage, rigging the theater with bombs, and threatening to kill everyone in the building. When negotiations failed and the terrorists shot at least one hostage to demonstrate their determination, Russian antiterrorist forces broke into the theater after using a special knockout gas to neutralize the Chechens before they were able to detonate their bombs. The Russian operation was considered a great success, as all the terrorists were killed before they could blow themselves up; however, close to two hundred hostages died from secondary effects caused by the gas, including heart attacks and choking on their own vomit. In any case, the mere occurrence of a spectacular strike in Moscow meant that there could no longer be any doubt about the accuracy of the material provided by the three Palestinians in Israel’s custody.

Still, the White House was reluctant to advertise this evidence because it demonstrated Israeli intelligence’s major contribution to the war on terrorism… [Emphasis mine} [W]hen ricin was discovered in Manchester and all the dots connected, the intelligence Israel had extracted from the terrorists in its custody was proved wholly accurate. Israel had in fact demonstrated to the Europeans why Saddam Hussein has to be toppled, and soon…


New Member
Bush's "...Caliphate..."

If you think the other party will do anything different than they did in the days before 9/11, you better research and think long and hard before you vote. I don't think we need a round two, and the unanswered 1990s bloodshed was enough for me to never vote for them for the rest of my life. Now they are disgracing the country in the media where the enemy watches and acts according to the disloyalty and signal the affluent and alleged intellectualism of the left passionately provides:

I just read this article on http://counterterrorismblog.org/

By Walid Phares

Published by George Mason University's History News Network HNN.

It seems that the US is having a hard time winning the hearts and minds of Arabs and Muslims, but an equally serious problem can be observed in the intellectual circles of America where some have had a difficulty coming to terms with the terminology of the War of Ideas. If the educated elite of the United States is incapable of identifying the ideology and the strategy of the Jihadists five years after 9/11, we not only have a problem with handling the War in Iraq, but also with the future of American national security as a whole.

An article published in Newsweek magazine http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15239205/site/newsweek/ on October 13, 2006 illustrates this problem.

Entitled “Caliwho?” it asks why President Bush has raised the issue of an Islamic Caliphate. Lisa Miller and Matthew Philips, co-authors of the piece, begin by defining the term, “Caliphate” as a “fifty-cent word” posing a question of why a U.S President would use it four times in one speech. At first read, I thought the Newsweek journalists were lamenting the delay with which the chief executive of the nation has finally begun using this term - half a decade after September 11, and fifteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After all, has not the American public demanded that the US Administration and Congress take steps toward “informing” the nation about the enemy, its ideology, and its future goals? Since one of the most important objectives of al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Salafi Jihadi networks around the world has been the re-establishment of a Caliphate - incorporating in it all Arab and Muslim states – one can only express relief that the term “Caliphate” has finally entered the President’s speeches.

However, as I continued to read further, I realized that the authors of the Newsweek article were putting forth quite a different view. They seemed to be appalled by the fact that the President “dared” to mention the “word” Caliphate and spoke of the Jihadists’ attempt to “extend the Caliphate, establish the Caliphate and spread the Caliphate.” Miller and Philips, writing with the certitude of Middle East Studies expertise, reminded their readers, oddly, that “many people (in the US) live long without using the word Caliphate” suggesting the uselessness of the President’s vocabulary.

Precisely this absence of understanding of the term Caliphate was the problem in the 1990s. During that decade, most instructors in American classrooms unfortunately succeeded at “dis-educating” the nation about the nature of the enemy by simply leaving out the term “Caliphate” of the curricula for Middle East Studies classes. If American students, many of whom would end up being recruited to newsrooms, have never heard about the Caliphate, Salafism, Wahabism or Khomeinism - let alone Jihadism – then the US was inevitably headed for a big trouble.

If in 1941, one would not know what “Reich” meant in the Nazi rhetoric, one would not be blaming those who would be helping others to understand it, but rather those who concealed the meaning from others in the years prior to the rise of Hitler. Since it has turned out that Americans were not properly educated by their Middle East Studies experts prior to 9/11, it is these academic and intellectual elites that should be put on the spot and questioned about their motivation to massage – for decades - Islamic history to make it more palatable to Western audiences. Why are the Newsweek authors blaming US government officials for taking up the task of teaching the nation about the true nature of the enemy when those charged with the task have obviously failed to do so?...

...Tony Blair, the enemy number two of the Jihadi-terrorists after Bush, said a few weeks ago that, yes, we need a war of ideas: a campaign of intellect inside Western democracies, so that the public can be made aware of the realities of the War on Terror. He made a great point. For the Caliphate debate shows more clearly than anything, how “Caliph-strophic” the discourse is among our dominant intellectual elites....

This article was also published by World Defense Review, Family Security Matters and posted on FDD's web site. Dr. Walid Phares is a Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a Visiting Fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy and the author of “Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against America.”


New Member

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Picture Proof: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections

The following information did not make it into the Senate Intelligence Committee's report released last Friday, that claimed Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor or turn a blind eye toward" al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or his associates.

What do you suppose the committee had to say about these documents?

For starters:
2002 Iraqi Intelligence Correspondence concerning the presence of al-Qaida Members in Iraq. Correspondence between IRS members on a suspicion, later confirmed, of the presence of an Al-Qaeda terrorist group. Moreover, it includes photos and names...."


New Member

Three kinds of people: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs. Succinctly, Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth portrays those who talk arrogant nothings from a position of comfort and advantage, and those who deliberateky go and do out of principle and honor. This is no more graphically illustrated than the current election issues and the sinister attack on the President, the most courageous and enduring one we have had in decades.

Those who talk and criticize without cause are doing so because of their own embarassment:

That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made,

And crowns for convoy put into his purse; We would not die in that man's company

That fears his fellowship to die with us. This day is call'd the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd, And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day.'

Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,

But he'll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day.

Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.

This story shall the good man teach his son; And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered-We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition;

And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Let them brandish manhoods cheap.

A Sheepdog

czygvtwkr said:
What astounds me is that so many people have the European attitude where they will constantly tell you how you should do things but don't try to do anything themselves.


slaphappynmd said:
You people are so ignorant it's not even funny anymore. How can you people be so stupid? So I guess this is ok too.

Click here if your brain allows such a hard activity.

Aren't you lucky that you have a first amendment protected right to spout out such BS?

And aren't you lucky that we have our men and women over in Iraq and Afganistan protecting all of our inherent rights by fighting the people who want to corrupt and destroy our way of life.

You are really one lucky sob. So go ahead and spread your tripe, maybe someday you can move to a country in the middle east where you will feel more comfortable.

Hell, who wants freedom anyway, right!?


New Member
Bush says this is worth... 10-23-2006 11:11 PM Why don't you set a mature example and not insult slaphappy when he makes a post? Debate all you want, but I think more people would respect your opinion if you didn't lower yourself to name-calling.
:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

You are OBVIOUSLY new and have not read slappymorons posts!! And if you have read them, you too are a complete idiot and if you have the balls to identify yourself, I will create a link for you as well. :biggrin: Slappy, is that you??


New Member

Kudos to you bro. slapphappy's diatribe gives him away as a member of the kewl clique, those who have never sweated anything, distant, well cared for, over fed and over stimulated, and just trying to be kewl like all his groupie buddies brainwashed by the likes of Maher, Kerry and those Clinton eyes.

You are very correct the enemy does indeed lust for the day we are destroyed by their hand. The death wish a considerable number of Americas have is astounding. They have obeyed and believed everything they have been told to think, and have responded without filter to textbook terrorist psychology that the media willingly transmits, and incredibly treasonous politicians spew-when they know the truth. They will do anything to embarrass and harass and block every effort of the government to be pro-active and prevent more murder, more bloodshed.

I had one middle aged man tell me this weekend I was selling fear like Bush, and that the United States destroyed Iraq. He served two years in the Army several decades ago so he knows all about it, affluent, limp and very insulated business owner. He would not tell me what he would have done other than that we should have talked to Sadaam and got a consensus from him, a kind word is what he said.

After several hundred thousand people were slaughtered in genocide during Sadaam's thirty year reign-thirty years-terrorist groups trained, armed, outfitted and quartered, Ramsi Youssef of the Mukhabarrat is sent to execute World Trade Center round 1, and he wants us to talk. The landscape, the fruit and olive and fig trees, the grape vines-all destroyed under Sadaam, and he accuses us of destroying Iraq. I know interpreters whose first return to Baghdad was under contract and they cried for days-for what has been allowed to happen under Sadaam and cannot believe what Americans are doing to Bush or the soldier.

These incredibly disloyal people blame the current President-like every other politician and media outlet that exploits national security for their own personal agenda, who cares about people like me in country? There is no loyalty, there is no honor.

That shows you how successful the enemy has truly been.

It is truly a shame that the comfortable, affluent and arrogant have consorted with those who have unmistakably and passionately promised they will kill us all. They have demonstrated their lust for and capability to control the entire world and all we can do is squabble over security measures and publish the most precious classified information in the media. Death wish.

Pushrod said:
Aren't you lucky that you have a first amendment protected right to spout out such BS?

And aren't you lucky that we have our men and women over in Iraq and Afganistan protecting all of our inherent rights by fighting the people who want to corrupt and destroy our way of life.

You are really one lucky sob. So go ahead and spread your tripe, maybe someday you can move to a country in the middle east where you will feel more comfortable.

Hell, who wants freedom anyway, right!?