bush takes a hard one from bi-partisan house


New Member
America's working families had a huge victory Thursday when the
U.S. House of Representatives voted to stop bush's
outrageous overtime pay cut.
Democrats fought for and passed, with bipartisan support, an
amendment to restore overtime pay rights for some 6 million
workers while leaving in place the one change that expands
overtime coverage to 384,000 low-income workers. That's a
win-win situation for working families....But, bush threatens to veto.
Proves he doesn't give a damn about american workers.



Nothing to see here
Sparx said:
America's working families had a huge victory Thursday when the
U.S. House of Representatives voted to stop bush's
outrageous overtime pay cut.
Democrats fought for and passed, with bipartisan support, an
amendment to restore overtime pay rights for some 6 million
workers while leaving in place the one change that expands
overtime coverage to 384,000 low-income workers. That's a
win-win situation for working families....But, bush threatens to veto.
Proves he doesn't give a damn about american workers.


I submit to all the folks on SOMD that the above is a forgery, not written by Sparx. It appears to me that the spacing, margins and content are all wrong.


Sparx said:
America's working families had a huge victory Thursday when the
U.S. House of Representatives voted to stop bush's
outrageous overtime pay cut.
Democrats fought for and passed, with bipartisan support, an
amendment to restore overtime pay rights for some 6 million
workers while leaving in place the one change that expands
overtime coverage to 384,000 low-income workers.
That's a
win-win situation for working families....But, bush threatens to veto.
Proves he doesn't give a damn about american workers.

You truly are a moron. Overtime was designed to protect and enhance wages of the low income hourly workers, he did that to the tune of 384,000. Instead of socking it to business and adding all that overtime to the 384,000 people who really need it without some concession, he took it away from those making over $100,000 who don't really need it or were not getting it anyway.

What they have done now is just add additional burden to busines (the people who make jobs BTW) so now they will just ship those jobs to Parguay so they don't have to pay so much overtime. So in Bushes plan the 384,000+ who deserved overtime protection got it, the ones who don't because they make $100,000 didn't. Now many of those people who should have gotten it will get nothing, NOTHING, NADA, ZIP when their job assembling Red Radio Flyer wagons goes to Juan in Parguay.

"Doesn't care about American workers" HA! Thats why he expanded OT coverage to include the ones who really need it. I think the Democrats and big labor are the ones who don't give a damn about the American worker, they just signed the deal that will eliminate many of their jobs. They only care about lining their pockets with Union money. On the bright side you will have something to whine about in about a year when outsourcing goes even stronger. When will you libs ever learn that economics is a zero sum gain.

BTW how is Union Membership, I hear it is down to 7%.
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Sparx said:
America's working families had a huge victory Thursday when the
U.S. House of Representatives voted to stop bush's
outrageous overtime pay cut.
Democrats fought for and passed, with bipartisan support, an
amendment to restore overtime pay rights for some 6 million
workers while leaving in place the one change that expands
overtime coverage to 384,000 low-income workers. That's a
win-win situation for working families....But, bush threatens to veto.
Proves he doesn't give a damn about american workers.


I guess since that business with the Bush Memo's isn't panning out, it's back to grasping at straws...

Now, I might not have all the facts on this story, so correct me if I'm wrong on anything here...

1) Overtime is a "right" now? The right to a speedy trial, the right to free speech, the right to vote - and the right to overtime. I'll have to explain this one to my boss, since my salary is just about to jump 30% per year.

2) The people's who "rights" that are being trampled are civil servants... i.e. government employees, i.e. paid by my taxes.

3) So this means, you're, like, touting this continued theft from me and my children as a triumph for "american workers"?

So what am I? Chopped liver?


New Member
What they have done now is just add additional burden to busines (the people who make jobs BTW) so now they will just ship those jobs to Parguay so they don't have to pay so much overtime.

Seems just a day ago outsourcing was a good thing to you guys. Spin, Spin Spin.


Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to think liberals believe that businesses' only reason to exist is to provide money and benefits to employees. Businesses have this endless supply of wealth that has NO BEARING whatsoever to production costs and competition from others. Businesses are always the "enemy" unless they're union workers or pledge their votes to Democrats. They'd cut open the golden goose to get all of the gold.

You can't keep raising the cost of an employee to businesses and still expect them to be competitive around the world. Raise the costs enough, and they have to go elsewhere. The alternative is shutdown.

Seems to me the Bush overtime pay cut was *EXACTLY* what workers needed - a near guaranteed access to overtime pay for those who need it, from those who don't.


Sparx said:
What they have done now is just add additional burden to busines (the people who make jobs BTW) so now they will just ship those jobs to Parguay so they don't have to pay so much overtime.

Seems just a day ago outsourcing was a good thing to you guys. Spin, Spin Spin.
You are they guys that cry about outsourcing then pass legislation by the fistload that forces business to throw their hands in the air and move jobs to 3rd world countries. :shrug: You tell me.

Which way do you want it? Stop outsourcing or ample decent paying jobs? BTW this dealt another blow to big labor because most of your dues paying memebers jobs are the ones going overseas. :roflmao: :loser:


SamSpade said:
I'm beginning to think liberals believe that businesses' only reason to exist is to provide money and benefits to employees. Businesses have this endless supply of wealth that has NO BEARING whatsoever to production costs and competition from others. Businesses are always the "enemy" unless they're union workers or pledge their votes to Democrats. They'd cut open the golden goose to get all of the gold.

You can't keep raising the cost of an employee to businesses and still expect them to be competitive around the world. Raise the costs enough, and they have to go elsewhere. The alternative is shutdown.

Seems to me the Bush overtime pay cut was *EXACTLY* what workers needed - a near guaranteed access to overtime pay for those who need it, from those who don't.
You know socialists never worry about money, hell they can just print more.


New Member
My biggest problem with all that is CEO compensation and the GREED corporate America has shown throughout American history. bush's plans just keep putting more money into a few wealthy GREEDY hands...his family included. Before you point out how wealthy Kerry's family is consider the policies he's proposing to keep these things I deplore in check. Talk about Edwards?.. he made his own money taking it from the corporate fat cats and giving it back those who were hurt by them.


Well-Known Member
Edwards made his fortune as a personal injury lawyer, and typically pocketed about a third of the haul. Most of it was over lawsuits that claimed that C-sections performed on plaintiffs caused cerebral palsy in the fetus, a claim that is almost universally disproved. He made his fortune suing doctors over a lie. A TRUE ambulance chaser.


Sparx said:
My biggest problem with all that is CEO compensation and the GREED corporate America has shown throughout American history. bush's plans just keep putting more money into a few wealthy GREEDY hands...his family included. Before you point out how wealthy Kerry's family is consider the policies he's proposing to keep these things I deplore in check. Talk about Edwards?.. he made his own money taking it from the corporate fat cats and giving it back those who were hurt by them.
You have got to be effing kidding me. Edwards taking 30% of a settlement after expenses is being benevolent !! Put down the airplane glue and the paper bag you are huffing out of.

And not a single effing policy that Kerry is proposing will affect him or his wifes inherited fortune so of course he doesn't give a rats ass.

Get this, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT SET CEO PAY SCALES. Geeezus where do you people come from? It is not a Republican thing either, because Clinton didn't set any CEO pay scales either !!

Why do you interchange the words greed and work so easily? If the wealthy earn money why are they greedy but if you earn money you are hard working? Greed? Corporate Greed? The corporate profits are in part returned to the company as capital investments and in part returned to the shareholders, yea shareholders, that means me, you, those who own the stocks, the people who own the mutual funds that own the stocks, the retirement funds that own the shares and so on. If the shareholders are unhappy with a CEO or his compensation package they can vote their shares and get the board to oust him.

As far as CEO pay, if you were offered a job tomorrow not much more difficult than what you do now at the socialist headquarters where you work for $500,000, you are telling me you would wretch and say no because you wouldn't want to be greedy?


Sparx said:
My biggest problem with all that is CEO compensation and the GREED corporate America has shown throughout American history. bush's plans just keep putting more money into a few wealthy GREEDY hands...his family included. Before you point out how wealthy Kerry's family is consider the policies he's proposing to keep these things I deplore in check. Talk about Edwards?.. he made his own money taking it from the corporate fat cats and giving it back those who were hurt by them.
OK Einstien, whay has Kerry proposed that will directly reduce a CEO's compensation package? It is not gevernments job to worry about the profitability of a corporation communism. Is he advocating that government set pay levels for corporations now communism? Is he going to limit the profit and profitability of industries communism? Sparx admit it you are a communist. You have no problem living in squalor with your governement alloted daily ration as long as everyone else is wallowing with you. Sorry pal, I refuse to give up my unailenable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so you don't feel slighted because someone makes way more money than you do.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Pete said:
You know socialists never worry about money, hell they can just print more.
Germany tried that early last century.

Worked great.... So long as you had a wheelbarrow full of money to trade for a bottle of milk and loaf of bread.


Kyle said:
Germany tried that early last century.

Worked great.... So long as you had a wheelbarrow full of money to trade for a bottle of milk and loaf of bread.
It works in an isolated country, but not in a global one. Your money has to be worth something internationally or you are shot. Inflation, ask Jimmy Carter I am sure he can tell you a bunch about inflation.


New Member
Open Your Effing Eyes People...you're On A Losing Side And Again Using Insults And Spin To Try To Defend Your Presidents Let The Rich Get Richer And Screw The Little Guy Policies.


Sparx said:
Open Your Effing Eyes People...you're On A Losing Side And Again Using Insults And Spin To Try To Defend Your Presidents Let The Rich Get Richer And Screw The Little Guy Policies.
Good reply :yay: Could you do me a favor and adjust the tin foil helmet you are wearing a little to the right? It is reflecting sun into my eyes. TIA


Set Trippin
Pete said:
Good reply :yay: Could you do me a favor and adjust the tin foil helmet you are wearing a little to the right? It is reflecting sun into my eyes. TIA
That one got me...:roflmao: :killingme


In the hizzle
Sparx said:
Open Your Effing Eyes People...you're On A Losing Side And Again Using Insults And Spin To Try To Defend Your Presidents Let The Rich Get Richer And Screw The Little Guy Policies.

My eyes are open and seems to me you are frustrated because you got slammed in this debate, but hey ....your views are your views.


Sparx said:
America's working families had a huge victory Thursday when the
U.S. House of Representatives voted to stop bush's
outrageous overtime pay cut.
Democrats fought for and passed, with bipartisan support, an
amendment to restore overtime pay rights for some 6 million
workers while leaving in place the one change that expands
overtime coverage to 384,000 low-income workers. That's a
win-win situation for working families....But, bush threatens to veto.
Proves he doesn't give a damn about american workers.


:howdy: Sparx!!