Bush to Announce Supreme Court Nominee at 9pm


Super Genius
Hopefully he won't pull the name out of an envelope or have a commercial break right before saying the name :lol:


She ain't too bad looking either. Maybe Bill will get Hillary to appoint him to the Supreme Court if she becomes Prez so he can check out some hot Justice lovin'. :love:


New Member
billydog said:
He looks like a clown in that picture! And I love the man!

He looks a little like this ----> :jet:


  • SCOTUS_BUSH.sff_DCSA206_20050719124006.jpg
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New Member
billydog said:
But just a little more retarded...! :lol:

It took me a few minutes but I figured out how to attach the picture... there is some resemblence to that smilie - the brows and mouth.

Why would they use such a terrible picture?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Precious said:
Could they have found a less flattering picture of our President?
If they could have, I'm sure they'd have used it. AP hates Bush and is pretty blatant with its bias.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
If they could have, I'm sure they'd have used it. AP hates Bush and is pretty blatant with its bias.

CNN didn't have one that looked much better on their homepage...

--------> :frown:


  • top.1546.bush.ap.jpg
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New Member
vraiblonde said:
If they could have, I'm sure they'd have used it. AP hates Bush and is pretty blatant with its bias.

Wow, the AP is biased? Absolutely ridiculous. I can take you saying the Post, CNN, MSNBC, or Fox are biased, but the AP? The AP has a long, established tradition of being completely neutral on political matters because its stories/pictures are offered to every single newspaper in America, regardless of political affliation. If the AP was biased, only half of the nation's newspapers would pick up its stories, meaning that it would have gone outta business a long time ago.


rraley said:
If the AP was biased, only half of the nation's newspapers would pick up its stories, meaning that it would have gone outta business a long time ago.

Does this mean you are implying that only HALF of the newspapers in this country are biased??


New Member
billydog said:
Does this mean you are implying that only HALF of the newspapers in this country are biased??

I'm implying that half of the papers in this nation are liberal leaning and vrai was implying that the AP was liberally biased, which I say is complete crap.

BTW, in the 2004 Election, more newspapers endorsed President Bush than Senator Kerry...shows to me that there is not this overwhelming liberal bias in the media.


New Member
According to Yahoo..

President Bush has selected Judge John C. Roberts for the Supreme Court vacancy. Link

It looks like there will be a major challenge to this guy's confirmation; solid conservative to replace a swing vote means that leftist groups are gonna press hard for his blockage.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Wow, the AP is biased? Absolutely ridiculous.
You are insane. Either that or you're just so used to liberal bias that you don't even notice it anymore.

Why would they use those stupid pictures of Bush? They used that :jet: one not once but TWICE.

I shall dig up some of their archives and point out the adjectives and adverbs that color their stories.


New Member
From a quick reading of some background information on Judge Roberts, this is some early conclusions I have drawn. First of all, reliable conservative. Secondly, more moderate temperament (aka, Rehnquist style rather than Scalia style). He is highly, highly qualified to be on the Supreme Court.

While it is apparent that he is not a big fan of Roe v. Wade (he authored a brief for the Court that argued for its reversal), and despite the fact that he is being named to fill the vacancy of Justice O'Connor (whose swing positioning makes her seat all the more valuable to both sides), I don't see any reasoning for his *potential* filibuster. Even if Roberts decides one day to overturn Roe, there are still five votes to uphold it (the four of the liberal bloc plus Kennedy).

For me, a judicial nominee's most important characteristic is temperament. Roberts' has a relaxed, reasoned one and that is the type we need on the Court. So, I say he should be confirmed.